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Created October 28, 2014 18:43
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Markdown headers to outline conversion
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk,query)
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
--Functions to first build up a new document consisting of
--all the header blocks or all the bold entries outside of headers.
--These will be recombined into a new document.
extractBolds :: [Block] -> [Block]
extractBolds x = foldl (++) [] (map extractHeaderOrBold x)
extractHeaderOrBold :: Block -> [Block]
extractHeaderOrBold (Header n m xs) = [Header n m xs]
extractHeaderOrBold x = query extractBold x
extractBold :: Inline -> [Block]
extractBold (Strong xs) = [Para xs]
extractBold x = []
--List junk--probably are better ways to do this.
--First, adding a paragraph to the end of a block of blocks
--(the basic element in an outline)
addParaToEnd :: [[Block]] -> Block -> [[Block]]
addParaToEnd [] b = [[b]]
addParaToEnd a b = do
let end = last a
let start = init a
let newend = reverse $ addParaToFront (reverse end) b
start ++ [newend]
-- Patterning matching on the end is difficult, so we actually add to the
-- front of a reversed list.
addParaToFront :: [Block] -> Block -> [Block]
-- Adding a para to a nested list should drop down the nest.
addParaToFront ((OrderedList attr sublist):xs) newblock = do
let newList = OrderedList attr $ addParaToEnd sublist newblock
addParaToFront (x:xs) newblock = do
addParaToFront _ newblock = [newblock]
-- Here's another goofy first-last pairing for adding outlines
ensureOutlineAtFront :: [Block] -> [Block]
--Make sure the first element is an outline.
ensureOutlineAtFront ((OrderedList attr xbs):xs) = ((OrderedList attr xbs):xs)
ensureOutlineAtFront xs = (emptyOrderedList):xs
ensureOutlineAtEnd :: [Block] -> [Block]
ensureOutlineAtEnd [] = [emptyOrderedList]
ensureOutlineAtEnd xs = reverse $ ensureOutlineAtFront $ reverse xs
--lots of patterning matching to avoid adding to lists, and to ensure that
--we generate a new numbered outline where necessary.
-- This is the actual action; it drops a block into the right position in
-- an outline, and is continually called via a `foldl` function.
--If the header level is greater than 1, it recurses on itself adding
--a new outline, if necessary, to the last element in the current outline.
addToOutline :: Block -> Block -> Block
addToOutline (OrderedList attr xs) (Header n hattr headerlines)
| n > 1 && null xs = do
OrderedList attr [[OrderedList attr [[addToOutline emptyOrderedList lowerHeader]]]]
| n > 1 = do
let oldpart = init xs
let lastelement = ensureOutlineAtEnd (last xs)
let firstlast = init lastelement
let lastlast = last lastelement
let newLastLast = addToOutline lastlast lowerHeader
let newLastBlock = firstlast ++ [newLastLast]
OrderedList attr (oldpart ++ [newLastBlock])
| n == 1 = OrderedList attr (xs ++ [[(Para headerlines)]])
lowerHeader = Header (n-1) hattr headerlines
-- The basic appender takes either an OrderedList
-- or a header; different behaviors for each one.
appendOutline :: Block -> Block -> Block
appendOutline (OrderedList attr xs) (Para xbs) = do
OrderedList attr $ addParaToEnd xs (Para [(Strong xbs)])
appendOutline oldlist newheader = do
addToOutline oldlist newheader
-- Convenience function for building an ordered pandoc list with default settings
emptyOrderedList = OrderedList ( 1 , DefaultStyle , DefaultDelim ) []
-- The overall action: first build out the list of bolds and headers,
-- and then fold them all together into a new outline,
-- and finally return a new Pandoc dcoument consisting of just that outline.
outlineReturn :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
outlineReturn (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
let newData = foldl appendOutline emptyOrderedList (extractBolds blocks)
Pandoc meta [newData]
--Very broken-down functions to actually read and write.
readDoc :: String -> Pandoc
readDoc = readMarkdown def
writeDoc :: Pandoc -> String
writeDoc = writeJSON def
main :: IO ()
main = interact (writeDoc . outlineReturn . readDoc)
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pandocfilters import *
import json
import sys
def appendHeader(v):
global newtext
text = v['c'][2]
level = v['c'][0]
thisLevel = newtext['c'][1]
for i in range(1,level):
previousList = thisLevel
thisLevel = previousList
typeofLast = thisLevel[-1][-1]['t']
if typeofLast=="Plain":
thisLevel = previousList[-1][-1]['c'][1]
thisLevel = previousList[-1][-1]['c'][1]
def query(k, v, f, meta):
global lines
global newtext
thisLevel = newtext
if k == 'Strong':
while True:
lastType = thisLevel['c'][1][-1][-1]['t']
if lastType=="Plain":
elif lastType=="OrderedList":
thisLevel = thisLevel['c'][1][-1][-1]
def newList():
The germ of an ordered list.
return {"c":[[1,{"t":"DefaultStyle","c":[]},{"t":"DefaultDelim","c":[]}],[]],"t":"OrderedList"}
def bolded(v):
global lines
global meta
lines = []
return lines
if __name__ == "__main__":
global meta
global newtext
document = json.load(sys.stdin)
meta = document[0]
text = document[1]
newtext = newList()
level = 0
for item in text:
if item['t']=="Header":
for term in bolded(item):
document[1] = [newtext]
print json.dumps(document)
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