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Last active December 25, 2015 00:59
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  • Save bmschmidt/6891991 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bmschmidt/6891991 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A BibLaTeX zotero translator specially designed to work with the BibLaTeX-Chicago library, which has a few special rules about how to translate different sorts of documents into appropriate citations. Most of this is simply adapted from the existing BibLaTeX Chicago plugin; but it has a few other nice features the original translator lacks, such…
"creator":"Simon Kornblith, Richard Karnesky, Anders Johansson and Ben Schmidt",
"displayOptions": {
"exportCharset": "UTF-8",
"exportNotes": false,
"exportFileData": false,
"useJournalAbbreviation": false
"lastUpdated":"2013-08-01 18:00"
//%a = first author surname
//%y = year
//%t = first word of title
var citeKeyFormat = "%a_%t_%y";
var fieldMap = {
// edition:"edition", //Not necessary in citations.
rights:"rights", //it's rights in zotero nowadays
//more conversions done below with special rules
//"programTitle", "bookTitle" //TODO, check!!
// accessDate:"accessDate", //only written on attached webpage snapshots by zo
// journalAbbreviation:"journalAbbreviation", //not supported by bl
// country:"country", //TODO if patent, should be put into 'location'
var zotero2biblatexTypeMap = {
//Biblatex-Chicago needs these additional changes for periodical articles distinct from journal articles.
var zotero2biblatexEntrysubtypeMap = {
var alwaysMap = {
"{" : "\\{",
"}" : "\\}"
// some fields are, in fact, macros. If that is the case then we should not put the
// data in the braces as it will cause the macros to not expand properly
function writeField(field, value, isMacro, noEscape) {
if(!value && typeof value != "number") return;
value = value + ""; // convert integers to strings
Zotero.write(",\n\t" + field + " = ");
if (!isMacro) Zotero.write("{");
// url field is preserved, for use with \href and \url
// Other fields (DOI?) may need similar treatment
if (!noEscape && !isMacro && !(field == "url" || field == "doi" || field == "file" || field == "lccn")) {
//var titleCase = isTitleCase(value); //figure this out before escaping all the characters
// I hope these are all the escape characters! (except for < > which are handled later)
value = value.replace(/[|\~\^\\\{\}]/g, mapEscape).replace(/[\#\$\%\&\_]/g, "\\$&");
//convert the HTML markup allowed in Zotero for rich text to TeX
value = mapHTMLmarkup(value);
//escape < > if mapHTMLmarkup did not convert some
value = value.replace(/[<>]/g, mapEscape);
if (field == "title" || field == "type" || field == "shorttitle" || field == "booktitle" || field == "series") {
if (!titleCase) {
//protect caps for everything but the first letter
value = value.replace(/(.)([A-Z]+)/g, "$1{$2}");
} else { //protect all-caps vords and initials
value = value.replace(/([\s.->])([A-Z]+)(?=\.)/g, "$1{$2}"); //protect initials
if(value.toUpperCase() != value) value = value.replace(/([\s>])([A-Z]{2,})(?=[\.,\s<]|$)/g, "$1{$2}");
//Something like this would be real useful for me: quotation marks inside titles should be handled intelligently as enquoted.
// if (field == "title") {
// value = value.replace(/"([^"+])"/g, "\\enquote{$1}");
// }
// Case of words with uppercase characters in non-initial positions is preserved with braces.
// treat hyphen as whitespace for this purpose so that Large-scale etc. don't get enclosed
// treat curly bracket as whitespace because of mark-up immediately preceding word
// treat opening parentheses &brackets as whitespace
if (field != "pages") {
value = value.replace(/([^\s-\}\(\[]+[A-Z][^\s,]*)/g, "{$1}");
// use en-dashes for page and year ranges.
if (field == "pages" || field=="title") {
value = value.replace(/(\d+)-(\d+)/g, "$1--$2");
if (field == "location") { //Only list first place of publication: CMS 17.99
value = value.replace(/ ?\{?;.*/g, "");
if (field == "pages") {
value = value.replace(/(\d+)-(\d+)/g, "$1--$2");
//we write utf8
//convert the HTML markup allowed in Zotero for rich text to TeX; excluding doi/url/file shouldn't be necessary, but better to be safe;
if (!((field == "url") || (field == "doi") || (field == "file"))) value = mapHTMLmarkup(value);
if (!isMacro) Zotero.write("}");
function mapHTMLmarkup(characters){
//converts the HTML markup allowed in Zotero for rich text to TeX
//since < and > have already been escaped, we need this rather hideous code - I couldn't see a way around it though.
//italics and bold
characters = characters.replace(/\{\\textless\}i\{\\textgreater\}(((?!\{\\textless\}\/i{\\textgreater\}).)+)\{\\textless\}\/i{\\textgreater\}/, "\\textit{$1}").replace(/\{\\textless\}b\{\\textgreater\}(((?!\{\\textless\}\/b{\\textgreater\}).)+)\{\\textless\}\/b{\\textgreater\}/g, "\\textbf{$1}");
//sub and superscript
characters = characters.replace(/\{\\textless\}sup\{\\textgreater\}(((?!\{\\textless\}\/sup\{\\textgreater\}).)+)\{\\textless\}\/sup{\\textgreater\}/g, "\$^{\\textrm{$1}}\$").replace(/\{\\textless\}sub\{\\textgreater\}(((?!\{\\textless\}\/sub\{\\textgreater\}).)+)\{\\textless\}\/sub\{\\textgreater\}/g, "\$_{\\textrm{$1}}\$");
//two variants of small caps
characters = characters.replace(/\{\\textless\}span\sstyle=\"small\-caps\"\{\\textgreater\}(((?!\{\\textless\}\/span\{\\textgreater\}).)+)\{\\textless\}\/span{\\textgreater\}/g, "\\textsc{$1}").replace(/\{\\textless\}sc\{\\textgreater\}(((?!\{\\textless\}\/sc\{\\textgreater\}).)+)\{\\textless\}\/sc\{\\textgreater\}/g, "\\textsc{$1}");
return characters;
//Disable the isTitleCase function until we decide what to do with it.
/* const skipWords = ["but", "or", "yet", "so", "for", "and", "nor",
"a", "an", "the", "at", "by", "from", "in", "into", "of", "on",
"to", "with", "up", "down", "as", "while", "aboard", "about",
"above", "across", "after", "against", "along", "amid", "among",
"anti", "around", "as", "before", "behind", "below", "beneath",
"beside", "besides", "between", "beyond", "but", "despite",
"down", "during", "except", "for", "inside", "like", "near",
"off", "onto", "over", "past", "per", "plus", "round", "save",
"since", "than", "through", "toward", "towards", "under",
"underneath", "unlike", "until", "upon", "versus", "via",
"within", "without"];
function isTitleCase(string) {
const wordRE = /[\s[(]([^\s,\.:?!\])]+)/g;
var word;
while (word = wordRE.exec(string)) {
word = word[1];
if(\d/) != -1 //ignore words with numbers (including just numbers)
|| skipWords.indexOf(word.toLowerCase()) != -1) {
if(word.toLowerCase() == word) return false;
return true;
function mapEscape(character) {
return alwaysMap[character];
// a little substitution function for BibTeX keys, where we don't want LaTeX
// escaping, but we do want to preserve the base characters
function tidyAccents(s) {
var r=s.toLowerCase();
// XXX Remove conditional when we drop Zotero 2.1.x support
// This is supported in Zotero 3.0 and higher
if (ZU.removeDiacritics !== undefined)
r = ZU.removeDiacritics(r, true);
else {
// We fall back on the replacement list we used previously
r = r.replace(new RegExp("[ä]", 'g'),"ae");
r = r.replace(new RegExp("[ö]", 'g'),"oe");
r = r.replace(new RegExp("[ü]", 'g'),"ue");
r = r.replace(new RegExp("[àáâãå]", 'g'),"a");
r = r.replace(new RegExp("æ", 'g'),"ae");
r = r.replace(new RegExp("ç", 'g'),"c");
r = r.replace(new RegExp("[èéêë]", 'g'),"e");
r = r.replace(new RegExp("[ìíîï]", 'g'),"i");
r = r.replace(new RegExp("ñ", 'g'),"n");
r = r.replace(new RegExp("[òóôõ]", 'g'),"o");
r = r.replace(new RegExp("œ", 'g'),"oe");
r = r.replace(new RegExp("[ùúû]", 'g'),"u");
r = r.replace(new RegExp("[ýÿ]", 'g'),"y");
return r;
var numberRe = /^[0-9]+/;
// Below is a list of words that should not appear as part of the citation key
// in includes the indefinite articles of English, German, French and Spanish, as well as a small set of English prepositions whose
// force is more grammatical than lexical, i.e. which are likely to strike many as 'insignificant'.
// The assumption is that most who want a title word in their key would prefer the first word of significance.
var citeKeyTitleBannedRe = /\b(a|an|the|some|from|on|in|to|of|do|with|der|die|das|ein|eine|einer|eines|einem|einen|un|une|la|le|l\'|el|las|los|al|uno|una|unos|unas|de|des|del|d\')(\s+|\b)/g;
var citeKeyConversionsRe = /%([a-zA-Z])/;
var citeKeyCleanRe = /[^a-z0-9\!\$\&\*\+\-\.\/\:\;\<\>\?\[\]\^\_\`\|]+/g;
var citeKeyConversions = {
"a":function (flags, item) {
if(item.creators && item.creators[0] && item.creators[0].lastName) {
return item.creators[0].lastName.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,"_").replace(/,/g,"");
return "";
"t":function (flags, item) {
if (item["title"]) {
return item["title"].toLowerCase().replace(citeKeyTitleBannedRe, "").split(/\s+/g)[0];
return "";
"y":function (flags, item) {
if( {
var date = Zotero.Utilities.strToDate(;
if(date.year && numberRe.test(date.year)) {
return date.year;
return "????";
function buildCiteKey (item,citekeys) {
var basekey = "";
var counter = 0;
citeKeyFormatRemaining = citeKeyFormat;
while (citeKeyConversionsRe.test(citeKeyFormatRemaining)) {
if (counter > 100) {
Zotero.debug("Pathological BibTeX format: " + citeKeyFormat);
var m = citeKeyFormatRemaining.match(citeKeyConversionsRe);
if (m.index > 0) {
//add data before the conversion match to basekey
basekey = basekey + citeKeyFormatRemaining.substr(0, m.index);
var flags = ""; // for now
var f = citeKeyConversions[m[1]];
if (typeof(f) == "function") {
var value = f(flags, item);
Zotero.debug("Got value " + value + " for %" + m[1]);
//add conversion to basekey
basekey = basekey + value;
citeKeyFormatRemaining = citeKeyFormatRemaining.substr(m.index + m.length);
if (citeKeyFormatRemaining.length > 0) {
basekey = basekey + citeKeyFormatRemaining;
// for now, remove any characters not explicitly known to be allowed;
// we might want to allow UTF-8 citation keys in the future, depending
// on implementation support.
// no matter what, we want to make sure we exclude
// " # % ' ( ) , = { } ~ and backslash
// however, we want to keep the base characters
basekey = tidyAccents(basekey);
basekey = basekey.replace(citeKeyCleanRe, "");
var citekey = basekey;
var i = 0;
while(citekeys[citekey]) {
citekey = basekey + "-" + i;
citekeys[citekey] = true;
return citekey;
function doExport() {
//Zotero.write("% biblatex export generated by Zotero "+Zotero.Utilities.getVersion());
// to make sure the BOM gets ignored
var first = true;
var citekeys = new Object();
var item;
while(item = Zotero.nextItem()) {
//don't export standalone notes and attachments
if(item.itemType == "note" || item.itemType == "attachment") continue;
// determine type
var type = zotero2biblatexTypeMap[item.itemType];
//addition by Ben Schmidt to add a entrysubtype for types defined by the biblatex-chicago style. Currently, just for newspaper and magazine articles
if (zotero2biblatexEntrysubtypeMap[item.itemType] !== undefined) {
item['entrysubtype'] = zotero2biblatexEntrysubtypeMap[item.itemType]
if (typeof(type) == "function") { type = type(item); }
if(!type) type = "misc";
// create a unique citation key
var citekey = buildCiteKey(item, citekeys);
// write citation key (removed the comma)
Zotero.write((first ? "" : "\n\n") + "@"+type+"{"+citekey);
first = false;
for(var field in fieldMap) {
if(item[fieldMap[field]]) {
writeField(field, item[fieldMap[field]]);
// Fields needing special treatment and not easily translatable via fieldMap
//e.g. where fieldname translation is dependent upon type, or special transformations
//has to be made
//all kinds of numbers (biblatex has additional support for journal number != issue, but zotero has not)
if(item.reportNumber || item.seriesNumber || item.patentNumber || item.billNumber || item.episodeNumber || item.number) {
writeField("number", item.reportNumber || item.seriesNumber || item.patentNumber || item.billNumber || item.episodeNumber|| item.number);
if(item.publicationTitle) {
if(item.itemType == "bookSection" || item.itemType == "conferencePaper") {
writeField("booktitle", item.publicationTitle);
} else if (item.itemType == "magazineArticle" || item.itemType == "newspaperArticle"){
writeField("journaltitle", item.publicationTitle);
} else if (item.itemType == "journalArticle") {
writeField("journal", item.journalAbbreviation);
} else {
writeField("journaltitle", item.publicationTitle);
writeField("shortjournal", item.journalAbbreviation);
// else if (item.itemType == "website" || item.itemType == "forumPost" || item.itemType == "blogPost" || item.itemType == "tvBroadcast" || item.itemType == "radioBroadcast") {
// writeField("titleaddon", item.publicationTitle);
//do nothing as websiteTitle, forumTitle, blogTitle,
//programTitle seems
//to be just aliases for publicationTitle and already
//are correctly mapped below
// }
else {
//writeField("journaltitle", item.publicationTitle);
//TODO, did we miss something
//TODO: check what happens to bookTitle, is that also an alias for publicationTitle?
if(item.encyclopediaTitle || item.dictionaryTitle || item.proceedingsTitle) {
writeField("booktitle",item.encyclopediaTitle || item.dictionaryTitle || item.proceedingsTitle);
if(item.websiteTitle || item.forumTitle || item.blogTitle || item.programTitle) {
writeField("titleaddon", item.websiteTitle || item.forumTitle || item.blogTitle || item.programTitle);
//don't really know if this is the best way
if(item.seriesTitle) {
} else if(item.series) {
if(item.publisher) {
if(item.itemType == "thesis") {
writeField("school", item.publisher); //school is an acceptable alias in biblatex
} else if(item.itemType =="report") {
writeField("institution", item.publisher);
} else {
writeField("publisher", item.publisher);
//things concerning "type"
if(item.itemType == "letter"){
} else {
writeField("type","Letter"); //this isn't optimal, perhaps later versions of biblatex will add some suitable localization key
} else if(item.itemType == "email"){
writeField("type", "E-mail");
} else if(item.manuscriptType || item.thesisType || item.websiteType || item.presentationType || item.reportType || item.mapType) {
writeField("type", item.manuscriptType || item.thesisType || item.websiteType || item.presentationType || item.reportType || item.mapType);
if(item.presentationType || item.manuscriptType){
writeField("howpublished", item.presentationType || item.manuscriptType);
//case of specific eprint-archives in archive-fields
if(item.archive && item.archiveLocation) {
if(item.archive == "arXiv" || item.archive == "arxiv") {
writeField("eprinttype", "arxiv");
writeField("eprint", item.archiveLocation);
if(item.callNumber) {//assume call number is used for arxiv class
writeField("eprintclass", item.callNumber)
} else if(item.archive = "JSTOR" || item.archive == "jstor") {
writeField("eprinttype", "jstor");
writeField("eprint", item.archiveLocation);
} else if(item.archive = "PubMed" || item.archive == "pubmed") {
writeField("eprinttype", "pubmed");
writeField("eprint", item.archiveLocation);
} else if(item.archive = "HDL" || item.archive == "hdl") {
writeField("eprinttype", "hdl");
writeField("eprint", item.archiveLocation);
} else if(item.archive = "googlebooks" || item.archive == "Google Books") {
writeField("eprinttype", "googlebooks");
writeField("eprint", item.archiveLocation);
if(item.creators && item.creators.length) {
// split creators into subcategories
var author = "";
var bookauthor = "";
var commentator = "";
var editor = "";
var editora = "";
var editorb = "";
var holder = "";
var translator = "";
var noEscape = false;
for each(var creator in item.creators) {
//var creatorString = creator.lastName;
if (creator.firstName && creator.lastName) {
creatorString = creator.lastName + ", " + creator.firstName;
//below to preserve possible corporate creators (biblatex 1.4a manual 2.3.3)
} else if (creator.fieldMode == true) { // fieldMode true, assume corporate author
creatorString = "{" + creator.lastName + "}"; noEscape = true;
if (creator.creatorType == "author" || creator.creatorType == "interviewer" || creator.creatorType == "director" || creator.creatorType == "programmer" || creator.creatorType == "artist" || creator.creatorType == "podcaster" || creator.creatorType == "presenter") {
author += " and "+creatorString;
} else if (creator.creatorType == "bookAuthor") {
bookauthor += " and "+creatorString;
} else if (creator.creatorType == "commenter") {
commentator += " and "+creatorString;
} else if (creator.creatorType == "editor") {
editor += " and "+creatorString;
} else if (creator.creatorType == "inventor") {
holder += " and "+creatorString;
} else if (creator.creatorType == "translator") {
translator += " and "+creatorString;
} else if (creator.creatorType == "seriesEditor") {//let's call them redacors
editorb = +" and "+creatorString;
} else {// the rest into editora with editoratype = collaborator
editora += " and "+creatorString;
//remove first " and " string
if(author) {
writeField("author", author.substr(5), false, noEscape);
if(bookauthor) {
writeField("bookauthor", bookauthor.substr(5), false, noEscape);
if(commentator) {
writeField("commentator", commenter.substr(5), false, noEscape);
if(editor) {
writeField("editor", editor.substr(5), false, noEscape);
if(editora) {
writeField("editora", editora.substr(5), false, noEscape);
writeField("editoratype", "collaborator");
if(editorb) {
writeField("editorb", editorb.substr(5), false, noEscape);
writeField("editorbtype", "redactor");
if(holder) {
writeField("holder", holder.substr(5), false, noEscape);
if(translator) {
writeField("translator", translator.substr(5), false, noEscape);
// } else if(item.dateAdded){
// writeField("urldate",item.dateAdded.substr(0,10));
// }
//TODO enable handling of date ranges when that's added to zotero
if( {
writeField("date",; //biblatex is smart, so this works (but not with ranges)
if(item.extra) {
// this is for extracting fields not available in Zotero that one want's to use
// in BibLaTex. Add the data in Zotero's 'extra' field e.g. like this and it
// will be extracted:
// biblatexdata[chapter=3;origyear=1909]
var ex = item.extra.replace(/^.*biblatexdata\[|\].*$/g,"");
var blf = ex.split(";");
for each(var pair in blf){
var ps=pair.split("=",2);
} else{
writeField("note", item.extra);
if(item.tags && item.tags.length) {
var tagString = "";
for each(var tag in item.tags) {
tagString += ", "+tag.tag;
writeField("keywords", tagString.substr(2));
if (item.notes && Zotero.getOption("exportNotes")) {
for(var i in item.notes) {
var note = item.notes[i];
writeField("annote", Zotero.Utilities.unescapeHTML(note["note"]));
if(item.attachments) {
var attachmentString = "";
for(var i in item.attachments) {
var attachment = item.attachments[i];
if(Zotero.getOption("exportFileData") && attachment.saveFile) {
attachment.saveFile(attachment.defaultPath, true);
attachmentString += ";" + attachment.title + ":" + attachment.defaultPath + ":" + attachment.mimeType;
} else if(attachment.localPath) {
attachmentString += ";" + attachment.title + ":" + attachment.localPath + ":" + attachment.mimeType;
if(attachmentString) {
writeField("file", attachmentString.substr(1));
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