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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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  • Save bmurphy1976/e1707e75902f836f28dc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bmurphy1976/e1707e75902f836f28dc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
server A
root@cd8b0571b629:/# ifconfig eth0
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 02:42:c0:a8:01:15
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::42:c0ff:fea8:115/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:134210 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:848 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:6501820 (6.5 MB) TX bytes:96492 (96.4 KB)
root@cd8b0571b629:/# curl --connect-timeout 10 ; echo ""
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:00.201518 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:01.203659 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:01.282028 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:01.283642 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:01.513752 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:10:2f at 7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:01.514140 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:01.759689 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:01.821089 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:02.201615 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:02.753413 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:02.753515 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:03.201514 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:03.385021 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:03.997427 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:62 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:04.060569 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:64 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:04.203814 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:05.054411 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:65 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:05.201428 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:06.201488 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:06.765096 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:07.203677 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:08.201485 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:09.201456 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:10.203690 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:10.773037 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:11.201458 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:12.201462 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:13.203693 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:14.201453 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:15.201470 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:16.107121 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:16.107722 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce at
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:16.203698 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:17.201475 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:18.201482 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:19.203710 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:20.201477 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:21.201457 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:22.203683 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:22.700338 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection shutting down due to error: failed to establish UDP connectivity
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:22.700508 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection deleted
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:22.701197 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:22.701320 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:22.701475 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:22.701927 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:22.703764 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:22.703799 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:22.704543 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:22.705365 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:22.706292 ->[] completed handshake with 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:22.706906 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection added
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:22.707692 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e at
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:23.199962 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:23.201426 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:24.201489 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:25.213163 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:26.209480 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:27.209533 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:27.430187 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:28.212444 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:29.209478 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:30.209475 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:30.271432 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:31.212499 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:31.377834 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:31.379426 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:32.209495 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:33.209382 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:34.212428 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:35.209480 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:36.209484 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:37.212449 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:38.209553 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:39.209480 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:40.212459 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:41.209495 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:42.209533 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:43.212303 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:44.209503 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:45.209483 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:46.212387 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:47.209480 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:48.209509 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:49.212396 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:50.209542 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:50.944822 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:32 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:50.944848 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:34 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:50.944860 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:33 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:50.944873 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:10:2d at 7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:51.209524 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:52.212355 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:52.706498 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection shutting down due to error: failed to establish UDP connectivity
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:52.706717 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection deleted
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:52.707348 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:52.707524 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:52.707815 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:52.708071 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:52.711452 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:52.711980 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:52.713282 ->[] completed handshake with 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:52.713846 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection added
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:52.714691 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e at
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:52.724162 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:52.728718 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:53.209441 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:54.209503 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:55.214833 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:56.213527 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:57.213485 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:58.214891 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:46:59.213529 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:00.213547 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:01.214985 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:01.381113 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:01.382442 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:02.213540 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:03.213435 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:03.975342 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:66 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:04.214789 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:04.246951 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:67 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:04.394836 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:68 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:04.475459 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:05.213461 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:06.213451 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:07.214794 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:08.213456 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:09.213465 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:10.214793 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:11.213460 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:12.213525 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:13.214763 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:14.213467 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:15.213458 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:16.214742 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:17.213431 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:18.213484 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:19.214794 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:20.213475 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:21.213443 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.214779 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.713665 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection shutting down due to error: failed to establish UDP connectivity
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.713862 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection deleted
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.714421 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.714557 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.714684 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.714979 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.730752 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.731648 ->[] completed handshake with 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.732164 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection added
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.732886 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.733039 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.734084 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.734222 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.736205 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Cannot connect to ourself
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.734279 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.734322 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.737973 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.738713 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Cannot connect to ourself
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:22.742383 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e at
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:23.213605 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:24.213504 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:25.242368 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:26.241442 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:27.241472 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:28.735659 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:29.733481 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:30.733491 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:31.386809 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:31.387325 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:31.735668 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:32.733566 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:33.733476 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:34.735834 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:35.733481 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:36.733791 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:37.735633 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:38.733475 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:39.733522 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:40.735702 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:41.733473 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:42.733469 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:43.735722 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:44.733538 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:45.733487 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:46.741715 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:47.741473 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:48.741466 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:50.235672 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:50.945195 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:36 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:50.945221 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:35 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:50.945235 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:38 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:51.233514 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:52.233477 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:52.731915 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection shutting down due to error: failed to establish UDP connectivity
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:52.732199 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection deleted
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:52.732537 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:52.732697 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:52.733003 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:52.733364 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:52.734565 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:52.735949 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:52.736170 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:52.737241 ->[] completed handshake with 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:52.737690 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection added
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:52.738359 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e at
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:52.738767 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:53.238744 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:54.237511 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:55.237448 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:56.238747 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:57.237461 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:58.237493 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:47:59.238816 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:00.237467 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:01.237546 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:01.397870 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:01.399192 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:02.250147 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:03.249550 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:03.378596 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:69 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:03.887317 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:6a at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:03.983059 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:6b at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:04.249557 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:05.392740 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:06.389479 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:07.389504 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:08.738856 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:09.737528 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:10.737471 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:11.738824 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:12.737489 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:13.737493 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:14.738778 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:15.737519 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:16.737490 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:17.738743 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:18.737508 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:19.737523 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:20.738888 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:21.737472 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:22.737469 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:22.737542 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection shutting down due to error: failed to establish UDP connectivity
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:22.737893 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection deleted
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:22.738401 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:22.738734 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:22.738889 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:22.739077 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:22.740123 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:22.741586 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:22.742195 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:22.743792 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:22.744185 ->[] completed handshake with 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:22.744630 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection added
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:22.750022 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e at
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:23.738813 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:24.741459 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:25.737492 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:26.738714 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:27.737487 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:28.737496 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:29.745970 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:30.745483 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:31.152789 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:31.153669 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8b:d8:d8:4a:88 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:31.400656 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:31.401179 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:31.745471 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:32.745976 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:33.745478 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:34.745481 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:35.746140 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:36.745507 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:37.745466 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:38.745966 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:39.745492 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:40.745481 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:41.746013 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:42.745544 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:43.745538 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:44.746032 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:45.745583 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:45.884371 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:45.885571 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:02:0f:ac:19:f4 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:46.745483 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:47.745986 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:48.745511 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:49.745478 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:50.745946 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:50.946030 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:43 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:50.946058 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:3d at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:50.946101 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:42 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:51.745477 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:52.744420 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection shutting down due to error: failed to establish UDP connectivity
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:52.744636 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection deleted
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:52.745074 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:52.745149 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:52.745165 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:52.745180 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:52.747029 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:52.747900 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:52.749910 ->[] completed handshake with 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:52.750277 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection added
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:52.754017 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e at
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:52.763965 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:52.766780 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:53.746823 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:54.745497 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:55.745520 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:56.746814 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:57.745476 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:58.745486 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:48:59.752967 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:00.749472 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:01.412773 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:01.418428 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:01.749544 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:02.753309 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:03.749500 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:04.312733 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:6c at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:04.533569 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:6d at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:04.703552 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:6e at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:04.749489 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:05.753075 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:06.749461 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:07.749481 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:08.753005 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:09.749507 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:10.749488 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:11.752970 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:12.749487 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:13.749475 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:14.753010 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:15.749481 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:16.749486 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:17.752958 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:18.749474 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:19.749482 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:20.752899 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:21.749479 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:22.749479 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:22.763518 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:22.764077 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection shutting down due to error: write tcp4 broken pipe
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:22.764357 ->[] completed handshake with 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:22.765065 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection deleted
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:22.765694 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection added
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:23.754579 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:24.753455 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:25.753459 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:26.754624 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:27.753460 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:28.753474 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:29.765990 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:30.765463 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:31.416684 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:31.417953 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:31.765485 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:32.766010 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:33.765470 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:34.765500 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:35.765810 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:36.765481 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:37.765451 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:38.765810 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:39.765477 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:40.765485 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:41.765878 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:42.765483 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:43.765484 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:44.765957 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:45.765451 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:46.765484 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:47.765902 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:48.765549 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:49.765479 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:50.765871 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:50.946354 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:46 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:50.946384 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:44 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:50.946396 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:45 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:51.765525 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:52.764585 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection shutting down due to error: failed to establish UDP connectivity
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:52.764782 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection deleted
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:52.765588 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:52.765697 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:52.765781 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:52.766242 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:52.767597 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:52.768392 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:52.769972 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:52.770085 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:52.770727 ->[] completed handshake with 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:52.771228 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection added
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:52.772062 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e at
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:53.770951 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:54.769455 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:55.769486 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:56.770759 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:57.769452 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:58.769462 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:49:59.772517 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:00.769527 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:01.428164 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:01.430327 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:01.769532 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:02.791443 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:03.789485 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:04.789471 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:06.272561 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:07.269499 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:07.288672 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:6f at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:07.501057 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:71 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:07.626296 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:70 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:07.998336 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:72 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:08.266600 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:74 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:08.269425 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:08.684207 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:73 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:08.755152 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:75 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:08.903960 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:76 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:09.073293 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:77 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:09.272405 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:10.269471 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:11.269485 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:12.272425 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:13.269459 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:14.269534 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:15.272537 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:16.269474 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:17.269468 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:18.273615 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:19.273480 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:20.273470 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:21.772521 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:22.771034 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection shutting down due to error: failed to establish UDP connectivity
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:22.771269 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection deleted
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:22.771727 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:22.771887 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:22.771969 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:22.772050 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:22.773918 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:22.775831 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:22.777212 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:22.777589 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:22.777897 ->[] completed handshake with 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:22.778436 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection added
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:22.782119 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e at
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:23.773485 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:24.774711 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:25.773485 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:26.773549 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:27.774719 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:28.773504 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:29.773483 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:30.780374 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:31.433188 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:31.434304 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:31.777466 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:32.777500 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:33.780306 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:34.777505 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:35.777472 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:36.780299 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:37.777474 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:38.777432 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:39.780267 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:40.777478 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:41.777474 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:42.780225 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:43.777494 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:44.777538 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:45.780317 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:46.777473 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:47.777494 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:48.802871 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:49.801471 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:50.801482 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:50.946647 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:48 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:50.946673 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:4c at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:50.946685 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:4f at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:50.946696 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:47 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:50.946706 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:4e at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:50.946716 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:4d at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:50.946727 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:4a at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:50.946738 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:49 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:50.946750 Expired MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:4b at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:52.280201 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:52.778110 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection shutting down due to error: failed to establish UDP connectivity
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:52.778348 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection deleted
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:52.779058 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:52.779139 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:52.779153 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:52.779167 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:52.782310 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:52.782735 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:52.783977 ->[] completed handshake with 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:52.784430 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection added
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:52.785282 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e at
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:52.822417 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:52.823489 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:53.277556 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:54.277478 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:55.286657 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:56.285503 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:57.285481 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:58.286596 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:50:59.285514 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:00.285534 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:01.286660 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:01.454799 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:01.455268 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:02.285553 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:03.289541 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:03.401767 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:78 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:03.663475 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:79 at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:03.736376 Discovered remote MAC 02:42:c0:a8:04:7a at 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:04.438838 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:05.437479 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:06.437482 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:07.786809 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:08.785490 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:09.785505 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:10.786580 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:11.785526 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:12.785478 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:13.786653 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:14.785482 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:15.785467 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:16.786651 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:17.785475 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:18.785481 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:19.786574 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:20.785458 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:21.785664 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:22.784194 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection shutting down due to error: failed to establish UDP connectivity
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:22.801554 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection deleted
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:22.803061 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:22.804862 ->[] completed handshake with 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:22.805535 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:22.806104 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:22.806500 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:22.806841 ->[] attempting connection
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:22.807579 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: connection added
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:22.811212 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:22.811235 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 connection refused
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:22.813915 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:22.814560 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e at
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:23.805446 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:24.805448 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:25.806820 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:26.805452 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:27.805454 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:28.807079 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:29.805520 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:30.805497 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:31.447271 ->[] connection accepted
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:31.448067 ->[] connection shutting down due to error during handshake: Already have connection to 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 at
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:31.807004 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:32.191879 === received SIGQUIT ===
*** goroutine dump...
goroutine 1 [running]:
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x30c
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x1292
goroutine 5 [syscall]:
/usr/local/go/src/os/signal/signal_unix.go:21 +0x1f
created by os/signal.init·1
/usr/local/go/src/os/signal/signal_unix.go:27 +0x35
goroutine 17 [syscall, 923 minutes, locked to thread]:
/usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2232 +0x1
goroutine 18 [select]:*LocalPeer).queryLoop(0xc20910c1a0, 0xc2091260c0)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x74f
created by*LocalPeer).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x7e
goroutine 19 [chan receive]:*Routes).queryLoop(0xc2091122c0, 0xc209126120)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x52
created by*Routes).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x7e
goroutine 20 [select]:*ConnectionMaker).queryLoop(0xc209110300, 0xc209126180)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x4c3
created by*ConnectionMaker).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x7e
goroutine 21 [syscall]:
syscall.Syscall6(0x2d, 0x6, 0xc209156000, 0x10000, 0x0, 0xc209933be8, 0xc209933be4, 0x6, 0x1e, 0x16)
/usr/local/go/src/syscall/asm_linux_amd64.s:46 +0x5
syscall.recvfrom(0x6, 0xc209156000, 0x10000, 0x10000, 0x0, 0xc209933be8, 0xc209933be4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/syscall/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go:1906 +0x9b
syscall.Recvfrom(0x6, 0xc209156000, 0x10000, 0x10000, 0x0, 0xc20a09824c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/syscall/syscall_unix.go:220 +0xbf
net.(*netFD).readFrom(0xc2091240e0, 0xc209156000, 0x10000, 0x10000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:265 +0x38c
net.(*UDPConn).ReadFromUDP(0xc209122028, 0xc209156000, 0x10000, 0x10000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/udpsock_posix.go:67 +0x124*Router).udpReader(0xc209124000, 0xc209122028, 0x7f41c8f43750, 0xc209122018)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x11a
created by*Router).listenUDP
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x324
goroutine 22 [IO wait]:
net.(*pollDesc).Wait(0xc2091241b0, 0x72, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:84 +0x47
net.(*pollDesc).WaitRead(0xc2091241b0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:89 +0x43
net.(*netFD).accept(0xc209124150, 0x0, 0x7f41ca97f730, 0xc209377b40)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:419 +0x40b
net.(*TCPListener).AcceptTCP(0xc209122048, 0xc20993d5d8, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/tcpsock_posix.go:234 +0x4e·020()
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x5e
created by*Router).listenTCP
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x2e4
goroutine 23 [syscall, locked to thread]:, 0xc209112368, 0xc209112370, 0x0)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x43*Handle).getNextBufPtrLocked(0xc209112340, 0xc20a59fed8, 0x0, 0x0)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x6b*Handle).ZeroCopyReadPacketData(0xc209112340, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0xb0*PcapIO).ReadPacket(0xc209122010, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x67·019()
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x66
created by*Router).sniff
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x56d
goroutine 8 [IO wait, 923 minutes]:
net.(*pollDesc).Wait(0xc208010bc0, 0x72, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:84 +0x47
net.(*pollDesc).WaitRead(0xc208010bc0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:89 +0x43
net.(*netFD).accept(0xc208010b60, 0x0, 0x7f41ca97f730, 0xc2090d7db8)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:419 +0x40b
net.(*TCPListener).AcceptTCP(0xc2080360a0, 0x54c9b4, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/tcpsock_posix.go:234 +0x4e
net/http.tcpKeepAliveListener.Accept(0xc2080360a0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1976 +0x4c
net/http.(*Server).Serve(0xc2080442a0, 0x7f41c8f44fe8, 0xc2080360a0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1728 +0x92
net/http.(*Server).ListenAndServe(0xc2080442a0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1718 +0x154
net/http.ListenAndServe(0xc2090d7db0, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1808 +0xba
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x2cb
created by main.main
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x1282
goroutine 7 [select, 923 minutes]:
/usr/local/go/src/net/dnsclient_unix.go:241 +0x2f4
created by net.loadConfig
/usr/local/go/src/net/dnsclient_unix.go:269 +0x20c
goroutine 40 [select]:*LocalConnection).queryLoop(0xc209288e10, 0xc2093bc480, 0x0, 0x0)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x42f*LocalConnection).run(0xc209288e10, 0xc2093bc480, 0xc2093bc401)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x866
created by*LocalConnection).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x8a
goroutine 2653 [IO wait]:
net.(*pollDesc).Wait(0xc209fd4d10, 0x72, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:84 +0x47
net.(*pollDesc).WaitRead(0xc209fd4d10, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:89 +0x43
net.(*netFD).Read(0xc209fd4cb0, 0xc209364000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x0, 0x7f41ca97f730, 0xc20911d3e0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:242 +0x40f
net.(*conn).Read(0xc2094ce0d0, 0xc209364000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/net.go:121 +0xdc
/usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:97 +0x1ce
bufio.(*Reader).Read(0xc20955ad80, 0xc2092f5d50, 0x1, 0x9, 0x7f41c84792a0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:174 +0x26c
io.ReadAtLeast(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc20955ad80, 0xc2092f5d50, 0x1, 0x9, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:298 +0xf1
io.ReadFull(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc20955ad80, 0xc2092f5d50, 0x1, 0x9, 0x20, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:316 +0x6d
encoding/gob.decodeUintReader(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc20955ad80, 0xc2092f5d50, 0x9, 0x9, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decode.go:121 +0x99
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).recvMessage(0xc2094a8080, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:76 +0x55
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).decodeTypeSequence(0xc2094a8080, 0xc20a644900, 0x16)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:140 +0x47
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).DecodeValue(0xc2094a8080, 0x78f920, 0xc20a644900, 0x16, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:208 +0x192
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).Decode(0xc2094a8080, 0x78f920, 0xc20a644900, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:185 +0x297*LocalConnection).receiveTCP(0xc2092e63c0, 0xc2094a8080)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x161·001()
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x169
created by*LocalConnection).run
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x4d9
goroutine 54 [IO wait]:
net.(*pollDesc).Wait(0xc20934b170, 0x72, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:84 +0x47
net.(*pollDesc).WaitRead(0xc20934b170, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:89 +0x43
net.(*netFD).Read(0xc20934b110, 0xc209365000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x0, 0x7f41ca97f730, 0xc2090d6be0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:242 +0x40f
net.(*conn).Read(0xc209123138, 0xc209365000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/net.go:121 +0xdc
/usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:97 +0x1ce
bufio.(*Reader).Read(0xc2093bc540, 0xc209376840, 0x1, 0x9, 0x7f41c84787a8, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:174 +0x26c
io.ReadAtLeast(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc2093bc540, 0xc209376840, 0x1, 0x9, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:298 +0xf1
io.ReadFull(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc2093bc540, 0xc209376840, 0x1, 0x9, 0x20, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:316 +0x6d
encoding/gob.decodeUintReader(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc2093bc540, 0xc209376840, 0x9, 0x9, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decode.go:121 +0x99
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).recvMessage(0xc2093ba280, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:76 +0x55
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).decodeTypeSequence(0xc2093ba280, 0xc20a3e3900, 0x16)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:140 +0x47
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).DecodeValue(0xc2093ba280, 0x78f920, 0xc20a3e3960, 0x16, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:208 +0x192
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).Decode(0xc2093ba280, 0x78f920, 0xc20a3e3960, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:185 +0x297*LocalConnection).receiveTCP(0xc209288e10, 0xc2093ba280)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x161·001()
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x169
created by*LocalConnection).run
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x4d9
goroutine 2652 [select]:*LocalConnection).queryLoop(0xc2092e63c0, 0xc20955acc0, 0x0, 0x0)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x42f*LocalConnection).run(0xc2092e63c0, 0xc20955acc0, 0xc20955ac01)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x866
created by*LocalConnection).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x8a
goroutine 2654 [select]:*Forwarder).run(0xc2094a9400)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x5e1
created by*Forwarder).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x32
goroutine 55 [select]:*Forwarder).run(0xc20800bb00)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x5e1
created by*Forwarder).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x32
goroutine 56 [select]:*Forwarder).run(0xc20800bb80)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x5e1
created by*Forwarder).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x32
goroutine 4937 [select]:*Forwarder).run(0xc2099ad380)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x5e1
created by*Forwarder).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x32
goroutine 484 [select]:*Forwarder).run(0xc20a06b800)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x5e1
created by*Forwarder).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x32
goroutine 4936 [select]:*Forwarder).run(0xc2099ad300)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x5e1
created by*Forwarder).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x32
goroutine 529 [select]:*LocalConnection).queryLoop(0xc2092e7950, 0xc208045080, 0x0, 0x0)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x42f*LocalConnection).run(0xc2092e7950, 0xc208045080, 0xc208045001)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x866
created by*LocalConnection).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x8a
goroutine 449 [select]:*LocalConnection).queryLoop(0xc2092e7770, 0xc2093c85a0, 0x0, 0x0)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x42f*LocalConnection).run(0xc2092e7770, 0xc2093c85a0, 0xc2093c8501)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x866
created by*LocalConnection).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x8a
goroutine 548 [select]:*Forwarder).run(0xc20a06a380)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x5e1
created by*Forwarder).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x32
goroutine 4947 [IO wait]:
net.(*pollDesc).Wait(0xc209718680, 0x72, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:84 +0x47
net.(*pollDesc).WaitRead(0xc209718680, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:89 +0x43
net.(*netFD).Read(0xc209718620, 0xc20a08a000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x0, 0x7f41ca97f730, 0xc20911d830)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:242 +0x40f
net.(*conn).Read(0xc20a02ed70, 0xc20a08a000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/net.go:121 +0xdc
/usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:97 +0x1ce
bufio.(*Reader).Read(0xc20a504e40, 0xc208f190e0, 0x1, 0x9, 0x7f41c84792a0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:174 +0x26c
io.ReadAtLeast(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc20a504e40, 0xc208f190e0, 0x1, 0x9, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:298 +0xf1
io.ReadFull(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc20a504e40, 0xc208f190e0, 0x1, 0x9, 0x20, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:316 +0x6d
encoding/gob.decodeUintReader(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc20a504e40, 0xc208f190e0, 0x9, 0x9, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decode.go:121 +0x99
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).recvMessage(0xc20a40c500, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:76 +0x55
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).decodeTypeSequence(0xc20a40c500, 0xc20a645400, 0x16)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:140 +0x47
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).DecodeValue(0xc20a40c500, 0x78f920, 0xc20a645440, 0x16, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:208 +0x192
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).Decode(0xc20a40c500, 0x78f920, 0xc20a645440, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:185 +0x297*LocalConnection).receiveTCP(0xc20a627d10, 0xc20a40c500)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x161·001()
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x169
created by*LocalConnection).run
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x4d9
goroutine 483 [IO wait]:
net.(*pollDesc).Wait(0xc20941e8b0, 0x72, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:84 +0x47
net.(*pollDesc).WaitRead(0xc20941e8b0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:89 +0x43
net.(*netFD).Read(0xc20941e850, 0xc20910e000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x0, 0x7f41ca97f730, 0xc2090d7420)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:242 +0x40f
net.(*conn).Read(0xc2094cf2f0, 0xc20910e000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/net.go:121 +0xdc
/usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:97 +0x1ce
bufio.(*Reader).Read(0xc2093c9260, 0xc208fe4e60, 0x1, 0x9, 0x7f41c84787a8, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:174 +0x26c
io.ReadAtLeast(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc2093c9260, 0xc208fe4e60, 0x1, 0x9, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:298 +0xf1
io.ReadFull(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc2093c9260, 0xc208fe4e60, 0x1, 0x9, 0x20, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:316 +0x6d
encoding/gob.decodeUintReader(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc2093c9260, 0xc208fe4e60, 0x9, 0x9, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decode.go:121 +0x99
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).recvMessage(0xc20a06aa80, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:76 +0x55
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).decodeTypeSequence(0xc20a06aa80, 0xc20a3e3e00, 0x16)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:140 +0x47
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).DecodeValue(0xc20a06aa80, 0x78f920, 0xc20a3e3ec0, 0x16, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:208 +0x192
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).Decode(0xc20a06aa80, 0x78f920, 0xc20a3e3ec0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:185 +0x297*LocalConnection).receiveTCP(0xc2092e7770, 0xc20a06aa80)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x161·001()
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x169
created by*LocalConnection).run
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x4d9
goroutine 547 [select]:*Forwarder).run(0xc20a06a300)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x5e1
created by*Forwarder).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x32
goroutine 485 [select]:*Forwarder).run(0xc20a06b880)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x5e1
created by*Forwarder).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x32
goroutine 538 [IO wait]:
net.(*pollDesc).Wait(0xc209d636b0, 0x72, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:84 +0x47
net.(*pollDesc).WaitRead(0xc209d636b0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:89 +0x43
net.(*netFD).Read(0xc209d63650, 0xc209d51000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x0, 0x7f41ca97f730, 0xc20911d620)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:242 +0x40f
net.(*conn).Read(0xc20942af60, 0xc209d51000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/net.go:121 +0xdc
/usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:97 +0x1ce
bufio.(*Reader).Read(0xc208045140, 0xc2090cb220, 0x1, 0x9, 0x7f41c84792a0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:174 +0x26c
io.ReadAtLeast(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc208045140, 0xc2090cb220, 0x1, 0x9, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:298 +0xf1
io.ReadFull(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc208045140, 0xc2090cb220, 0x1, 0x9, 0x20, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:316 +0x6d
encoding/gob.decodeUintReader(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc208045140, 0xc2090cb220, 0x9, 0x9, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decode.go:121 +0x99
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).recvMessage(0xc20983c680, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:76 +0x55
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).decodeTypeSequence(0xc20983c680, 0xc20a644e00, 0x16)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:140 +0x47
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).DecodeValue(0xc20983c680, 0x78f920, 0xc20a644ee0, 0x16, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:208 +0x192
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).Decode(0xc20983c680, 0x78f920, 0xc20a644ee0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:185 +0x297*LocalConnection).receiveTCP(0xc2092e7950, 0xc20983c680)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x161·001()
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x169
created by*LocalConnection).run
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x4d9
goroutine 4946 [select]:*LocalConnection).queryLoop(0xc20a627d10, 0xc20a504d80, 0x0, 0x0)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x42f*LocalConnection).run(0xc20a627d10, 0xc20a504d80, 0xc20a504d01)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x866
created by*LocalConnection).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x8a
goroutine 2655 [select]:*Forwarder).run(0xc2094a9480)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x5e1
created by*Forwarder).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x32
goroutine 18125 [select]:*LocalConnection).queryLoop(0xc2092880f0, 0xc2080443c0, 0x0, 0x0)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x42f*LocalConnection).run(0xc2092880f0, 0xc2080443c0, 0xc208044301)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x866
created by*LocalConnection).Start
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x8a
goroutine 18126 [IO wait]:
net.(*pollDesc).Wait(0xc208010300, 0x72, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:84 +0x47
net.(*pollDesc).WaitRead(0xc208010300, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_poll_runtime.go:89 +0x43
net.(*netFD).Read(0xc2080102a0, 0xc2095c6000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x0, 0x7f41ca97f730, 0xc2092f5ed0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:242 +0x40f
net.(*conn).Read(0xc2096b4028, 0xc2095c6000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/net/net.go:121 +0xdc
/usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:97 +0x1ce
bufio.(*Reader).Read(0xc208044720, 0xc208ee24a0, 0x1, 0x9, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:174 +0x26c
io.ReadAtLeast(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc208044720, 0xc208ee24a0, 0x1, 0x9, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:298 +0xf1
io.ReadFull(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc208044720, 0xc208ee24a0, 0x1, 0x9, 0x20, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:316 +0x6d
encoding/gob.decodeUintReader(0x7f41c8f435c0, 0xc208044720, 0xc208ee24a0, 0x9, 0x9, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decode.go:121 +0x99
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).recvMessage(0xc20800a780, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:76 +0x55
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).decodeTypeSequence(0xc20800a780, 0xc20a3e2e00, 0x16)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:140 +0x47
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).DecodeValue(0xc20800a780, 0x78f920, 0xc20a3e2e80, 0x16, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:208 +0x192
encoding/gob.(*Decoder).Decode(0xc20800a780, 0x78f920, 0xc20a3e2e80, 0x0, 0x0)
/usr/local/go/src/encoding/gob/decoder.go:185 +0x297*LocalConnection).receiveTCP(0xc2092880f0, 0xc20800a780)
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x161·001()
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x169
created by*LocalConnection).run
/home/matthias/go/src/ +0x4d9
*** end
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:32.805511 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:33.805501 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:34.806997 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:35.805426 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:36.805487 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:37.807111 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:38.805546 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:39.805542 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
weave 2015/02/25 16:51:40.806948 ->[7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]: Cannot forward frame yet - awaiting contact
^Croot@appcluster01-us-east-1b-host01:~# ifconfig eth0
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 22:00:0b:82:00:12
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::2000:bff:fe82:12/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:2563290818 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:2307927134 errors:0 dropped:4426 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:1532665489237 (1.5 TB) TX bytes:730397247702 (730.3 GB)
root@appcluster01-us-east-1b-host01:~# weave status
weave router 0.9.0
Encryption on
Our name is 7a:21:54:68:1a:41
Sniffing traffic on &{112329 65535 ethwe 5a:a3:9f:82:e1:df up|broadcast|multicast}
02:42:c0:a8:04:16 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:58:04.238931142 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:78 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:51:03.401748349 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:0c -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:55:07.347303917 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:12 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:57:04.190395708 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:7a -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:51:03.736357488 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:06 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:54:03.887068638 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:07 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:55:06.234584633 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:03 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:53:04.470791223 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:08 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:55:06.351701532 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:02:16 -> 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 (2015-02-25 16:59:01.626060745 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:7c -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:52:03.790834325 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:10 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:56:03.899107898 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:09 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:55:06.708140459 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:0d -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:55:08.450579965 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:11 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:57:04.137805067 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:01:17 -> 7a:21:54:68:1a:41 (2015-02-25 16:59:52.95786993 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:0d:07 -> 7a:02:0f:ac:19:f4 (2015-02-25 16:59:52.964802029 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:7d -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:52:04.007279952 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:0f -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:56:03.850882278 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:17 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:59:04.166848421 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:01 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:53:04.181626365 +0000 UTC)
7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce -> 7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce (2015-02-25 16:55:22.82067001 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:19 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:59:04.377625617 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:77 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:50:09.073277492 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:10:30 -> 7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce (2015-02-25 16:55:22.512041205 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:0e -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:56:03.667705654 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:6f -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:50:07.288661988 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:74 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:50:08.266580362 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:0e:06 -> 7a:8b:d8:d8:4a:88 (2015-02-25 16:59:52.966972648 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:71 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:50:07.501040759 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:76 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:50:08.90395105 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:79 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:51:03.663455803 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:04 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:54:03.555492958 +0000 UTC)
7a:21:54:68:1a:41 -> 7a:21:54:68:1a:41 (2015-02-25 16:59:31.632159606 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:05 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:54:03.798848587 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:13 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:57:04.453367612 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:14 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:58:03.947002634 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:15 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:58:04.199089436 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:18 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:59:04.330697347 +0000 UTC)
7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 -> 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 (2015-02-25 16:59:52.959334821 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:73 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:50:08.684185767 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:0b -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:55:06.707883305 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:72 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:50:07.998315214 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:0f:07 -> 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf (2015-02-25 16:59:04.631407512 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:70 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:50:07.626286395 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:10:29 -> 7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce (2015-02-25 16:59:52.964968593 +0000 UTC)
7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:59:52.961073199 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:75 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:50:08.755144184 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:7e -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:52:04.322818035 +0000 UTC)
02:42:c0:a8:04:02 -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (2015-02-25 16:53:04.29459187 +0000 UTC)
Peer 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e (v337) (UID 4530646544833339324)
-> 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf []
-> 7a:02:0f:ac:19:f4 []
-> 7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce []
-> 7a:8b:d8:d8:4a:88 []
-> 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 []
-> 7a:21:54:68:1a:41 []
Peer 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf (v11830) (UID 2786178580184412291)
-> 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 []
-> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e []
-> 7a:21:54:68:1a:41 [ (unestablished)]
Peer 7a:8b:d8:d8:4a:88 (v51) (UID 4815692136304933612)
-> 7a:21:54:68:1a:41 []
-> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e []
-> 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 []
Peer 7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce (v641) (UID 14711164464184655389)
-> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e []
-> 7a:21:54:68:1a:41 []
-> 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 []
Peer 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 (v3939) (UID 8454420304922362378)
-> 7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce []
-> 7a:8b:d8:d8:4a:88 []
-> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e []
-> 7a:21:54:68:1a:41 []
-> 7a:02:0f:ac:19:f4 []
-> 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf [ (unestablished)]
Peer 7a:02:0f:ac:19:f4 (v3954) (UID 6948683680276824273)
-> 7a:21:54:68:1a:41 []
-> 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 []
-> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e []
Peer 7a:21:54:68:1a:41 (v3854) (UID 6584596099755511761)
-> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e []
-> 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf [ (unestablished)]
-> 7a:8b:d8:d8:4a:88 []
-> 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 []
-> 7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce []
-> 7a:02:0f:ac:19:f4 []
7a:8b:d8:d8:4a:88 -> 7a:8b:d8:d8:4a:88
7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 -> 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13
7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce -> 7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce
7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
7a:21:54:68:1a:41 -> 00:00:00:00:00:00
7a:02:0f:ac:19:f4 -> 7a:02:0f:ac:19:f4
7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e -> 7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e
7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e -> []
7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf -> []
7a:8b:d8:d8:4a:88 -> [7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce 7a:02:0f:ac:19:f4 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]
7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce -> [7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf 7a:8b:d8:d8:4a:88 7a:02:0f:ac:19:f4]
7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 -> [7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf]
7a:02:0f:ac:19:f4 -> [7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf 7a:8b:d8:d8:4a:88 7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce]
7a:21:54:68:1a:41 -> [7a:87:ef:4c:d7:5e 7a:b5:2d:25:d1:cf 7a:8b:d8:d8:4a:88 7a:8c:a1:e4:43:13 7a:8f:17:40:9e:ce 7a:02:0f:ac:19:f4]
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