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DLMS Improvement
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
# Copyright 2013 - 2015 KNX-User-Forum e.V.
# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bernd Meiners
# DLMS plugin for SmartHomeNG
# This file is part of
# Visit:
# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with If not, see <>.
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "2.0"
__revision__ = "0.1"
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
import logging
import datetime
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
if __name__ == '__main__':
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.debug(f"init standalone {__name__}")
logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.debug("init plugin component {__name__}")
import time
import serial
import re
from threading import Semaphore
manufacturer_ids = {}
exportfile = 'manufacturer.yaml'
with open(exportfile, 'r') as infile:
y = YAML(typ='safe')
manufacturer_ids = y.load(infile)
This module implements the query of a smartmeter using the DLMS protocol.
The smartmeter needs to have an infrared interface and an IR-Adapter is needed for USB.
The Character Format for protocol mode A - D is defined as 1 start bit, 7 data bits, 1 parity bit, 1 stop bit and even parity
In protocol mode E it is defined as 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit is allowed, see Annex E of IEC62056-21
For this plugin the protocol mode E is neither implemented nor supported.
COmpanion Specification for Energy Metering
OBject Identification System (see iec62056-61{ed1.0}en_obis_protocol.pdf)
SOH = 0x01 # start of header
STX = 0x02 # start of text
ETX = 0x03 # end of text
ACK = 0x06 # acknowledge
CR = 0x0D # carriage return
LF = 0x0A # linefeed
BCC = 0x00 # Block check Character will contain the checksum immediately following the data packet
def format_time( timedelta ):
returns a pretty formatted string according to the size of the timedelta
:param timediff: time delta given in seconds
:return: returns a string
if timedelta > 1000.0:
return f"{timedelta:.2f} s"
elif timedelta > 1.0:
return f"{timedelta:.2f} s"
elif timedelta > 0.001:
return f"{timedelta*1000.0:.2f} ms"
elif timedelta > 0.000001:
return f"{timedelta*1000000.0:.2f} µs"
elif timedelta > 0.000000001:
return f"{timedelta * 1000000000.0:.2f} ns"
def read_data_block_from_serial(the_serial, end_byte=0x0a, start_byte=None, max_read_time=None):
This function reads some bytes from serial interface
it returns an array of bytes if a timeout occurs or a given end byte is encountered
and otherwise None if an error occurred
:param the_serial: interface to read from
:param end_byte: the indicator for end of data, this will be included in response
:param start_byte: the indicator for start of data, this will be included in response
:param max_read_time:
:returns the read data or None
logger.debug("start to read data from serial device")
response = bytes()
starttime = time.time()
while True:
ch =
#logger.debug(f"Read {ch}")
runtime = time.time()
if len(ch) == 0:
if start_byte is not None:
if ch == start_byte:
response = bytes()
response += ch
if ch == end_byte:
if (response[-1] == end_byte):
if max_read_time is not None:
if runtime-starttime > max_read_time:
except Exception as e:
logger.debug(f"Exception {e} occurred in read data block from serial")
return None
logger.debug(f"finished reading data from serial device after {len(response)} bytes")
return response
def query( config ):
This function will
1. open a serial communication line to the smartmeter
2. sends a request for info
3. parses the devices first (and maybe second) answer for capabilities of the device
4. adjusts the speed of the communication accordingly
5. reads out the block of OBIS information
6. closes the serial communication
config contains a dict with entries for
'serialport', 'device', 'timeout', 'use_checksum', 'reset_baudrate', 'no_waiting', 'onlylisten', 'baudrate_fix'
return: a textblock with the data response from smartmeter
# for the performance of the serial read we need to save the actual time
starttime = time.time()
runtime = starttime
result = None
SerialPort = config.get('serialport')
Device = config.get('device','')
InitialBaudrate = config.get('speed', 300)
QueryCode = config.get('querycode', '?')
use_checksum = config.get('use_checksum', True)
baudrate_fix = config.get('baudrate_fix', False)
timeout = config.get('timeout', 3)
OnlyListen = config.get('onlylisten', False) # just for the case that smartmeter transmits data without a query first
StartChar = b'/'[0]
Request_Message = b"/"+QueryCode.encode('ascii')+Device.encode('ascii')+b"!\r\n"
# open the serial communication
# about timeout: time tr between sending a request and an answer needs to be
# 200ms < tr < 1500ms for protocol mode A or B
# inter character time must be smaller than 1500 ms
# The time between the reception of a message and the transmission of an answer is:
# (20 ms) 200 ms = tr = 1 500 ms (see item 12) of 6.3.14).
# If a response has not been received, the waiting time of the transmitting equipment after
# transmission of the identification message, before it continues with the transmission, is:
# 1 500 ms < tt = 2 200 ms
# The time between two characters in a character sequence is:
# ta < 1 500 ms
wait_before_acknowledge = 0.4 # wait for 400 ms before sending the request to change baudrate
wait_after_acknowledge = 0.4 # wait for 400 ms after sending acknowledge
dlms_serial = None
dlms_serial = serial.Serial(SerialPort,
if not SerialPort ==
logger.debug(f"Asked for {SerialPort} as serial port, but really using now {}")
except FileNotFoundError as e:
logger.error(f"Serial port '{SerialPort}' does not exist, please check your port")
except OSError as e:
logger.error(f"Serial port '{SerialPort}' does not exist, please check the spelling")
except serial.SerialException as e:
if dlms_serial is None:
logger.error(f"Serial port '{SerialPort}' could not be opened")
logger.error(f"Serial port '{SerialPort}' could be opened but somehow not accessed")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Another unknown error occurred: '{e}'")
if not dlms_serial.isOpen():
logger.error(f"Serial port '{SerialPort}' could not be opened with given parameters, maybe wrong baudrate?")
logger.debug(f"Time to open serial port {SerialPort}: {format_time(time.time()- runtime)}")
runtime = time.time()
Acknowledge = b'' # preset empty answer
if not OnlyListen:
# start a dialog with smartmeter
#logger.debug(f"Reset input buffer from serial port '{SerialPort}'")
#dlms_serial.reset_input_buffer() # replaced dlms_serial.flushInput()
logger.debug(f"Writing request message {Request_Message} to serial port '{SerialPort}'")
#logger.debug(f"Flushing buffer from serial port '{SerialPort}'")
#dlms_serial.flush() # replaced dlms_serial.drainOutput()
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Error {e}")
logger.debug(f"Time to send first request to smartmeter: {format_time(time.time()- runtime)}")
# now get first response
response = read_data_block_from_serial(dlms_serial)
if response is None:
logger.debug("No response received upon first request")
logger.debug(f"Time to receive an answer: {format_time(time.time()- runtime)}")
runtime = time.time()
# We need to examine the read response here for an echo of the _Request_Message
# some meters answer with an echo of the request Message
if response == Request_Message:
logger.debug("Request Message was echoed, need to read the identification message")
# read Identification message if Request was echoed
# now read the capabilities and type/brand line from Smartmeter
# e.g. b'/LGZ5\\2ZMD3104407.B32\r\n'
response = read_data_block_from_serial(dlms_serial)
logger.debug("Request Message was not equal to response, treating as identification message")
logger.debug(f"Time to get first identification message from smartmeter: {format_time(time.time() - runtime)}")
runtime = time.time()
Identification_Message = response
logger.debug(f"Identification Message is {Identification_Message}")
# need at least 7 bytes:
# 1 byte "/"
# 3 bytes short Identification
# 1 byte speed indication
# 2 bytes CR LF
if (len(Identification_Message) < 7):
logger.warning(f"malformed identification message: '{Identification_Message}', abort query")
if (Identification_Message[0] != StartChar):
logger.warning(f"identification message '{Identification_Message}' does not start with '/', abort query")
manid = str(Identification_Message[1:4],'utf-8')
manname = manufacturer_ids.get(manid,'unknown')
logger.debug(f"The manufacturer for {manid} is {manname} (out of {len(manufacturer_ids)} given manufacturers)")
Different smartmeters allow for different protocol modes.
The protocol mode decides whether the communication is fixed to a certain baudrate or might be speed up.
Some meters do initiate a protocol by themselves with a fixed speed of 2400 baud e.g. Mode D
However some meters specify a speed of 9600 Baud although they use protocol mode D (readonly)
Protocol_Mode = 'A'
The communication of the plugin always stays at the same speed,
Protocol indicator can be anything except for A-I, 0-9, /, ?
Baudrates_Protocol_Mode_A = 300
Baudrates_Protocol_Mode_B = { 'A': 600, 'B': 1200, 'C': 2400, 'D': 4800, 'E': 9600, 'F': 19200,
'G': "reserved", 'H': "reserved", 'I': "reserved" }
Baudrates_Protocol_Mode_C = { '0': 300, '1': 600, '2': 1200, '3': 2400, '4': 4800, '5': 9600, '6': 19200,
'7': "reserved", '8': "reserved", '9': "reserved"}
# always '3' but it is always initiated by the metering device so it can't be encountered here
Baudrates_Protocol_Mode_D = { '3' : 2400}
Baudrates_Protocol_Mode_E = Baudrates_Protocol_Mode_C
Baudrate_identification = chr(Identification_Message[4])
if Baudrate_identification in Baudrates_Protocol_Mode_B:
NewBaudrate = Baudrates_Protocol_Mode_B[Baudrate_identification]
Protocol_Mode = 'B'
elif Baudrate_identification in Baudrates_Protocol_Mode_C:
NewBaudrate = Baudrates_Protocol_Mode_C[Baudrate_identification]
Protocol_Mode = 'C' # could also be 'E' but it doesn't make any difference here
NewBaudrate = Baudrates_Protocol_Mode_A
Protocol_Mode = 'A'
logger.debug(f"Baudrate id is '{Baudrate_identification}' thus Protocol Mode is {Protocol_Mode} and suggested Baudrate is {NewBaudrate} Bd")
if chr(Identification_Message[5]) == '\\':
if chr(Identification_Message[6]) == '2':
logger.debug("HDLC protocol could be used if it was implemented")
logger.debug("Another protocol could probably be used if it was implemented")
# for protocol C or E we now send an acknowledge and include the new baudrate parameter
# maybe todo
# we could implement here a baudrate that is fixed to somewhat lower speed if we need to
# read out a smartmeter with broken communication
Action = b'0' # Data readout, possible are also b'1' for programming mode or some manufacturer specific
Acknowledge = b'\x060'+ Baudrate_identification.encode() + Action + b'\r\n'
if Protocol_Mode == 'C':
# the speed change in communication is initiated from the reading device
logger.debug(f"Using protocol mode C, send acknowledge {Acknowledge} and tell smartmeter to switch to {NewBaudrate} Baud")
dlms_serial.write( Acknowledge )
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Warning {e}")
if (NewBaudrate != InitialBaudrate):
# change request to set higher baudrate
dlms_serial.baudrate = NewBaudrate
elif Protocol_Mode == 'B':
# the speed change in communication is initiated from the smartmeter device
logger.debug(f"Using protocol mode B, smartmeter and reader will switch to {NewBaudrate} Baud")
if (NewBaudrate != InitialBaudrate):
# change request to set higher baudrate
dlms_serial.baudrate = NewBaudrate
logger.debug(f"No change of readout baudrate, "
"smartmeter and reader will stay at {NewBaudrate} Baud")
# now read the huge data block with all the OBIS codes
logger.debug("Reading OBIS data from smartmeter")
response = read_data_block_from_serial(dlms_serial, None)
# only listen mode
response = read_data_block_from_serial(dlms_serial, b'!', b'/')
Identification_Message = str(response,'utf-8').partition()[0]
manid = Identification_Message[1:4]
manname = manufacturer_ids.get(manid,'unknown')
logger.debug(f"The manufacturer for {manid} is {manname} (out of {len(manufacturer_ids)} given manufacturers)")
logger.debug(f"Time for reading OBIS data: {format_time(time.time()- runtime)}")
runtime = time.time()
# Display performance of the serial communication
logger.debug(f"Whole communication with smartmeter took {format_time(time.time() - starttime)}")
if response.startswith(Acknowledge):
logger.debug("Acknowledge echoed from smartmeter")
response = response[len(Acknowledge):]
if use_checksum:
# data block in response may be capsuled within STX and ETX to provide error checking
# thus the response will contain a sequence of
# STX Datablock ! CR LF ETX BCC
# which means we need at least 6 characters in response where Datablock is empty
logger.debug("trying now to calculate a checksum")
if response[0] == STX:
logger.debug("STX found")
logger.warning(f"STX not found in response='{' '.join(hex(i) for i in response[:10])}...'")
if response[-2] == ETX:
logger.debug("ETX found")
logger.warning(f"ETX not found in response='...{' '.join(hex(i) for i in response[-11])}'")
if (len(response) > 5) and (response[0] == STX) and (response[-2] == ETX):
# perform checks (start with char after STX, end with ETX including, checksum matches last byte (BCC))
BCC = response[-1]
logger.debug(f"block check character BCC is {BCC}")
checksum = 0
for i in response[1:-1]:
checksum ^= i
if checksum != BCC:
logger.warning(f"checksum/protocol error: response={' '.join(hex(i) for i in response[1:-1])} "
logger.debug("checksum over data response was ok, data is valid")
logger.warning("STX - ETX not found")
logger.debug("checksum calculation skipped")
if len(response) > 5:
result = str(response[1:-4], 'ascii')
logger.debug(f"parsing OBIS codes took {format_time(time.time()- runtime)}")
logger.debug("Sorry response did not contain enough data for OBIS decode")
suggested_cycle = (time.time() - starttime) + 10.0
config['suggested_cycle'] = suggested_cycle
logger.debug(f"the whole query took {format_time(time.time()- starttime)}, suggested cycle thus is at least {format_time(suggested_cycle)}")
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Query a smartmeter at a given port for DLMS output',
usage='use "%(prog)s --help" for more information',
parser.add_argument('port', help='specify the port to use for the smartmeter query, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/dlms0')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='print verbose information', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', help='maximum time to wait for a message from the smartmeter', type=float, default=3.0 )
parser.add_argument('-s', '--speed', help='initial baudrate to start the communication with the smartmeter', type=int, default=300 )
parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', help='give a device address to include in the query', default='' )
parser.add_argument('-q', '--querycode', help='define alternative query code\ndefault query code is ?\nsome smartmeters provide additional information when sending\nan alternative query code, e.g. 2 instead of ?', default='?' )
parser.add_argument('-l', '--onlylisten', help='Only listen to serial, no active query', action='store_true' )
parser.add_argument('-f', '--baudrate_fix', help='Keep baudrate speed fixed', action='store_false' )
parser.add_argument('-c', '--nochecksum', help='use a checksum', action='store_false' )
args = parser.parse_args()
config = {}
config['serialport'] = args.port
config['device'] = args.device
config['querycode'] = args.querycode
config['speed'] = args.speed
config['baudrate_fix'] = args.baudrate_fix
config['timeout'] = args.timeout
config['onlylisten'] = args.onlylisten
config['use_checksum'] = args.nochecksum
if args.verbose:
logging.getLogger().setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
# create formatter and add it to the handlers
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s @ %(lineno)d')
#formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
# add the handlers to the logger
logging.getLogger().setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
# just like print
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
# add the handlers to the logger
logging.getLogger().addHandler(ch)"This is DLMS Plugin running in standalone mode")"==============================================")
result = query(config)
if result is None:"No results from query, maybe a problem with the serial port '{config['serialport']}' given ")"==============================================")
elif len(result) > 0:"These are the results of the query")"==============================================")"==============================================")
else:"The query did not get any results!")"Maybe the serial was occupied or there was an error")
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bernd Meiners
# DLMS plugin for SmartHomeNG
# This file is part of
# Visit:
# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with If not, see <>.
On standalone mode this Python program will visit
to download the list of manufacturer ids for smartmeter as xlsx
The columns therein are labeled as "FLAG ID","Manufacturer", "Country", and "World Region"
``FLAG ID`` is exactly 3 characters long
The result will be stored locally as ``manufacturer.yaml``
to serve as information database for the identification of smartmeters
import logging
import requests
import sys
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
from io import BytesIO
install_openpyxl = "python3 -m pip install --user openpyxl"
if __name__ == '__main__':
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.debug(f"init standalone {__name__}")
logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.debug(f"init plugin component {__name__}")
import openpyxl
sys.exit(f"Package 'openpyxl' was not found. You might install with {install_openpyxl}")
def get_manufacturer( from_url, to_yaml, verbose = False ):
Read XLSX from given url and write a yaml containing id and manufacturer
# result
r = {}
y = YAML()
logger.debug(f"Read manufacturer IDs from URL: '{url}'")
logger.debug(f"Using openpyxl version '{openpyxl.__version__}'")
headers = {'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
reque = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
except ConnectionError as e:
logger.debug(f"An error {e} occurred fetching {url}\n")
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename=BytesIO(reque.content), data_only=True)
#wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(xlfilename, data_only=True)
logger.debug('sheetnames {}'.format(wb.sheetnames))
sheet =
logger.debug(f"sheet {sheet}")
logger.debug(f"rows [{sheet.min_row} .. {sheet.max_row}]")
logger.debug(f"columns [{sheet.min_column} .. {sheet.max_column}]")
if sheet.min_row+1 <= sheet.max_row and sheet.min_column == 1 and sheet.max_column == 4:
# Get data from rows """
for row in range(sheet.min_row+1,sheet.max_row):
id = str(sheet.cell(row, 1).value).strip()
if len(id) == 3:
# there are entries like > 'ITRON ...' < that need special cleaning:
man = str(sheet.cell(row, 2).value).strip()
man = man.strip('\'').strip()
r[id] = man
if verbose:
logger.debug(f">id< is '{id}' has more than 3 characters and will not be considered")
with open(exportfile, 'w') as f:
y.dump( r, f )
logger.debug(f"{len(r)} distinct manufacturers were found and written to {exportfile}")
except Exception as e:
logger.debug(f"Error {e} occurred")
return r
if __name__ == '__main__':
verbose = True
logging.getLogger().setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
# create formatter and add it to the handlers
if verbose:
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s @ %(lineno)d')
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
# add the handlers to the logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
exportfile = 'manufacturer.yaml'
url = ''
get_manufacturer( url, exportfile, verbose)
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