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Last active January 9, 2021 15:04
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"basics": {
"name": "Bernard Niset",
"label": "Senior Frontend Developer (Freelance) at Kensu",
"summary": "Senior Software Engineer (Freelance) with a long experience in backend java based services and specialising now in Frontend development with modern JavaScript frameworks (ReactJS, Angular, VueJS). I want to provide the ideal solution that fits best the needs of my customers. \n\nI also have a strong interest in learning Rust ( (System tools, cli, webassembly).\n\n### Specialties\n\nReactJS/Redux, Javascript, ES6, Typescript, Modern JS (React, Angular, VueJS), Java, JEE, Spring, Hibernate, Web Services (SOAP, RESTFull apis, GraphQL, JAX-WS, JSON), Cloud Computing.",
"location": {
"city": "Brussels",
"countryCode": "BE"
"website": "",
"profiles": [
"network": "linkedin",
"username": "bernardniset",
"url": ""
"network": "twitter",
"username": "herge21",
"url": ""
"work": [
"company": "Kensu",
"position": "Senior Frontend Developer",
"description": "Frontend development in ReactJS",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2019-12-01",
"summary": "Frontend Development of the DAM application. Data governance and Data science related features.",
"highlights": [
"New features in the frontend using ReactJS.",
"Frontend testing with cypress and Wiremock.",
"Write OpenAPI (swagger) definitions to specify the interaction with the backend.",
"Mock implementation of the backend to allow for parallel development"
"technologies": [
"company": "Deutsche Bank",
"position": "Senior Frontend Developer",
"description": "Frontend development in Angular and AngularJS",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2019-01-01",
"endDate": "2019-11-30",
"summary": "Frontend development in Angular for the Online Banking application (OLB).",
"highlights": [
"Card Linkage: allow users of OLB to link their third party cards to their bank accounts.",
"Signing screen",
"Code reviews (PRs) for the backend application",
"Mock implementation of the backend to allow for parallel development",
"Frontend Testing with cypress and Wiremock. Angular 5, Cypress automation testing"
"technologies": [
"company": "EVS Broadcast Equipment",
"position": "Senior Frontend Developer",
"description": "Frontend development in ReactJS",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2018-03-01",
"endDate": "2018-12-31",
"summary": "Frontend development with Javascript ES6, TypeScript and ReactJS..",
"highlights": [
"Development of a Workflow Management UI. ReactJS, Redux, ES6, Cypress.",
"Development of a HiRes video player for the Electron platform.",
"Development of a file ingest application for ingesting local video files"
"technologies": [
"company": "EVS Broadcast Equipment",
"position": "Senior Backend Developer",
"description": "Backend development in Java with Spring",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2017-11-01",
"endDate": "2018-02-01",
"summary": "Backend development with Java 8, Spring Boot.",
"highlights": [
"Development of a Transfer Agent for transfering files from/to ftp, sftp, AWS S3, Aspera, File Catalyst, Tape storage."
"technologies": [
"company": "Design is Dead",
"position": "Senior Fullstack Developer - Java and Javascript",
"description": "Frontend and Backend development in Java with Spring/Hibernate",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2017-05-01",
"endDate": "2017-10-30",
"summary": "Development projects in the domain of Java EE / Web Frontend for BASE / Telenet Company.",
"highlights": [],
"technologies": [
"team city",
"company": "BNP Paribas Fortis",
"position": "Senior Developer - Technical Architect - IT Integrator",
"description": "Development team and infrastructure configuration management and follow-up",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2016-08-01",
"endDate": "2017-04-30",
"summary": "As an IT integrator, I was responsible for making the project developed by my Scrum team deploy smoothly on the environments of the organisation. I also make sure that the product integrates with other projects we depend on.",
"highlights": [
"Follow-up infrastructure provisioning of servers",
"Follow-up Websphere setup for the application",
"Provide SQL scripts to DBAs and follow-up their execution",
"Follow up the development team and guide technical choices and implementation",
"Provide tools to allow the test automation"
"technologies": [
"company": "",
"position": "Senior Fullstack Developer - Java, Javascript and iOS",
"description": "Frontend and Backend development in Javascript and Java with Spring/Hibernate",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2015-10-01",
"endDate": "2016-07-31",
"summary": "Development of Consumer Facing applications. Front-to-back and Mobile (iOS).",
"highlights": [
"Frontend web development in javascript and typescript",
"iOS development for iPhone (Swift)",
"Backend development (Spring, Spring MVC, RESTfull, Spring Boot)"
"technologies": [
"company": "BNP Paribas",
"position": "Senior Fullstack Developer - Application Architect - Dev Lead - Java and Javascript",
"description": "Frontend and Backend development in Javascript and Java with Spring/Hibernate",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2010-09-01",
"endDate": "2015-09-01",
"summary": "",
"highlights": [
"Development of Framework tools in the E-commerce Shared Service Center team.",
"Development of various applications for corporate customers of BNPP Worldwide: FX-trading App, Posttrade, Market-Data, EMIR Back Reporting."
"technologies": [
"company": "Electrabel - Engie",
"position": "Senior Software Developer",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2009-04-01",
"endDate": "2010-08-01",
"summary": "ETRM project is the replacement of the trading and risk management in TPM (Trading and Portfolio Management). The infinity part of the project consists of managing Quality Control for middle office tasks and deal confirmation for back office tasks. This project is based on a workflow and rule engine to model business flows.\r\nPosition and achievements: JEE developer. Development of some components in Java/Spring/hibernate, realisation of workflow.",
"highlights": [],
"technologies": [
"company": "Direct Mobile SPRL",
"position": "Senior Software Developer and Owner",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2007-03-01",
"endDate": "2009-03-01",
"summary": "Direct Mobile SPRL Development of mobile applications. Responsible for architecture, development and support in production of the system.",
"highlights": [],
"technologies": [
"company": "Newtec Cy",
"position": "Senior Software Developer",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2003-08-01",
"endDate": "2006-09-01",
"summary": "DVB-RCS Project. Development of the network Hub management application (Customer Configuration Management Tool). J2EE Java Development with JBOSS / Hibernate / Spring on Linux/Windows.",
"highlights": [],
"technologies": [
"company": "Golog SPRL",
"position": "Senior Software Developer and Architect",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2002-01-01",
"endDate": "2004-12-01",
"summary": "Development of a redirection system for bad requests done by ISPs Internet users. Design, development and technical support of the complete IT infrastructure following the requirements provided by the customer. The redirection engine is written in C++ and Python, the administrator part is a web site written in J2EE.\r\n",
"highlights": [],
"technologies": [
"company": "IBM Belgium",
"position": "Senior Software Developer and Team Leader",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2000-09-01",
"endDate": "2003-06-01",
"summary": "I participated in the development of CLS (Banking System to cover settlement risk relative to FX trade). I was part of the GUI team developing MFC/STL application and an API that needed to run on both Windows NT and AIX. I was responsible for the design and development of new functionalities but also for the improvement of code quality of the application and for giving support to people working on AIX. Development of a Java application that monitors the core system. I was technically leading and mentoring a team of 6 people.",
"highlights": [],
"technologies": [
"company": "7Ways",
"position": "Developer + Team leader",
"website": "",
"startDate": "1999-11-01",
"endDate": "2000-08-01",
"summary": "Developer + Team leader in a start-up company based in Sophia-Antipolis (France) 7WAYS.",
"highlights": [
"Development of components in Java for dealing with Object Oriented Persistency against relational databases. Those components are meant to be called from JSP pages on a web site.",
"Design, Development and management of a complete E-commerce web site that sells Domain Names to the public, affiliates and resellers ( This site was also accessible with WAP devices.",
"Analysis, Design and development of an E-commerce web site for Compagnie du V\u00e9lo. Distributed system using CORBA, Java, JSP, Python and an ORACLE Database (8.0.5 on Linux)."
"technologies": [
"company": "Sema Group",
"position": "Developer",
"website": "",
"startDate": "1999-04-01",
"endDate": "1999-11-01",
"summary": "Developer in company SEMA GROUP.\r\nThree tiers distributed development of SemaVision product : Customer Care, Billing & Rating System for mobile telecommunication operators.\r\n\r\nWindows NT and Unix Environment, Oracle database (Version 8.0.5 on HP-UX), Fort\u00e9 Distributed Environment (Fort\u00e9 is using a language comparable to Java), OO Analysis and Design with UML (Select Enterprise V6).",
"highlights": [],
"technologies": ["forte", "oracle", "unix"]
"company": "Netbay SA",
"position": "Developer and Team Leader",
"website": "",
"startDate": "1997-09-01",
"endDate": "1999-04-01",
"summary": "Developer and Team Leader in a company based in MONACO.\r\n\r\n* Responsible for the analysis, planning and development of tools to do management of document databases.\r\n* Development of management tools to help the scanning and workflow processing of big amounts of documents.\r\n* Development on Sun Solaris in C++ for Internet Applications.",
"highlights": [],
"technologies": [
"company": "Dron Concept Informatique",
"summary": "Responsible for the analysis, planning and development of an EDM software package by a team of 3 software engineers. Responsible for feasibility study, cost evaluation of specifics developments, supervision of the developments. Responsible for technological survey.\nDeveloping in 32 bits Windows environment (Windows 95 and Windows NT) with Microsoft tools (Visual C++ 4.2 and Microsoft Foundation Classes).",
"position": "Developer and Team Leader",
"startDate": "1995-10-01",
"endDate": "1997-09-01",
"highlights": [],
"technologies": ["windows", "winapi", "visual-c++", "c++"]
"company": "Misc",
"position": "Free-lance contractor in Belgium",
"website": "",
"startDate": "1994-04-01",
"endDate": "1995-09-01",
"summary": "* Several developments under Windows and MicroStation (CAD software). CD-ROM development (Trends Top 30).\r\n* CISCO SYSTEMS SA : Automatic Case Routing utility for support services in Brussels developed in C on HP-UX with a Oracle Database.\r\n* ARIANE II SA for the European Economics Commission : Analysis and realisation of an Microsoft Access application for report production concerning inventory and help desk systems.\r\n",
"highlights": [],
"technologies": [
"company": "OLISOFT SPRL",
"position": "Developer",
"website": "",
"startDate": "1992-01-01",
"endDate": "1994-02-01",
"summary": "",
"highlights": [
"Development of a Workflow system under X-Windows OSF Motif. Port of this application to MS-Windows (using C language)",
"roject leader and Developer for CAD version of Taurus Software (DCI): big raster documents (A0) and CAD documents viewing, viewing, annotations layers management,... (C Language, Windows environment)."
"technologies": ["windows", "unix", "xwindows", "osf-motif", "c"]
"company": "ISATIS SA",
"position": "Developer",
"website": "",
"startDate": "1981-01-01",
"endDate": "1982-12-31",
"summary": "Development of miscellaneous management applications under Unix (Accounting software, Budget and resource management system for the EEC)",
"highlights": [],
"technologies": [
"education": [
"institution": "EPHEC",
"area": "Computer Science",
"studyType": "Graduat",
"startDate": "1987-01-01",
"endDate": "1991-01-01"
"institution": "Institut des Arts de Diffusion",
"area": "Sound Engineering",
"studyType": "Graduat",
"startDate": "1984-01-01",
"endDate": "1987-01-01"
"institution": "Ath\u00e9n\u00e9e Royal Maurice Car\u00e8me Wavre",
"area": "Math\u00e9matiques",
"studyType": "Enseignement secondaire",
"startDate": "1982-01-01",
"endDate": "1984-01-01"
"skills": [
"name": "Programming Languages",
"level": "Master",
"keywords": [
"name": "Java Ecosystem",
"level": "Master",
"keywords": [
"Spring Data",
"Spring Security",
"Apache Commons",
"name": "Databases",
"level": "Master",
"keywords": [
"Microsoft Access",
"name": "Tooling",
"level": "Master",
"keywords": [
"Intellij IDEA",
"Visual Studio Code",
"name": "Web Frameworks",
"level": "Master",
"keywords": ["ReactJS", "Angular", "AngularJS", "jQuery", "WebPack"]
"name": "Web Development",
"level": "Master",
"keywords": ["HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript", "REST", "GraphQL"]
"name": "Methodology",
"level": "Master",
"keywords": ["Scrum", "Xtreme Programming", "TDD", "Testing Strategy"]
"languages": [
"language": "English",
"fluency": "Full professional"
"language": "French",
"fluency": "Native or bilingual"
"references": [
"name": "Jean-Francois Lentz (Software engineer and Development Team Leader)",
"reference": "Good team spirit and very professional... currently we are building a web application in a very pragmatic and pleasant way."
"name": "Eric Lantonnet (Directeur G\u00e9n\u00e9ral Namebay (Nameshield Group), Ex. Membre du Conseil d'Administration de l'AFNIC et membre du MEB (Monaco))",
"reference": "Bernard a fait pour 7Ways un travail de base essentiel qui a permis l'essor de la registration de nom de domaine Internet \"Registrar\" pour ma soci\u00e9t\u00e9 et qui a \u00e9t\u00e9 repris, en partie, par la suite, par de nombreux Registrar. Son travail appliqu\u00e9 et tr\u00e8s professionnel reste un tr\u00e8s bon souvenir pour moi."
"meta": { "theme": "elegant" }
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