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Last active June 14, 2023 14:37
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  • Save bng44270/142b1d8eaaee23604b7745410960e5cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bng44270/142b1d8eaaee23604b7745410960e5cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Update Files using Github API from Google Script
Update Files using Github API from Google Script
1) Add file to the top of the list in App Script project
2) Add the following script properties to App Script project:
github_user -> will contain the username of the commit user
github_email -> will contain the e-mail address of the commit user
github_token -> will contain the personal access token (for API connection)
Instantiate the object:
var gh = new GithubFile('API-TOKEN','USERNAME','EMAIL-ADDRESS');
Get information on a repository entry (returns same object as Github REST API "Get Repository Content"):
For details on getEntry return value, see
To update a file in a repository:
Note that the <file-SHA> is an element of the object returned by getEntry()
class GithubFile {
constructor() {
this.USER = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('github_user');;
this.EMAIL = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('github_email');;
this.TOKEN = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('github_token');;
getEntry(repo,filepath) {
var url = "" + this.USER + "/" + repo + "/contents" + filepath;
var headers = {};
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + this.TOKEN;
headers['X-GitHub-Api-Version'] = '2022-11-28';
var reqOptions = {
'method' : 'get',
'headers' : headers
var req = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,reqOptions);
if (req.getResponseCode() == 200) {
var content = JSON.parse(req.getContentText());
return content;
else {
throw EvalError();
updateFile(repo,filepath,sha,msg,content) {
var contentBytes = (Utilities.newBlob(content)).getBytes();
var payload = {
"message" : msg,
"committer" : {
"name" : this.USER,
"email" : this.EMAIL
"content" : Utilities.base64Encode(contentBytes),
"sha" : sha
var headers = {
"Accept" : "application/vnd.github+json",
"Authorization" : "Bearer " + this.TOKEN,
"X-GitHub-Api-Version" : "2022-11-28"
var reqOptions = {
"method" : "put",
"headers" : headers,
"payload" : JSON.stringify(payload),
"muteHttpExceptions" : true
var url = "" + this.USER + "/" + repo + "/contents" + filepath;
var req = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,reqOptions);
var resp = {
status : req.getResponseCode(),
body : req.getContentText(),
headers : req.getHeaders()
if (req.getResponseCode() == 200) {
return resp;
else {
throw EvalError(JSON.stringify(resp));
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