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Last active April 30, 2020 14:17
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ServiceNow UserCriteria Script
Determine employee has an employee type:
if (new GenericUserUtil().hasEmployeeType("employee-type")) {
//deny or grant access
Determine if employee is in a company:
if (new GenericUserUtil().isInCompany("company-sys-id")) {
//deny or grant access
Determine if employee is in a company:
if (new GenericUserUtil().isInParentDepartment("department-sys-id")) {
//deny or grant access
var GenericUserUtil = Class.create();
GenericUserUtil.prototype = {
//User GlideRecord Object
userReference : null,
//Constructor - instantiates User GlideRecord - thows GenericUserUtilNotFoundException on invalid sys_id
initialize: function() {
this.userReference = new GlideRecord('sys_user');
if (!this.userReference.get(gs.getUserID())) throw 'GenericUserUtilNotFoundException';
//hasEmployeeType - returns true if user has employee type <empType>, false if not
hasEmployeeType : function(empType) {
return (this.userReference.u_employee_type == empType) ? true : false;
//isInCompany - returns
isInCompany : function(companyId) {
return ( == companyId) ? true : false;
//isInParentDepartment - returns true if the user's parent department has the sys_id <departmentId>, false if not, throws GenericUserUtilDepartmentNotDefinedException if no department is defined for user
isInParentDepartment : function(departmentId) {
var deptGr = new GlideRecord("cmn_department");
if (!deptGr.get(this.userReference.department) && this.userReference.department.length > 0) throw 'GenericUserUtilDepartmentNotDefinedException';
return (deptGr.parent == departmentId) ? true : false;
type: 'GenericUserUtil'
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