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Created March 21, 2023 00:00
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Streamline the creation of API Endpoints on Google Script
Streamline the creation of API Endpoints on Google Script
1. Create a new App Script project.
2. Create a new script file, paste this code into it, and save it.
NOTE: Make sure the new callhandler script file is at the top of the file list
3. In file, paste the following code:
var handler = new CallHandler();
// Add URL handlers here
function doGet(e) {
var url = e.pathInfo;
var param = e.parameters;
var returnValue = handler.evaluate('GET',url,param);
return ContentService.createTextOutput(returnValue);
function doPost(e) {
var url = e.pathInfo;
var param = e.parameters;
var data = e.postData.contents;
var returnValue = handler.evaluate('POST',url,param,data);
return ContentService.createTextOutput(returnValue);
4. For each API Endpoint add the following code underneath the "Add URL handlers here" comment:
handler.addOp(method,endpointPath,function(urlParams,postData) {
//Code to execute when endpoint is accessed
return returnValue;
method - 'GET' or 'POST'
endpointPath - string containing endpoint URL path
- Must start wtih "/"
- follows "/exec" in deployment URL
urlParams - url parameters provided in API call (optional)
postData - data posted on API call (optional)
returnValue - data to be returned from API call (must be in string format)
5. Create a new deployment of type Web App giving the
deployment a unique and descriptive name.
Take note of the Web App URL when deployment has completed.
NOTE: If the code is modified (adding a new endpoint) the project
must be re-deployed
class CallHandler {
constructor() {
this.ops = [];
addOp(method,url,opCode) {
if (this.validateMethod(method)) {
var thisOp = {};
thisOp['method'] = method;
thisOp['url'] = url.replace(/^\//,'');
thisOp['code'] = opCode;
var argCount = this.getFunctionArgs(opCode).length;
thisOp['params'] = (argCount == 1 || argCount == 2) ? true : false;
thisOp['data'] = (argCount == 2) ? true : false;
evaluate(method,url,param,data) {
var returnValue = '';
var validOps = this.ops.filter(x => (x.method == method && x.url == url));
if (validOps.length == 0) {
returnValue = "Invalid request (" + JSON.stringify({
method : method,
url : url,
params : param,
data : (data) ? data : ""
else {
validOps.forEach(o => {
if (o.params && {
returnValue = o.code(param,data);
else if (o.params) {
returnValue = o.code(param);
else {
returnValue = o.code();
return returnValue;
validateMethod(m) {
return (["GET","POST"].indexOf(m.toUpperCase()) > -1) ? true : false;
getFunctionArgs(f) {
return (typeof f == 'function') ? f.toString().split('\n')[0].replace(/^.*\(([^)]+)\).*$/,'$1').split(',') : false;
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