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Last active May 12, 2023 13:55
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Create JsonFS File from Directory in PowerShell
# Create JsonFS File from Directory in PowerShell
# Usage:
# New-JsonFSFile -Path <directory-path> -File <target-JSON-file> [-Unicode $True]
# If the -Unicode option is omitted text files will be encoded ASCII values
# NOTE: This script will only create JSON for directory structures 99 folders deep
# To interact with JSON filesystem use JsonFS (
function Get-FormattedDate($Date) {
$Month = $Date.Month
$Day = $Date.Day
$Year = $Date.Year
$Hour = $Date.Hour
$Minute = $Date.Minute
$Second = $Date.Second
return "$Month/$Day/$Year $Hour`:$Minute`:$Second"
function Parse-Directory($Path,$Unicode) {
$DirectoryObject = @{}
$UseFolder = (Get-Item $Path)
if ($UseFolder.PSIsContainer) {
Get-ChildItem $Path | Foreach-Object {
if ($_.PSIsContainer) {
if ($Unicode) {
$DirectoryObject[$_.PSChildName] = (Parse-Directory -Path $_.PSPath -Unicode $True)
else {
$DirectoryObject[$_.PSChildName] = (Parse-Directory -Path $_.PSPath)
else {
$FileObject = @{}
$FileContent = (Get-Content $_.PSPath)
if ($Unicode) {
$Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($FileContent)
else {
$Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($FileContent)
$EncodedText =[Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes)
$FileObject['content'] = $EncodedText
$FileObject['modified'] = (Get-FormattedDate -Date $_.LastWriteTime)
$FileObject['size'] = if ($Unicode) { $_.Length } else { ($FileContent | Measure-Object -Character).Characters }
$DirectoryObject[$_.PSChildName] = (New-Object pscustomobject -Property $FileObject)
return (New-Object pscustomobject -Property $DirectoryObject)
function New-JsonFSFile($Path,$File,$Unicode) {
$JsonObj = @{}
$JsonObj['type'] = 'jsonfs'
if ($Unicode) {
$JsonObj['fs'] = (Parse-Directory -Path $Path -Unicode $True)
else {
$JsonObj['fs'] = (Parse-Directory -Path $Path)
$JsonText = ((New-Object pscustomobject -Property $JsonObj) | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)
if ($File) {
$JsonText | Out-File -FilePath $File
else {
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