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Last active October 21, 2020 13:35
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Create Custom Interactive Command-line Interface with JavaScript
DomTerm (DOM Terminal)
Replaced by ES6 version (
Create interactive customizable command-line interface in a browser window
Requires: NewClass.js
Built-in Commands:
clear - clears terminal display
pipeon - turns on output pipe
count - counts lines in output pipe (closes pipe after execution)
grep - search for string int output pipe (closes pipe after execution)
history - display command history
info - show information about environment
echo - display output and turn command echo on/off
rerun - rerun command from history
1) Create <div> to populate with terminal
2) Create a DomTerm instance:
Option 1 (div = id of <div>):
var thisTerm = DomTerm.instance({div:'terminal'});
Option 2 (div = id of <div>, autoexec = array of startup commands:
var thisTerm = DomTerm.instance({div:'terminal', autoexec: [
'echo **********************',
'echo * DOM Term Interface *',
'echo **********************'
3) Adding custom command (in this case, a print command):
thisTerm.addCommand('print',function(myterm,input) {
myterm.showOutput(input.replace(/^print[ \t]+/,''));
description : 'Output string to console',
usage : 'print &lt;string&gt;'
4) Adding a custom keyboard shortcut (in this case "Alt-c" to clear terminal):
thisTerm.addKeyboardShortcut('c',function(myterm) {
},"Clear console");
var DomTerm = NewClass({
public : {
settings : {
consoleSize : [80,20],
backgroundColor : '#ffffff',
foregroundColor : '#000000',
container : '',
displayId : '',
inputId : '',
selectionId : '',
cmds : [],
kbs : [],
keyon : false,
inputTask : {
active : false
consoleEcho : false,
selection : false,
history : [],
currentHistoryItem : -1,
scripts : [],
waitLabel : '',
outputPipe : {
active : false,
text : ''
toggleSelection : function(event) {
if (this.settings.selection) {
this.settings.selection = false;
document.getElementById(this.settings.selectionId).value = 'Turn Selection Mode On';
else {
this.settings.selection = true;
document.getElementById(this.settings.selectionId).value = 'Turn Selection Mode Off';
resizeEntry : function(event) {
document.getElementById(this.settings.inputId).style.width = document.getElementById(this.settings.displayId).style.width;
if (!this.settings.selection) {
clearConsole : function() {
document.getElementById(this.settings.displayId).innerHTML = '';
showOutput : function(outputText) {
if (typeof outputText != 'string') throw new TypeError;
if ( {
this.settings.outputPipe.text += outputText + '\n';
else {
document.getElementById(this.settings.displayId).innerHTML = document.getElementById(this.settings.displayId).innerHTML + '\n' + outputText;
document.getElementById(this.settings.displayId).scrollTop = document.getElementById(this.settings.displayId).scrollHeight;
startPipedOutput : function() { = true;
returnPipedOutput : function() {
var returnData = '';
if ( {
returnData = this.settings.outputPipe.text; = false;
this.settings.outputPipe.text = '';
this.showOutput('Piped output is complete');
return returnData;
replaceConosleText : function(origText,replaceWith) {
if (typeof origText != 'string') throw new TypeError;
if (typeof replaceWith != 'string') throw new TypeError;
if ( {
var pipeText = this.settings.outputPipe.text;
this.settings.outputPipe.text = pipeText.replace(origText,replaceWith);
else {
var consoleText = document.getElementById(this.settings.displayId).innerHTML;
document.getElementById(this.settings.displayId).innerHTML = consoleText.replace(origText,replaceWith);
setCommandText : function(cmdText) {
if (typeof cmdText != 'string') throw new TypeError;
document.getElementById(this.settings.inputId).value = cmdText;
getCommandText : function() {
return document.getElementById(this.settings.inputId).value;
addScript : function(scriptName,cmdAr, scriptDescr) {
if (typeof scriptName != 'string') throw new TypeError;
if (typeof cmdAr != 'object') throw new TypeError;
if (typeof scriptDescr != 'string') throw new TypeError;
name : scriptName,
description : scriptDescr,
commands : cmdAr
runScript : function(scriptName) {
if (typeof scriptName != 'string') throw new TypeError;
if (this.existScript(scriptName)) {
var scriptCommands = this.settings.scripts.filter(function(thisScript) {
return == scriptName;
this.debugMessage('BEGIN ' + scriptName + ' script');
for (var i = 0; i < scriptCommands.length; i++) {
this.debugMessage('END ' + scriptName + ' script');
existScript : function(scriptName) {
if (typeof scriptName != 'string') throw new TypeError;
var scriptFoundCount = this.settings.scripts.filter(function(thisScript) {
return == scriptName;
return scriptFoundCount;
beginOutputWait : function(label) {
if (typeof label != 'string') throw new TypeError;
this.showOutput('WAITING-FOR-' + label);
this.settings.waitLabel = label;
endOutputWait : function(outputText) {
if (typeof outputText != 'string') throw new TypeError;
this.replaceConosleText('WAITING-FOR-' + this.settings.waitLabel,outputText);
this.settings.waitLabel = '';
addCommand : function(cmdName,cmdFunction,helpData) {
if (typeof cmdName != 'string') throw new TypeError;
if (typeof cmdFunction != 'function') throw new TypeError;
if (typeof helpData != 'object' && helpData) throw new TypeError;
if (this.existCommand(cmdName).length == 0) {
existCommand : function(cmdName) {
if (typeof cmdName != 'string') throw new TypeError;
return this.settings.cmds.filter(function(command) {
return == cmdName;
addInputTask : function(inputFunction) {
if (typeof inputFunction != 'function') throw new TypeError;
this.settings.inputTask = {
run : inputFunction,
active : true
resetInputTask : function() {
this.settings.inputTask = {
active : false
addKeyboardShortcut : function(keyEntry, runCode, description) {
if (typeof keyEntry != 'string' && keyEntry.match(/^[a-z0-9]$/)) throw new TypeError;
if (typeof runCode != 'function') throw new TypeError;
if (typeof description != 'string') throw new TypeError;
key : keyEntry,
description : description,
run : runCode
handleKeyboardInput : function(event) {
if (event.altKey) {
var inputKey = event.code.replace(/^[KD][ei][gy][i]*[t]*(.*$)/,'$1').toLowerCase();
if (inputKey.match(/^[a-z0-9]$/)) {
var thisKey = this.settings.kbs.filter(function(thisItem) {
return thisItem.key == inputKey;
if (thisKey.length == 1) {
else {
this.showOutput('Alt-' + inputKey + ' not defined');
this.setCommandText('$ ');
handleInput : function(event) {
//Set Prompt
if (this.getCommandText().length < 2) {
this.setCommandText('$ ');
if (event.keyCode == 27) {
this.setCommandText('$ ');
//Pressed up
else if (event.keyCode == 38) {
this.setCommandText('$ ' + this.settings.history[this.settings.currentHistoryItem]);
if (this.settings.currentHistoryItem > 0) {
this.settings.currentHistoryItem -= 1;
//Pressed down
else if (event.keyCode == 40) {
if (this.settings.currentHistoryItem < (this.settings.history.length - 1)) {
this.settings.currentHistoryItem += 1;
this.setCommandText('$ ' + this.settings.history[this.settings.currentHistoryItem]);
//Pressed enter
else if (event.keyCode == 13) {
debugMessage : function(debugText) {
this.settings.history.push('# ' + debugText);
this.settings.currentHistoryItem = this.settings.history.length -1;
if (this.settings.consoleEcho) {
this.showOutput('> # ' + debugText);
runInput : function() {
var inputText = document.getElementById(this.settings.inputId).value.replace(/^\$[ \t]+/,'');
this.settings.currentHistoryItem = this.settings.history.length -1;
if (inputText.length > 0) {
if (inputText.match(/^#/)) {
if (this.settings.consoleEcho) {
this.showOutput('$ ' + inputText);
else if ( {
if (this.settings.consoleEcho) {
this.showOutput('$ ' + inputText);
else {
var rootCmd = inputText.replace(/^([^ \t]+).*$/,"$1");
if (this.existCommand(rootCmd).length > 0) {
if (this.settings.consoleEcho)
this.showOutput('$ ' + inputText);
this.settings.cmds.filter(function(command) {
return == rootCmd;
else if (this.existScript(inputText).length > 0) {
if (this.settings.consoleEcho)
this.showOutput('$ ' + inputText);
else {
if (this.settings.consoleEcho)
this.showOutput('$ ' + inputText);
this.showOutput('Command not found (' + rootCmd + ')');
document.getElementById(this.settings.inputId).value = '$ ';
constructor : function(args) {
//Define HTML element names for terminal
this.settings.container = args.div;
this.settings.displayId = args.div + '_termDisplay';
this.settings.inputId = args.div + '_termInput';
this.settings.selectionId = args.div + '_selection';
//Draw Terminal
var htmlContent = '<pre id="' + this.settings.displayId + '" style="width:520px;overflow-y:scroll;height:400px;outline:none;resize: both;overflow: auto;"></pre><br/>';
htmlContent += '<input autocomplete="off" style="font-family: monospace;" type="text" id="' + this.settings.inputId + '" value="$ " style="width:520px;border:none;border-width:0px;" /><br/>';
htmlContent += '<input type="button" id="' + this.settings.selectionId + '" value="Turn Selection Mode On" />';
document.getElementById(this.settings.container).innerHTML = htmlContent;
//Resize Terminal
document.getElementById(this.settings.inputId).style.width = (document.body.scrollWidth - 30).toString() + 'px';
document.getElementById(this.settings.displayId).style.width = (document.body.scrollWidth - 30).toString() + 'px';
document.getElementById(this.settings.displayId).style.height = (document.body.scrollHeight - 150).toString() + 'px';
this.debugMessage('Configured Interface');
//Define base command set
this.addCommand('clear',function(thisTerm,command) {
description : 'Clears contents of console',
usage : 'clear'
this.addCommand('info',function(thisTerm,command) {
thisTerm.showOutput('Configuration Loaded:\n ' +
thisTerm.settings.cmds.length.toString() + ' commands\n ' +
thisTerm.settings.scripts.length.toString() + ' scripts\n ' +
thisTerm.settings.kbs.length.toString() + ' keyboard shortcuts');
description : 'Display terminal information',
usage : 'info'
this.addCommand('echo',function(thisTerm,command) {
command = command.replace(/^echo[ \t]*/,'');
if (command == 'on') {
thisTerm.settings.consoleEcho = true;
thisTerm.showOutput('echo is on');
else if (command == 'off') {
thisTerm.settings.consoleEcho = false;
thisTerm.showOutput('echo is off');
else if (command.length == 0) {
thisTerm.showOutput('echo is ' + ((thisTerm.settings.consoleEcho) ? 'on' : 'off'));
else {
description : 'Change command echo functionality',
usage : 'echo &lt;on|off|(string of text)&gt;'
this.addCommand('grep',function(thisTerm,input) {
if ( {
input = input.replace(/^grep[ \t]+/,"");
thisTerm.showOutput(thisTerm.returnPipedOutput().split('\n').filter(function(thisLine) {
return thisLine.match(new RegExp(input,'i'));
else {
thisTerm.showOutput('No active pipes (use pipeon)');
description : 'Search piped output',
usage : 'grep &lt;text&gt;'
this.addCommand('count',function(thisTerm,input) {
if ( {
input = input.replace(/^count[ \t]*/,"");
switch(input) {
case "line" : thisTerm.showOutput("Lines: " + thisTerm.returnPipedOutput().split('\n').length.toString()); break;
case "char" : thisTerm.showOutput("Characters : " + thisTerm.returnPipedOutput().length.toString()); break;
case "" : thisTerm.showOutput('Requires line or char'); break;
default : thisTerm.showOutput('Invalid argument (' + input + ')'); break;
else {
thisTerm.showOutput('No active pipes (use pipeon)');
description : 'Return count data from piped output',
usage : 'count <line|char>'
this.addCommand('pipeon',function(thisTerm,command) {
if ( {
thisTerm.showOutput('Pipe is already active');
else {
thisTerm.showOutput('Piped output is activated'); = true;
description : 'Turn on piped output functionality',
usage : 'pipeon'
this.addCommand('help',function(thisTerm,input) {
input = input.replace(/^help[ \t]*/,'');
if (input.length > 0) {
var commandData = thisTerm.settings.cmds.filter(function(thisCmd) {
return == input;
var scriptData = thisTerm.settings.scripts.filter(function(thisScr) {
return == input;
if (commandData.length == 1) {
if (commandData[0].help)
thisTerm.showOutput(commandData[0].help.description + '\nusage: ' + commandData[0].help.usage + '\n');
thisTerm.showOutput(input + ': command help not available');
else if (scriptData.length == 1) {
thisTerm.showOutput(scriptData[0].description + '\nCommands executed in script:\n' + scriptData[0] {
return ' > ' + thisCmd;
else {
thisTerm.showOutput('Command not found (' + input + ')');
else {
thisTerm.showOutput('Available commands:\n' + {
return " " +;
}).sort().join('\n') + '\nAvailable Scripts:\n' + {
return " " +;
}).sort().join('\n') + '\nAvailable Keyboard Shortcuts:\n' + {
return " Alt-" + itm.key + ": " + itm.description;
}).sort().join('\n') + '\nCommand-specific information:\n help &lt;command&gt;');
description : 'Show help information',
usage : 'help [&lt;command&gt;]'
this.addCommand('history',function(thisTerm,command) {
if (command.replace(/^history[ \t]+/,'') == 'del') {
thisTerm.settings.history = [];
thisTerm.debugMessage('History deleted');
else {
for (var i = 0; i < thisTerm.settings.history.length; i++) {
thisTerm.showOutput((i+1).toString() + ': ' + thisTerm.settings.history[i]);
description : 'Show/Delete command history',
usage : 'history [del]'
this.addCommand('rerun',function(thisTerm,command) {
command = command.replace(/^rerun[ \t]*/,"");
var cmdIdx = eval(command) - 1;
if (cmdIdx <= thisTerm.settings.history.length) {
thisTerm.debugMessage('BEGIN Re-run ' + (cmdIdx + 1).toString());
thisTerm.debugMessage('END Re-run ' + (cmdIdx + 1).toString());
description : "Rerun command listed in history",
usage : "rerun &lt;history-id&gt; [command-count]"
this.addKeyboardShortcut('s',function(thisTerm) {
},'Toggle selection mode on and off');
this.debugMessage('Base Command Set Loaded');
if (args.autoexec) {
this.addScript('autoexec',args.autoexec,'Startup Script');
var thisTerm = DomTerm.instance({div:'terminal', autoexec: [
'echo **********************',
'echo * DOM Term Interface *',
'echo **********************'
thisTerm.addCommand('print',function(myterm,input) {
myterm.showOutput(input.replace(/^print[ \t]+/,''));
description : 'Output string to console',
usage : 'print &lt;string&gt;'
'print *****************',
'print * Welcome Buddy *',
'print *****************'
],'Display Welcome Banner');
thisTerm.addKeyboardShortcut('c',function(myterm) {
},"Clear console");
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