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Last active April 13, 2019 06:46
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<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
$().ready(function() {
$('#btn-order').click(function() {
merchant: {
success_url: 'MERCHANT_WEBSITE/confirm',
cancel_url: 'MERCHANT_WEBSITE/cancel'
customer: {
first_name: 'First',
last_name: 'Last',
phone: '',
email: '',
shipping: {
name: 'First Last',
company_name: 'Company Name', // optional
phone: '4153334567',
address_line1: '633 Folsom St',
address_line2: 'FL 7', // optional
address_city: 'San Francisco',
address_postal: '94017',
address_country: 'US',
billing: {
first_name: 'First',
last_name: 'Last',
phone: '4153334567',
items: [{
name: 'Product Name',
sku: 'ABC-123',
unit_price: 19.99,
quantity: 3,
order_number: '', // (optional) merchant order number
po_number: '', // (optional) buyer purchase order number if required
shipping_amount: 0.00,
tax_amount: 5.00,
total_amount: 64.97,
<button id="btn-order">Place Order</button>
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