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Created July 21, 2020 11:27
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A means of generating all the possible combination of MQTT wildcards and token arrangements for a given topic while minimizing allocations as much as possible. The topic should not contain any wildcard to begin with plus as per the MQTT specification, it should have at least 1 character
package main
import (
type node struct {
val string
isIntermediary bool
exact *node
singleLevel *node
func populate(parent *node, tokens []string) {
parent.isIntermediary = true
parent.exact = &node{val: tokens[0]}
parent.singleLevel = &node{val: "+"}
if len(tokens) == 1 {
populate(parent.exact, tokens[1:])
populate(parent.singleLevel, tokens[1:])
// tokens should be of length >= 1 otherwise panics
func generateTopicStrings(tokens []string) []string {
// create tree of each possible combination of tokens & wildcards
root := new(node)
populate(root, tokens)
// the expected no. of pure single level topics is the number of leaves.
// hence, if we have 3 levels e.g. from the topic foo/bar/quz, we'll
// expect 2^3 pure single level tokens. Courtesy of binary representation
// and bitshifts, this operation is equivalent to 1 << 3. Hence, with L levels
// we get the result via 1 << l
noTopics := (1 << len(tokens))
// the expected no. of topics terminated by # ie a multilevel match is a geometric series.
// Drawing out the tree, each and every node from the root can be extended
// to have a '#' as a child. Suppose we have foo/bar/quz as the select topic.
// At the zeroth level (ie root), we have 1 '#' since it matches every topic.
// At the first level, we have 'foo/#' and '+/#' ie 2^1. At the second level, we have
// 'foo/bar/#', 'foo/+/#', '+/bar/#' and '+/+/#' ie 2^2.
// Hence with L levels, the expected result is 1 + 2^1 + 2^2 + ... 2^L.
// Using the formula for summing geometric series and simplifying, we end up with 2^(L+1) - 1
// Once again, courtesy of binary representation and bitshifts, this operation is equivalent to
// 1 << (L+1) - 1, which is equal to 2 << L - 1
noTopics += (2 << len(tokens)) - 1
generatedTopics := make([]string, 0, noTopics)
// ensure temp has enough space to avoid
// unecessary allocations
temp := make([]string, 0, len(tokens)+1)
// ensure string builder has enough space to avoid unecessary allocations
// the possible max length for a given generated string is the sum of the length of
// each token plus space for the '/' separators plus a multilevel '#' at the end
strBLen := 0
for _, t := range tokens {
strBLen += len(t)
strBLen += (len(tokens) + 1)
// traverse the tree. On each leaf-node, a slice 'ts' temporarily holding
// the tokens for a given generated topic shall be 'emitted'. Furthermore,
// on both leaf-nodes and intermediary nodes, 'ts' shall be emitted with
// the contents of multi-level match token
traverse(root, temp, func(ts []string) {
var strB strings.Builder
for _, t := range ts[1:] {
generatedTopics = append(generatedTopics, strB.String())
return generatedTopics
func traverse(n *node, temp []string, emitTokens func([]string)) {
if n.isIntermediary == true {
traverse(n.exact, append(temp, n.exact.val), emitTokens)
traverse(n.singleLevel, append(temp, "+"), emitTokens)
} else { // isLeaf
emitTokens(append(temp, "#"))
func main() {
// assume a given topic 'foo/bar/quz' is already split
// into its constituent tokens
tokens := []string{"foo", "bar", "quz"}
ts := generateTopicStrings(tokens)
for _, t := range ts {
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