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Created April 15, 2017 06:10
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SDL Container for litehtml
#include "container_sdl.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace litehtml;
container_sdl::container_sdl(litehtml::context* html_context, SDL_Renderer* renderer){
// std::cout << "#ctor\n";
m_renderer = renderer;
SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(m_renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND);
litehtml::uint_ptr container_sdl::create_font( const litehtml::tchar_t* faceName, int size, int weight, litehtml::font_style italic, unsigned int decoration, litehtml::font_metrics* fm )
// std::cout << "[create_font] faceName: " << faceName
// << ", size: " << size
// << ", weight: " << weight
// << ", italic: " << italic
// << ", decoration: " << decoration << std::endl;
// TODO load specific fonts
// string_vector fonts;
// split_string(faceName, fonts, _t(","));
std::string fontPath = "./fonts/";
std::string fontName = "Roboto-Medium";
std::string key = "Roboto-Medium";
if(weight >= 700) {
fontName = "Roboto-Bold";
key = "Roboto-Bold";
key += "-" + std::to_string(size) + "px";
// std::cout << key << "\n" << fontName << "\n";
TTF_Font* font;
if (m_fonts[key]) {
font = m_fonts[key];
} else {
// fontPath.c_str() + fnt_name
font = TTF_OpenFont(("../data/fonts/" + fontName + ".ttf").c_str(), size);
// std::cout << "[create_font] OpenFont\n";
m_fonts[key] = font;
//If there was an error in loading the font
if(font == nullptr) {
std::cout << "[create_font] can't load ttf: " << fontName << std::endl;
std::cout << "TTF_OpenFont:" << TTF_GetError();
return nullptr;
int ttfStyle = TTF_STYLE_NORMAL;
if(italic == fontStyleItalic) {
ttfStyle = ttfStyle | TTF_STYLE_ITALIC;
if((decoration & font_decoration_linethrough) != 0) {
ttfStyle = ttfStyle | TTF_STYLE_STRIKETHROUGH;
if((decoration & font_decoration_underline) != 0) {
ttfStyle = ttfStyle | TTF_STYLE_UNDERLINE;
if(weight >= 700) {
ttfStyle = ttfStyle | TTF_STYLE_BOLD;
TTF_SetFontStyle(font, ttfStyle);
int iWidth = 0, iHeight = 0;
TTF_SizeText(font, _t("x"), &iWidth, &iHeight);
if (fm) {
// fixme cache this
fm->ascent = TTF_FontAscent(font);
fm->descent = TTF_FontDescent(font);
fm->height = TTF_FontHeight(font);
fm->x_height = iWidth;
fm->draw_spaces = italic == fontStyleItalic || decoration;
// std::cout << "[create_font] ascent: " << fm->ascent
// << ", descent: " << fm->descent
// << ", height: " << fm->height
// << ", x_height: " << fm->x_height
// << ", draw_spaces: " << fm->draw_spaces << std::endl;
return (uint_ptr) font;
void container_sdl::delete_font( litehtml::uint_ptr hFont )
// todo fix segfault
TTF_Font* font = (TTF_Font*)hFont;
if(font) {
TTF_CloseFont( font );
int container_sdl::text_width( const litehtml::tchar_t* text, litehtml::uint_ptr hFont )
TTF_Font* font = (TTF_Font*)hFont;
if(!font) {
// std::cout << "[text_width](" << text << ") font: null" << std::endl;
return 0;
int iWidth = 0, iHeight = 0;
TTF_SizeText(font, _t(text), &iWidth, &iHeight);
return iWidth;
void container_sdl::draw_text( litehtml::uint_ptr hdc, const litehtml::tchar_t* text, litehtml::uint_ptr hFont, litehtml::web_color color, const litehtml::position& pos )
SDL_Color sdlcolor={,,, color.alpha};
SDL_Surface *info;
TTF_Font* font = (TTF_Font*)hFont;
if(!(info=TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(font, text, sdlcolor))) {
//handle error here, perhaps print TTF_GetError at least
} else {
// fixme - use baseline correctly
SDL_Texture *texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(m_renderer, info);
SDL_Rect src = { 0, 0, info->w, info->h };
SDL_Rect dst = { pos.x, pos.y - (int) (pos.height * 0.5), info->w, info->h };
SDL_RenderCopy(m_renderer, texture, &src, &dst);
int container_sdl::pt_to_px( int pt )
return pt; // (int) round(pt * 125.0 / 72.0);
int container_sdl::get_default_font_size() const
return 16;
void container_sdl::draw_list_marker( litehtml::uint_ptr hdc, const litehtml::list_marker& marker )
void container_sdl::load_image( const litehtml::tchar_t* src, const litehtml::tchar_t* baseurl, bool redraw_on_ready )
std::cout << "#loadImage " << src << "\n";
void container_sdl::get_image_size( const litehtml::tchar_t* src, const litehtml::tchar_t* baseurl, litehtml::size& sz )
std::cout << "#getImageSize " << src << "\n";
std::string basePath = "../examples/scenes/";
auto image = IMG_Load((basePath + src).c_str());
sz.width = image->w;
sz.height = image->h;
std::cout << "width:" << image->w << " height" << image->h << "\n";
// SDL_FreeSurface(image);
void container_sdl::draw_background( litehtml::uint_ptr hdc, const litehtml::background_paint& bg )
if (bg.image.empty()) {
SDL_Rect fillRect = { bg.clip_box.x, bg.clip_box.y, bg.clip_box.width, bg.clip_box.height };
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(m_renderer,,,, bg.color.alpha);
SDL_RenderFillRect(m_renderer, &fillRect);
} else {
// Drawing image
SDL_Rect fillRect = { bg.clip_box.x, bg.clip_box.y, bg.image_size.width, bg.image_size.height };
std::string basePath = "../examples/scenes/";
auto image = IMG_Load((basePath + bg.image).c_str());
auto texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(m_renderer, image);
SDL_Rect src = { 0, 0, image->w, image->h };
SDL_RenderCopy(m_renderer, texture, &src, &fillRect);
std::cout << "Drawing... " << bg.image.c_str() << " " << image->w << "," << image->h << "\n";
std::cout << fillRect.x
<< "," << fillRect.y
<< "," << fillRect.w
<< "," << fillRect.h
<< "\n";
void container_sdl::make_url(const litehtml::tchar_t* url, const litehtml::tchar_t* basepath, litehtml::tstring& out)
void container_sdl::draw_borders(litehtml::uint_ptr hdc, const litehtml::borders& borders, const litehtml::position& draw_pos, bool root)
if ( != 0 && > litehtml::border_style_hidden) {
SDL_Rect fillRect = { draw_pos.x, draw_pos.y, draw_pos.width, draw_pos.height };
SDL_RenderDrawRect(m_renderer, &fillRect);
void container_sdl::transform_text(litehtml::tstring& text, litehtml::text_transform tt)
void container_sdl::set_clip( const litehtml::position& pos, const litehtml::border_radiuses& bdr_radius, bool valid_x, bool valid_y )
void container_sdl::del_clip()
void container_sdl::clear_images()
void container_sdl::get_client_rect(litehtml::position& client) const {
void container_sdl::on_anchor_click(const litehtml::tchar_t* url, const litehtml::element::ptr& el) {
void container_sdl::set_cursor(const litehtml::tchar_t* cursor) {
void container_sdl::import_css(litehtml::tstring& text, const litehtml::tstring& url, litehtml::tstring& baseurl) {
void container_sdl::set_caption(const litehtml::tchar_t* caption) {
void container_sdl::set_base_url(const litehtml::tchar_t* base_url) {
const litehtml::tchar_t* container_sdl::get_default_font_name() const
return _t("sans-serif");
std::shared_ptr<litehtml::element> container_sdl::create_element(const litehtml::tchar_t *tag_name,
const litehtml::string_map &attributes,
const std::shared_ptr<litehtml::document> &doc)
return 0;
void container_sdl::get_media_features(litehtml::media_features& media) const
litehtml::position client;
media.type = litehtml::media_type_screen;
media.width = client.width;
media.height = client.height;
media.device_width = 512;
media.device_height = 512;
media.color = 8;
media.monochrome = 0;
media.color_index = 256;
media.resolution = 96;
void container_sdl::get_language(litehtml::tstring& language, litehtml::tstring& culture) const
language = _t("en");
culture = _t("");
void container_sdl::link(const std::shared_ptr<litehtml::document> &ptr, const litehtml::element::ptr& el)
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