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Created January 12, 2023 10:42
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(ns protohackers.challenge2-gloss
[aleph.tcp :as tcp]
[clojure.core.match :refer [match]]
[ :as json]
[clojure.math :as math]
[gloss.core :as gloss]
[ :as io]
[ :as s]))
(def protocol
(gloss/string :utf-8 :delimiters ["\n"]))
(defn prime? [n]
(float? n) false
(<= n 1) false
(< n 4) true
:else (every? #(not= 0 (rem n %))
(range 2 (inc (math/sqrt n))))))
(defn close-malformed [s]
(s/put! s "malformed\n")
(s/close! s))
(defn handler [s _info]
(letfn [(from-json [data] (try (json/read-str data)
(catch Exception _ (close-malformed s))))
(handle-req [req] (match req
{"method" "isPrime"
"number" (n :guard number?)}
{:method "isPrime"
:prime (prime? n)}
:else (close-malformed s)))]
#(->> % ; process each line
(io/encode protocol))
(io/decode-stream s protocol)) ; get input from stream and turn into lines
s))) ; write response back to stream
(defn run []
(tcp/start-server #'handler {:port 8589}))
;; start server
(def server (run))
;; stop server
(.close server))
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