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Last active August 9, 2020 17:28
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Awesome JavaScript tricks and code snippets
import("").then(function(module) {
alert("module ready");
let width=1500;height=950;
Canvas2Image.saveAsJPEG(canvasObj, width, height)
javascript:var iables,ip="","&").reduce((o,i,d,k,v)=>(d=decodeURIComponent,[k,v]=i.split("="),o[d(k)]=v&&d(v),o),{}),'youtube'),v=y&&`plugin://${q['list']?'playlist_id='+q['list']:'video_id='+q['v']}`,p=prompt('',v||(document.getElementById('jp_audio_0')||{}).src||''),u=p&&`http://${ip}/jsonrpc?request={"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Player.Open","params":{"item":{"file":"${encodeURIComponent(p)}"}}}`,z=u&&(document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('video')).src=u)
var isDigit = testValue/10<1?true:false;
var largestNumber = arrayOfNumbers.sort(function(a,b)b-a)[0]; //ok in firefox
var largestNumber = arrayOfNumbers.sort((a,b)=>b-a)[0]; // ES6
var largestNumber = Math.max.apply(Math, arrayOfNumbers); // ES5
var largestNumber = Math.max(...arrayOfNumbers); // ES6
var random24bitColor = '#'+Math.random().toString(16).slice(-6);
var random12bitColor = '#'+Math.random().toString(16).slice(-3);
var random_8bitColor = '#000'.replace(/0/g,function(){return '0369cf'.split('')[Math.random()*6|0]}); //ES5
var random_8bitColor = '#000'.replace(/0/g,f=>'0369cf'[Math.random()*6|0]); //ES6
var random_8bitColor = '#000'.replace(/0/g,f=>51*(Math.random()*6|0)); //ES6
var random_8bitAlpha = 'rgba(0,0,0,.5)'.replace(/0/g,f=>51*(Math.random()*6|0)); //ES6
var urlQueryPairsObj ="&").reduce((o,i)=>(u=decodeURIComponent,[k,v]=i.split("="),o[u(k)]=v&&u(v),o),{}); //ES6
var urlQueryPairsObj ="&").reduce((o,i,u,k,v)=>(u=decodeURIComponent,[k,v]=i.split("="),o[u(k)]=v&&u(v),o),{}); //proper ES6
var uuid = (a=0,b='')=>{while(++a<36)b+=a*51&52?(a^15?8^Math.random()*(a^20?16:4):4).toString(16):'-';return b}; //
var strComp = s1 === s2 ? 0 : s1 > s2 ? 1 : -1;
function superClick(node) {
for (let eventType of ['mouseover', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'click'])
node.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(eventType,{view: window, bubbles: true, cancelable: true}))
// -OR -
$0.__proto__.superClick = function() {
for (let eventType of ['mouseover', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'click']) {
this.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(eventType,{view: window, bubbles: true, cancelable: true}))
function dom(d, o, m) {
m = m || window.document;
o = o === 'ALL' ? true : false;
return ((a,b)=>o && m[a] && m[a](d).length && m[a](d) || m[b] && m[b](d) || !o && m[a] && m[a](d) || "")(o ? 'querySelectorAll' : 'querySelector', o ? 'getElementsByClassName' : 'getElementById');
function dom(d, o, m) {
m = m || window.document;
o = o === 'ALL' ? true : false;
return ((a,b)=>o && m[a] && m[a](d).length && m[a](d) || m[b] && m[b](d) || m[a] && m[a](d) || ""
)(o ? 'querySelectorAll' : 'querySelector', o ? 'getElementsByClassName' : 'getElementById');
console.log(dom('div', 'ALL'));
// set favicon
with(document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('link'))) {rel='shortcut icon'; href='/favicon.ico';}
(x=>[x.rel,x.href]=['shortcut icon','/favicon.ico'])(document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('link')));
(x=>{x.rel='shortcut icon';x.href='/favicon.ico';})(document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('link')));
// insert a css rule
with(document.styleSheets[0]) {insertRule('body{display:none}', cssRules.length);}
// append and execute script
document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).textContent = '(';
document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).src = 'data:application/javascript,alert("pizza")';
document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).src = 'data:,alert("pizza")';
// object literal as switch statement
({ case1: ()=> 'one',
case2() {return 'two';},
case3: f=> {return 'three';},
case4: function() {return 'four';},
'case5': function() {return 'five';},
default() {return 'default';},
switch(x) {return (this[x] || this.default)();}
for (let [name, builder] of Object.entries(models)) { //ES6 destructuring
// do something
String.prototype.toTitleCase = function () {return this.replace(/([^/0-9\s:-])([^/\s:-]*)/g, ($0,$1,$2) => $0.match(/^(?:von|van|der|du|de)$/) || $0.match(/^['A-Z]a?c?['A-Z]+[a-z]*$/) && /[a-z]/.test(this) || /[0-9]/.test(this.charAt(this.indexOf($0)-1)) ?$0 : $0.toLowerCase().match(/^(?!mr|jr|sr|ln|st|dr|pl|rd)(?:..|afb)$/) ? $0.toUpperCase() : $1.toUpperCase() + $2.toLowerCase())};
String.prototype.toTitleCase = function () {
return this.replace(
($0, $1, $2) =>
$0.match(/^(?:von|van|der|du|de)$/) || //use as-is
$0.match(/^['A-Z]+$/) && /[a-z]/.test(this) || //use as-is if word is all 'CAPS && string has also lower case
/[0-9]/.test(this.charAt(this.indexOf($0)-1))?$0: //use as-is if this is preceded by a number; allows 123B and 21st
$0.toLowerCase().match(/^(?!mr|dr|st|ct|mt)(?:..|afb)$/) ? $0.toUpperCase() : //excluding some 2-char combos,
//if 2-chars||Afb, use all uppercase
$1.toUpperCase() + $2.toLowerCase() // all other cases, capitalize first letter
(() => {
return 123
})(); //<< semicolon!
My solution to the loss of 'with' statements is to use IIAAFs (immediately invoked anonymous arrow functions). They offer decent readability and syntactic sugar with better performance:
<pre>with( document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('link')) ) {
rel = 'shortcut icon';
href = '';
<pre>(x => {
x.rel = 'shortcut icon';
x.href = '';
})( document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('link')) );</pre>
/* object literal pattern */
var bob = {
name: 'Bob',
'race': 'white',
123: 456,
about: + ' is ' + this.race, //this===window!!
sayHi: function () {return 'Hi, I am ' +},
sayBye: () => {return + ' see ya!'}, //this===window!!
sayWho () {return + ' is who'},
get initial () {return},
set setName (v) { = v},
}; //Bob
bob['race'] //white
bob[123]; //456
bob.about; // is undefined
bob.sayHi(); //Hi, I am Bob
bob.sayBye(); // see ya!
bob.sayWho(); //Bob is who
bob.initial; //B
bob.setName = 'Robert';
/* constructor pattern */
function Person(name) {
if (!(this instanceof Person))
return new Person(...arguments); = name;
this.sayHi = function(){
return 'Hi, I am ' +;
/* module patterns */
var MY_MODULE = (function(public,global,$,undefined){
var settings = {
indicator : 'on',
expanded : 'no',
isCool : true,
privateVar = 1,
function privateFunc1(){ /***/ }
function privateFunc2(){ /***/ }
public.init = function(){ /***/ };
public.moduleMethod = function(){ /***/ };
public.moduleProperty = 1;
return public;
}(MY_MODULE || {},window,jQuery));
var MY_MODULE2 = (function(public,global,$,undefined){
var settings = { },
privateVar = 1,
function privateFunc1(){ /***/ }
function privateFunc2(){ /***/ }
Object.assign(public, {
init : function(){ /***/ },
moduleMethod : function(){ /***/ },
moduleProperty : 1,
return public;
}(MY_MODULE2 || {},window,jQuery));
var MY_MODULE3 = (function(public,global,$,undefined){
var settings = { },
privateVar = 1,
var privateFunc1 = function(){ /***/ };
var privateFunc2 = function(){ /***/ };
var init = function(){ /***/ };
var publicMethod = function(){ /***/ };
var publicProperty = 1;
Object.assign(public, {
init : init,
publicMethod : publicMethod,
publicProperty : publicProperty,
return public;
}(MY_MODULE3 || {},window,jQuery));
var MY_MODULE4 = (function(global,$,undefined){
var _settings = { },
_privateVar = 1,
var _privateFunc1 = function(){ /***/ };
var _privateFunc2 = function(){ /***/ };
var init = function(){ /***/ };
var publicMethod = function(){ /***/ };
var publicProperty = 1;
return {
init : init,
publicMethod : publicMethod,
publicProperty : publicProperty,
var MY_MODULE5 = (function(public,global,$,undefined){
var _settings = { },
_privateVar = 1,
var _privateFunc1 = function(){ /***/ };
var _privateFunc2 = function(){ /***/ };
var init = function(){ /***/ };
var publicMethod = function(){ /***/ };
var publicProperty = 1;
public.init = init;
public.publicMethod = publicMethod;
public.publicProperty = publicProperty;
return public;
}(MY_MODULE5 || {},window,jQuery));
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