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#!/bin/bash | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Ubuntu Phone - Sync Owncloud Contacts & Calendar Account | |
# Carddav & Caldav. | |
# Tested on : Ubuntu-touch vivid - ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en/vegetahd/ | |
# Last edit : 2015/10/07. | |
# Author : Romain Fluttaz, boTux.fr, <romain@botux.fr> | |
# ============= [ Configuration ] ============= # | |
# --------------- [ OwnCloud ] ---------------- # | |
# Server and user informations | |
HTTP_PROTOCOL="https" # "http" or "https". It's recommended to use an $HTTP_PROTOCOL connection | |
OWNCLOUD_URL="cloud.domain.com" # Without the last /. | |
USERNAME="owncloud-user" # Your OwnCloud username | |
PASSWORD="owncloud-password" # Your OwnCloud password | |
# Contact addressbooks | |
CONTACT_ADDRESSBOOK_NAME="contacts" # Check in the contact setting page. | |
# Calendar | |
CALENDAR_NAME="personnel" # Check in the calendar setting page. | |
# Database | |
OC_DATABASE_NAME="owncloud" | |
# ----------------- [ Phone ] ----------------- # | |
# Database name : | |
CONTACT_DB_NAME="Contacts-name" # Contact addressbook name on the phone | |
CALENDAR_DB_NAME="Calendar-name" # Calendar name on the phone | |
# CRON job | |
CRON_FREQUENCY="hourly" # Cronjob frequency. "hourly", "dayly", "weekly", "monthly". See $HTTP_PROTOCOL://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto#Advanced_Crontab | |
# ============= [ /Configuration ] ============ # | |
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify | |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | |
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or | |
# (at your option) any later version. | |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | |
# GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for | |
# more details. | |
# Thanks to : | |
# alexandre_payet @ https://askubuntu.com/questions/616081/ubuntu-touch-add-contact-list-and-calendars | |
# alexandre_payet @ https://askubuntu.com/questions/611761/syncevolution-in-cronjob-to-sync-the-ubuntu-phone-via-caldav-arddav | |
# alexandre_payet @ https://askubuntu.com/questions/629219/automatically-sync-calendar-on-ubuntu-phone/629728#629728 | |
# Usage: Edit the config section and run the script. | |
# Revision history: | |
# 2015-08-22 Adding 1 Contact & 1 Calendar. | |
# 2015-08-22 Add cronjob support. | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
echo "\e[4mAdding OwnCloud account : **$OWNCLOUD_URL**\e[0m" | |
echo "" | |
# Contact | |
echo -e "[\e[0;34m Contacts \e[m] $CONTACT_ADDRESSBOOK_NAME @ $OC_DATABASE_NAME" | |
syncevolution --create-database backend=evolution-contacts database=$CONTACT_DB_NAME | |
syncevolution --configure --template webdav username=$USERNAME password="$PASSWORD" syncURL=$HTTP_PROTOCOL://$OWNCLOUD_URL/remote.php/ keyring=no target-config@$OC_DATABASE_NAME | |
syncevolution --configure backend=evolution-contacts database=$CONTACT_DB_NAME @default $CONTACT_DB_NAME | |
syncevolution --configure database=$HTTP_PROTOCOL://$OWNCLOUD_URL/remote.php/carddav/addressbooks/$USERNAME/$CONTACT_ADDRESSBOOK_NAME backend=carddav target-config@$OC_DATABASE_NAME $CONTACT_DB_NAME | |
syncevolution --configure --template SyncEvolution_Client Sync=None syncURL=local://@$OC_DATABASE_NAME username= password= $OC_DATABASE_NAME $CONTACT_DB_NAME | |
syncevolution --configure sync=two-way backend=evolution-contacts database=$CONTACT_DB_NAME $OC_DATABASE_NAME $CONTACT_DB_NAME | |
echo " +--> $CONTACT_DB_NAME @ local" | |
syncevolution --sync refresh-from-remote $OC_DATABASE_NAME $CONTACT_DB_NAME | |
syncevolution --sync slow $OC_DATABASE_NAME $CONTACT_DB_NAME | |
echo -e "[\e[0;34m Contacts \e[m] +--> Done." | |
echo "" | |
# Calendar | |
echo -e "[\e[33m Calendar \e[m] $CALENDAR_NAME @ $OC_DATABASE_NAME" | |
syncevolution --create-database backend=evolution-calendar database=$CALENDAR_NAME | |
syncevolution --configure --template webdav username=$USERNAME password="$PASSWORD" syncURL=$HTTP_PROTOCOL://$OWNCLOUD_URL/remote.php/ keyring=no target-config@$OC_DATABASE_NAME | |
syncevolution --configure backend=evolution-calendar database=$CALENDAR_NAME @default $CALENDAR_NAME | |
syncevolution --configure database=$HTTP_PROTOCOL://$OWNCLOUD_URL/remote.php/caldav/calendars/$USERNAME/$CALENDAR_NAME backend=caldav target-config@$OC_DATABASE_NAME $CALENDAR_DB_NAME | |
syncevolution --configure --template SyncEvolution_Client syncURL=local://@$OC_DATABASE_NAME username= password= $OC_DATABASE_NAME $CALENDAR_NAME | |
syncevolution --configure sync=two-way database=$CALENDAR_NAME $OC_DATABASE_NAME $CALENDAR_NAME | |
echo " +--> $CALENDAR_DB_NAME @ local" | |
syncevolution --sync refresh-from-remote $OC_DATABASE_NAME $CALENDAR_NAME | |
echo -e "[\e[33m Calendar \e[m] +--> Done." | |
echo "" | |
# Cron | |
echo -e "[\e[0;36m Cron \e[m]" | |
echo -e " +--> \e[0;31mGranting SuperUser Access\e[m" | |
sudo mount /dev/loop0 / -o remount,rw | |
CRON_LINE="@$CRON_FREQUENCY export DISPLAY=:0.0 && export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=$(ps -u phablet e | grep -Eo 'dbus-daemon.*address=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-[A-Za-z0-9]{10}' | tail -c35) && /usr/bin/syncevolution $OC_DATABASE_NAME" | |
(crontab -u phablet -l; echo "$CRON_LINE" ) | crontab -u phablet - | |
sudo service cron restart | |
crontab -l | grep "$CRON_LINE" | |
echo -e "[\e[0;36m Cron \e[m] +--> Added." | |
echo "" | |
# First Normal Sync | |
echo -e "[\e[0;32m Syncronisation \e[m]" | |
syncevolution $OC_DATABASE_NAME | |
echo -e "[\e[0;32m Syncronisation \e[m] +--> Done." | |
# Print information | |
echo "" | |
echo "" | |
echo "" | |
echo "# To manually sync your accounts, use the command below :" | |
echo "" | |
echo -e " syncevolution $OC_DATABASE_NAME \e[m" | |
echo " or" | |
echo -e "\e[0;34msyncevolution $OC_DATABASE_NAME $CONTACT_DB_NAME\e[m | \e[33msyncevolution $OC_DATABASE_NAME $CALENDAR_NAME\e[m" | |
echo "" | |
echo "See 'syncevolution --help' to get more information." |
Hello and nice for you to write that script. Thanks.
I though have a problem when I use the https protocol. I have problem in authentication with the v.m server. I use a self signed .pem file, I have stored it locally to the phone but the problem persist. Have any hint about it?
Hey, thanks for the excellent script. Works flawlessly.
konnnGit: Follow instructions here http://askubuntu.com/questions/591866/how-can-contacts-and-calendars-be-synchronised to add self signed SSL cert to ubuntu touch.
are you sur it's dayly and not daily ? L36
Hi, the script does not work with my value CALENDAR_DB_NAME= "Calendar-Owncloud"
on line 82, it says syncevolution --create-database backend=evolution-calendar database=$CALENDAR_NAME of this should not be rather $CALENDAR_DB_NAME ?
Ubuntu-Phone - Owncloud Contacts & Calendar Account Sync
Launch this script on your ubuntu-touch phone.