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Created February 2, 2016 18:05
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#Created: Sun 14 Oct 2012 02:54:10 PM CDT
#Last Change: Sat Feb 2 14:40:52 2013
#Author: Steven Boada
# This script returns a magnitude in the provided
# bandpass of the given spectrum. Make sure that
# wavelength units are the same for both inputs.
# flux units must be: FLUX / Angstrom
# zero_point = -48.6 assumes the the FLUX units above
# are: erg / cm**2 / s
# Inputs may either be the names of text files
# or arrays in the following format...
# Spectrum Bandpass
# [ [lam1 , flux1] , [ [lam1 , trans1]
# [lam2 , flux2] , [lam2 , trans2]
# [lam3 , flux3] , [lam2 , trans3]
# ..... .....
# [lamX , fluxX] ] , [lamY , transY] ]
# NOTE: I originally wrote this script for wavelegths
# in Angstroms and flux in erg/cm**2/s/Ang
def get_band_phot( spectrum , bandpass, z, a=1, zero_point=48.6 ):
import numpy as np
c = (3.0e18) # Angs / s
# These conditionals import text files if necessary
if isinstance( spectrum , type('string') ): spectrum = np.loadtxt(spectrum)
if isinstance( bandpass , type('string') ): bandpass = np.loadtxt(bandpass)
interp_flux = np.interp(bandpass[:,0], spectrum[:,0]*(1.0+z),
spectrum[:,a] )
weighted_flux = []
nu_arr = []
weights = []
nu_arr = c / bandpass[:,0]
weighted_flux = interp_flux * bandpass[:,1] * bandpass[:,0]/nu_arr/nu_arr
weights = bandpass[:,1] / nu_arr
numer = np.trapz( weighted_flux , x=nu_arr )
denom = np.trapz( weights , x=nu_arr)
#return -2.5*np.log10( numer / denom ) + zero_point # <--- "MAGNITUDE"
return -2.5*np.log10(numer/denom/zero_point)# - zero_point # <--- "MAGNITUDE"
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