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Last active May 24, 2022 05:44
#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
import sys
cutLength = 1
pasteDist = 1
frames = 20
imgSequence = False
So what we do is split the file into 4 parts:
0. The head is 8 bytes long and should not ever be fucked This doesn't apply to jpgs and has the potential to cause problems.
1. part1 is the bit between head and cutpos.
2. part2 is the next cutLenght number of bits to be cut out.
3. part3 is the rest.
then we put it together like this:
head +
part1 +
the first pasteDist bits of part3 +
part 2 +
the rest of part3
then we write this back to the file and the bits smoosh about the rgba channels.
def fuckItUp(fileName,saveFileName):
imgFile = open(fileName,'r+b')
imgBuff =
head = imgBuff[0:64]
cutPos = random.randrange(64,(len(imgBuff))-(cutLength+pasteDist))
pastePos = cutPos+cutLength
part1 = imgBuff[64:cutPos]
part2 = imgBuff[pastePos:]
part3 = imgBuff[cutPos:pastePos]
savFile = open(saveFileName,'w+b')
savFile.write(head + part1 + imgBuff[pastePos:pastePos+pasteDist] + part3 + imgBuff[pastePos+pasteDist:])
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if(frames > 1):
fileToFuck = sys.argv[1]
for i in range(0,frames):
if imgSequence:
saveLoc = 'frames\\' + sys.argv[1][0:-4] + '-' + str(i) + sys.argv[1][-4:]
saveLoc = 'glitched'+sys.argv[1]
fileToFuck = saveLoc
print('please provide a filename as an argument')
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