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Created June 8, 2011 17:54
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Boilerplate for authsubbing a user to grant permissions to their contacts, and loading in an arbitrary number of their contacts into the page.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="google-contacts-authsub.js"></script>
<!-- Google requires an image to be on the page -->
<img src="https://localhost/img/1px.png">
<!-- Input to be used for deciding how many contacts to fetch -->
<input id="numContacts" placeholder="number of contacts" type="text">
<!-- Container to be filled with buttons by our JavaScript Code -->
// Load in the gdata library
// This page must be served over HTTPS to work
google.load( 'gdata', '1.x' );
// Wait for the document to be ready
// Define a controls object with
// properties for each control in the demo: login, logout and getcontacts.
// Controls will be iterated over, and <buttons> will be added to the
// DOM for each control
var controls = {
login: {
label: 'Login to google',
action: function(){
// Google authSub login code scoped to the google gdata contacts feeds api
// When the user is brought to google to grant grant your app permission
// it will say you are requesting contacts data based on this scope.
// If the user grants permission to use their data, a two year cookie
// will be set on the current domain.
logout: {
label: 'Logout from google',
action: function(){
// log user out from google authSub to your app by deleting the
// authSub cookie
getContacts: {
label: 'Get contacts',
action: function(){
// instantiate google gdata contacts api,
// and call the gdata list all contacts code
// Note: user must be logged in for this to work
// Instantiate a new ContactsService which we will use to
// request the users contacts
var contactsService = new google.gdata.contacts.ContactsService( 'Contacts Viewer' ),
// Create a query for the full contacts list
query = new google.gdata.contacts.ContactQuery( '' );
// Limit the query to the number of results in the numContacts
// input (25 by default)
query.setMaxResults( $('#numContacts').val() );
// Request the contacts feed with
// getContactFeed( query, successCallback, errorCallback )
// query
// successCallback
function( result ){
// Destroy existing contactsHolder if it already exists
// Create <ul> to store our contacts in before we
// append them to the DOM
var $contactsHolder = $('<ul>', {
id: 'contacts'
// Iterate over the entries that came back
$.each( result.feed.entry, function( i, entry ){
// Call getEmailAddresses() on each entry, and iterate
$.each( entry.getEmailAddresses(), function( j, address ){
// Append each address to the off DOM <ul> we made
$contactsHolder.append( '<li>' + address.address + '</li>' );
// Add the contacts list to the DOM
$contactsHolder.appendTo( 'body');
// errorCallback
function( result ){
// Log the error
console.log('error: ', result);
// Iterate over the controls and add them to the DOM
$.each( controls, function( propertyName, control ){
$( '<button>', {
html: control.label,
id: propertyName
.appendTo( 'nav' );
// Delegate click handlers to all buttons in our <nav> element.
$( 'nav' ).delegate('button', 'click', function(){
// Since we gave an id to each button name based on it's property name
// in the controls object, we can use that use that id to dereference the
// correct controls property and call it's action method
controls[ ].action();
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