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Created August 10, 2017 11:21
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Maps a clmtrackr 2d facial-points array to estimate of 3d X, Y and Z rotations
jawLeft = 0,
jawRight = 14,
leftBrowTop = 21,
rightBrowTop = 17,
leftChin = 6,
chinTip = 7,
rightChin = 8,
noseTop = 33
mapEventTo3dTransforms = function (event, outerWidth, outerHeight) {
var x = 0, y = 1, precision = 2;
var avg = ((a,b) => (a+b) / 2);
var left = avg(event[jawLeft][x], event[jawLeft + 1][x]);
var right = avg(event[jawRight - 1][x], event[jawRight][x]);
var top = avg(event[leftBrowTop][y], event[rightBrowTop][y]);
var bottom = avg(event[leftChin][y], event[rightChin][y]);
var width = right - left;
var center = left + (width / 2);
var height = bottom - top;
var middle = bottom + (height / 2);
var out = {
left, right, top, bottom, width, height, center, middle
// console.log(out.middle,;
var pctEvent = {
return [
(ev[x]-center) / width,
(ev[y]-middle) / height
var outer = pctEvent.slice(0, 15).concat(pctEvent.slice(15, 23));
var inner = pctEvent.slice(23);
// Get strength of offset between face and head placements
var innerMiddle = inner.reduce(function(pre,ev) {
pre[0] += ev[0];
pre[1] += ev[1];
return pre;
}, [0,0]);
innerMiddle = [innerMiddle[0] / inner.length, innerMiddle[1] / inner.length];
var outerMiddle = outer.reduce(function(pre,ev) {
pre[0] += ev[0];
pre[1] += ev[1];
return pre;
}, [0,0]);
outerMiddle = [outerMiddle[0] / outer.length, outerMiddle[1] / outer.length];
out.pctY = (innerMiddle[0] - outerMiddle[0]) / 2;
out.pctX = (innerMiddle[1] - outerMiddle[1]);
// Get turn and lean
var rotX = (out.pctX / 2) * 360;
// 0.9 compensates for model's inner/outer offset
var rotY = (out.pctY + 0.02) * 360;
// Get tilt
var p2 = event[noseTop], p1 = event[chinTip];
var rotZ = (-90 - (Math.atan2(p2[y] - p1[y], p2[x] - p1[x]) * 180 / Math.PI));
var dx = event[jawRight][x] - event[jawLeft][x];
var dy = event[jawRight][y] - event[jawLeft][y];
var hyp = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
return {
x: rotX,
y: rotY,
z: rotZ,
hyp: hyp,
stats: out
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msj121 commented Nov 16, 2017

Are outerWidth or outerHeight supposed to be used? Or are they placeholders for possible future consideration?

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