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Revision numbers in Git

Revision numbers in Git

I come from RCS, where revision numbers are easy to insert into files with RCS keyword strings such as $Revision: $, $Id: $ and $Header: $.

There are various posts around of different ways of using revision numbers in Git, e.g.

When using tags to record release revision numbers, we can use git describe to obtain reasonable-looking revision numbers, e.g. 1.2.1-2-g17880f1, where 1.2.1 is the most recent tag on the current branch, 2 is the number of commits made since the tag, and 17880f1 is the (short) SHA of the current commit (prefixed with g for "git"). These numbers have the benefit of monotonically increasing in the -<number-of-commits>- part, and presumably you would use some sort of meaningful release revision numbers in tags, so they should be fairly easy to understandy by non-technical people (ignoring the -g<SHA> at the end).

Inserting revision numbers in source files

Ideally there would be a way to insert revision numbers, e.g. on installation with make install or the equivalent, to emulate RCS's co behaviour. Ideally it should use standardized tools to do this.

Sometimes I want the version number in a variable, e.g. in Perl

my $VERSION = '1.2.1';

We could instead insert a dummy value that is used as a template, say

my $VERSION = '1.1';

and use a patch like the following (cut-down) unified diff to insert a revision number:

@@ -0 +0 @@
-my $VERSION = '1.1';
+my $VERSION = '1.2.1-2-g17880f1';

This is easy to produce in a shell to incorporate the current git describe revision number, and can be piped directly into patch:

  echo "@@ -0 +0 @@"
  echo "-my \$VERSION = '1.1';"
  echo "+my \$VERSION = '$(git describe)';"
) | patch --silent --unified --reject-file=- --output=OUTPUTFILE INPUTFILE

Note the line numbers in the unified diff are both 0. Because patch scans for a matching context, and we have only supplied a single line of context, patch will replace (the first occurrence of) this text anywhere in the file.

Arbitrary RCS-like keywords

Something other than patch is required if we want to replace keywords in a number of places within a file, e.g. with arbitrary RCS-like $Revision: $ strings throughout. One idea is to use sed, e.g.

sed "s/\\\$Revision\\(:[^\$]*\\)\?\\$/\$Id: $(git describe) \$/g" INPUTFILE > OUTPUTFILE

However, the escaping of shell meta-characters in the double-quoted string, along with escaping sed meta-characters, is very ugly and error-prone. If this were incorporated into a Makefile recipe, it would be even uglier with all the $s needing to be escaped by doubling them:

# Makefile
        sed "s/\\\$$Revision\\(:[^\$$]*\\)\?\\$$/\$$Id: $$(git describe) \$$/g" INPUTFILE > OUTPUTFILE

Ugly, eh?

RCS keyword Git equivalent or similar notes
$Revision$ git describe
$Date$ git log -n1 --pretty=%ai or %aD or %ad
$Author$ git log -n1 --pretty=%ae | sed 's/@.*$//' leave out the sed part if you don't mind the full email address
$Locker$ git diff --exit-code || git diff --cached --exit-code || id -nu assume the current user is the locker


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bobbwest commented Dec 7, 2015

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