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Created September 10, 2012 03:59
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Some general steps that I use with turnip to help crank out feature specs

I find that writing features can get really repetitive. So to get rid of writing steps over and over again for multiple models I decided to create a pretty simple solution. It's not big enough to yield a gem so it's here for your use / modification. Comments or questions are welcome, would love to add to this as well.

The steps

step 'I modify the :model :attribute with/to :value' do |model_name, attribute, value|
  id = "#{model_name}_#{attribute}"
  fill_in "#{id}", with: value

  form_modifications[id.to_sym] = value

step 'I modify/change the :model :attribute' do |model_name, attribute|
  value = "A Value"
  id    = "#{model_name}_#{attribute}"
  fill_in "#{id}", with: value

  form_modifications[id.to_sym] = value

step "I submit the form" do
  find(:xpath, '//input[@type="submit"]').click

step "I click the :link_name link" do |link_name|
  click_link link_name

step "I visit the :path page" do |path|
  route_method = "#{path.underscore}_path"
  visit routes.send(route_method)

step "the :model should be updated" do |model|
  find('div.alert').text.should match /Updated/i

step "the :model should be created" do |model|
  find('div.alert').text.should match /Created/i

Create a support file called step_helper.rb and include the following:

module StepHelper
  def routes

  def form_modifications
    @form_modifications ||= {}

Then in your spec_helper include this:

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.include StepHelper


Now you can write features like this:

Feature: A user can register
  Scenario: I create a new account
    When I visit the register page
    Then I modify the user name with "Robert Ross"
    Then I modify the user email with ""
    Then I modify the user password with "password"
    Then I modify the user password_confirmation with "password"
    Then I modify the user organization_name with "Test Client"
    When I submit the form
    Then I've created an account

My idea for form modifications is you can easily check that a model was updated or created. I have this in a user steps file:

step "I've created an account" do
  User.find_by_email(form_modifications[:user_email]).should_not be_nil
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