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Brian Field bobcats

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Make it real

Ideas are cheap. Make a prototype, sketch a CLI session, draw a wireframe. Discuss around concrete examples, not hand-waving abstractions. Don't say you did something, provide a URL that proves it.

Ship it

Nothing is real until it's being used by a real user. This doesn't mean you make a prototype in the morning and blog about it in the evening. It means you find one person you believe your product will help and try to get them to use it.

Do it with style

jjb / gist:7389552
Last active March 16, 2024 18:48
Ruby 2.1 memory configuration

This all applies to Ruby 2.1. In some cases a setting is not available in 2.0, this is noted. There is also a different with 1.9, 1.8, and REE --- these are not noted.

All the relevant code is in


default: 10000

The number of heap slots to start out with. This should be set high enough so that your app has enough or almost enough memory after loading so that it doesn't have to allocate more memory on the first request (althogh this probably isn't such a big deal for most apps).

(todo: figure out how big a slot is. i think the answer can be infered from this code.)

chanks / gist:7585810
Last active June 22, 2024 19:01
Turning PostgreSQL into a queue serving 10,000 jobs per second

Turning PostgreSQL into a queue serving 10,000 jobs per second

RDBMS-based job queues have been criticized recently for being unable to handle heavy loads. And they deserve it, to some extent, because the queries used to safely lock a job have been pretty hairy. SELECT FOR UPDATE followed by an UPDATE works fine at first, but then you add more workers, and each is trying to SELECT FOR UPDATE the same row (and maybe throwing NOWAIT in there, then catching the errors and retrying), and things slow down.

On top of that, they have to actually update the row to mark it as locked, so the rest of your workers are sitting there waiting while one of them propagates its lock to disk (and the disks of however many servers you're replicating to). QueueClassic got some mileage out of the novel idea of randomly picking a row near the front of the queue to lock, but I can't still seem to get more than an an extra few hundred jobs per second out of it under heavy load.

So, many developers have started going straight t

christopher-hopper /
Last active April 5, 2022 10:30
Resize a Hard Disk for a Virtual Machine provisioned using Vagrant from a Linux base box to run using VirutalBox.

Resize a Hard Disk for a Virtual Machine

Our Virtual Machines are provisioned using Vagrant from a Linux base box to run using VirutalBox. If the Hard Disk space runs out and you cannot remove files to free-up space, you can resize the Hard Disk using some VirtualBox and Linux commands.

Some assumptions

The following steps assume you've got a set-up like mine, where:

romainl /
Last active August 12, 2021 21:56
RNB, a Vim colorscheme template
zchee / actionlist.vim
Last active June 23, 2024 17:32
IdeaVim actionlist
--- Actions ---
$Copy <M-C>
$Cut <M-X> <S-Del>
$Delete <Del> <BS> <M-BS>
$Paste <M-V>
$Redo <M-S-Z> <A-S-BS>
$SearchWeb <A-S-G>
$SelectAll <M-A>
$Undo <M-Z>
skissane /
Last active June 14, 2022 14:17
Solutions and workarounds for issues with "pex install postgis" (assuming macOS+Homebrew)

Problem: configure: error: could not find libxml2
Solution: sudo xcode-select -s /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools

Problem: configure: error: could not find geos-config within the current path. You may need to try re-running configure with a --with-geosconfig parameter
Solution: brew install geos

Problem: configure: error: could not find proj_api.h - you may need to specify the directory of a PROJ.4 installation using --with-projdir
Solution: brew install proj and then CFLAGS=-DACCEPT_USE_OF_DEPRECATED_PROJ_API_H pex install postgis

Problem: configure: error: gdal-config not found. Use --without-raster or try --with-gdalconfig=\

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu
# Finds the heroku slug id from the compile apps latests releases
# via the commit SHA
function heroku_slug () {
heroku releases --app ${1} --json | \
jq -rc --arg commit "${2}" \
amiantos / index.js
Last active June 12, 2024 16:45
Zip Multiple Files from S3 using AWS Lambda Function
// Lambda S3 Zipper
// Accepts a bundle of data in the format...
// {
// "bucket": "your-bucket",
// "destination_key": "zips/",
// "files": [
// {
// "uri": "...", (options: S3 file key or URL)
bobcats / settings.json
Created April 23, 2020 04:00
VSCode Vim Minitest Setup with problemMatcher
"vim.leader": "<space>",
"vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
"before": [
"commands": [