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Last active August 21, 2017 08:13
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<th colspan="3">&nbsp;</th>
<th class="time">09:00 - 09:30</th>
<td colspan="3">
<p class="desc">報到</p>
<th class="time">09:00 - 09:30</th>
<td colspan="3">
<p class="desc">開幕致詞</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<span class="title">Mozilla 臺灣分公司總經理</span>
<th class="time">09:40 - 10:10</th>
<td colspan="3">
<p class="desc keynote">準備好了嗎?與新 Firefox 面對面</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<li>Mark Mayo
<span class="title">Mozilla 資深副總裁</span>
<th class="time">10:10 - 10:40</th>
<td colspan="3">
<p class="desc keynote">WebAssembly - 新世代 Web 效能關鍵</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<li>David Bryant
<span class="title">Mozilla 資深技術顧問</span>
<tr class="break">
<th class="time">10:40 - 10:50</th>
<td colspan="3">
<th class="time">10:50 - 11:40</th>
<td colspan="3">
<p class="desc">「量子 (Quantum)」專案造就 Web 引擎大躍進 - Render, Stylo, DOM 與 Network</p>
<ul class="speaker column">
<span class="title">Mozilla 研發經理</span>
<span class="title">Mozilla 研發經理</span>
<span class="title">Mozilla 資深研發經理</span>
<span class="title">Mozilla 資深主任軟體工程師</span>
<th class="time">11:40 - 12:00</th>
<td colspan="3">
<p class="desc">Photon: Firefox 與前端開發的全新觀點</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<span class="title">Mozilla 研發經理</span>
<tr class="break">
<th class="time">12:00 - 13:00</th>
<td colspan="3">
<tr >
<p><span>議程 A:</span>Web 發展最速報</p>
<p><span>議程 B:</span>瀏覽器最夯趨勢</p>
<p><span>議程 C:</span>新興技術最吸睛</p>
<tr >
<th class="time">13:00 - 13:50</th>
<td class="track1">
<p class="desc">親愛的,我的網頁壞了 - <br>讓瀏覽器和網頁處得來之道</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<span class="title">Mozilla 軟體工程師</span>
<td class="track2">
<p class="desc">Firefox 新開發者工具重點整理</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<span class="title">Mozilla 資深軟體工程師</span>
<span class="title">Mozilla 前端工程師</span>
<td class="track3">
<p class="desc">虛實整合:當 Web 與實體產生互動</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<li>Dietrich Ayala
<span class="title">Mozilla 技術傳教士</span>
<tr >
<th class="time">13:50 - 14:40</th>
<td class="track1">
<p class="desc">Modern Layout : CSS Grid</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<span class="title">Mozilla 研發經理</span>
<td class="track2">
<p class="desc">WebExtension 最新發展</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<span class="title">Mozilla 研發經理</span>
<td class="track3">
<p class="desc">WebVR - 迎向跨平台 VR 內容開發</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<span class="title">Mozilla 資深軟體工程師</span>
<span class="title">Mozilla 主任軟體工程師</span>
<tr class="break">
<th class="time">14:40 - 14:50</th>
<td colspan="3">Break</td>
<tr >
<th class="time" rowspan="2">14:50 - 15:40</th>
<td rowspan="2" class="track1">
<p class="desc">Binary AST - <br>在瀏覽器上加速 Javascript 頁面載入</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<li>Naveed Ihsanullah
<span class="title">Mozilla 資深研發經理</span>
<td class="track2">
<p class="time"><span>14:50-15:20</span></p>
<p class="desc">多媒體的過去,現在和未來</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<span class="title">Mozilla 研發經理</span>
<td class="track3" rowspan="2">
<p class="desc">共聲計畫</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<li>Kelly Davis
<span class="title">Mozilla 研發經理</span>
<tr >
<td class="track2" rowspan="2">
<p class="time"><span>15:20-15:55</span></p>
<p class="desc">與 Fennec 一同做 App - <br>用 PWA 及 CustomTab</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<span class="title">Mozilla 資深軟體工程師</span>
<tr >
<th class="time" rowspan="2">15:40 - 16:30</th>
<td class="track1" rowspan="2">
<p class="desc">HTTP2 建構的理想世界</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<span class="title">Mozilla 軟體工程師</span>
<td class="track3" rowspan="2">
<p class="desc">平行瀏覽器引擎</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<span class="title">Mozilla 資深軟體工程師</span>
<tr >
<td class="track2">
<p class="time"><span>15:55-16:30</span></p>
<p class="desc">捍衛用戶隱私權 - <br>瀏覽器指紋追蹤技術大解密</p>
<ul class="speaker">
<span class="title">Mozilla 研發經理</span>
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