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#include "ESP8266.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define SSID "MozTW"
#define PASSWORD "fox-mosa"
SoftwareSerial mySerial(3, 2); // uno sw RX(pin3) --> esp8266 TX, uno sw TX(pin2) --> esp8266 RX
ESP8266 wifi(mySerial);
void setup(void)
Arduino: 1.6.9 (Mac OS X), Board: "Arduino Taiwan (USB)"
TaiwanNo1:10: error: no matching function for call to 'CapacitiveSensor::CapacitiveSensor()'
CapacitiveSensor input[7];
/Users/bobchao/Documents/Arduino/TaiwanNo1/TaiwanNo1.ino:10:25: note: candidates are:
In file included from /Users/bobchao/Documents/Arduino/TaiwanNo1/TaiwanNo1.ino:1:0:
/Users/bobchao/Documents/Arduino/libraries/CapacitiveSensor/CapacitiveSensor.h:206:2: note: CapacitiveSensor::CapacitiveSensor(uint8_t, uint8_t)
CapacitiveSensor(uint8_t sendPin, uint8_t receivePin);
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bobchao /
Last active July 15, 2017 17:14
COSCUP 2017 homemade schedule filter
  1. Drag this link to your bookmark toolbar
@import url('');
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bobchao / m_test.txt
Created December 22, 2017 14:08
cubiio - g-code file for power / speed combinations testing.
M05 S0
G1 F600
G1 X-40.225 Y39.6688
G4 P0
M03 S255
G4 P0
G1 F600.000000
M05 S0
G1 F600
G1 X-17.2785 Y-24.3853
G4 P0
M03 S255
G4 P0
G1 F600.000000
tr.issue.status-5, tr.issue.status-11 {display:none;}
本メールは、「オープンソースカンファレンス2019 Tokyo/Spring」に
「OSC2019 Tokyo/Spring」 2/22(金)-23(土)開催!
        セミナープログラム公開と参加登録 受付開始のご案内
function createTempSheets() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
//指定單一 sheet
var dataSheet = ss.getSheetByName("communitykey");
var crKeys = dataSheet.getRange(2,1,19,3).getValues();
for (var row=0; row<19; row++){
var sheet = ss.insertSheet(crKeys[row][0]);