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aras-p / preprocessor_fun.h
Last active May 28, 2024 05:15
Things to commit just before leaving your job
// Just before switching jobs:
// Add one of these.
// Preferably into the same commit where you do a large merge.
// This started as a tweet with a joke of "C++ pro-tip: #define private public",
// and then it quickly escalated into more and more evil suggestions.
// I've tried to capture interesting suggestions here.
// Contributors: @r2d2rigo, @joeldevahl, @msinilo, @_Humus_,
// @YuriyODonnell, @rygorous, @cmuratori, @mike_acton, @grumpygiant,
marcusphi / ansible_conditionals_examples.yaml
Created October 2, 2013 09:48
Ansible 1.3 Conditional Execution -- Very complete example with comments -- I find the conditional expressions to be ridiculously hard to get right in Ansible. I don't have a good model of what's going on under the surface so I often get it wrong. What makes it even harder is that there has been at least three different variants over the course …
# This has been tested with ansible 1.3 with these commands:
# ansible-playbook -i hosts ansible_conditionals_examples.yaml --extra-vars="hosts=myhosts isFirstRun=false"
# ansible-playbook -i hosts ansible_conditionals_examples.yaml --extra-vars="hosts=myhosts isFirstRun=true"
# ansible-playbook -i hosts ansible_conditionals_examples.yaml --extra-vars="hosts=myhosts"
# NB: The type of the variable is crucial!
- name: Ansible Conditionals Examples
hosts: $hosts
rothgar / main.yml
Last active March 8, 2024 07:16
Generate /etc/hosts with Ansible
# Idempotent way to build a /etc/hosts file with Ansible using your Ansible hosts inventory for a source.
# Will include all hosts the playbook is run on.
# Inspired from
- name: "Build hosts file"
lineinfile: dest=/etc/hosts regexp='.*{{ item }}$' line="{{ hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address }} {{item}}" state=present
when: hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address is defined
with_items: groups['all']
cridenour / gist:74e7635275331d5afa6b
Last active August 7, 2023 13:52
Setting up Vim as your Go IDE

Setting up Vim as your Go IDE

The final IDE


I've been wanting to do a serious project in Go. One thing holding me back has been a my working environment. As a huge PyCharm user, I was hoping the Go IDE plugin for IntelliJ IDEA would fit my needs. However, it never felt quite right. After a previous experiment a few years ago using Vim, I knew how powerful it could be if I put in the time to make it so. Luckily there are plugins for almost anything you need to do with Go or what you would expect form and IDE. While this is no where near comprehensive, it will get you writing code, building and testing with the power you would expect from Vim.

Getting Started

I'm assuming you're coming with a clean slate. For me this was OSX so I used MacVim. There is nothing in my config files that assumes this is the case.

staltz /
Last active May 30, 2024 18:43
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
grugq / gist:03167bed45e774551155
Last active April 6, 2024 10:12
operational pgp - draft

Operational PGP

This is a guide on how to email securely.

There are many guides on how to install and use PGP to encrypt email. This is not one of them. This is a guide on secure communication using email with PGP encryption. If you are not familiar with PGP, please read another guide first. If you are comfortable using PGP to encrypt and decrypt emails, this guide will raise your security to the next level.

romaninsh / swapon.service
Created December 1, 2014 10:05
Set up swap on CoreOS
create this file in your /root folder
$ fleetctl load swapon.service
$ fleetctl start swapon.service
This will create swap file on all nodes of your CoreOS cluster without prior setup.
See also
# Hello, and welcome to makefile basics.
# You will learn why `make` is so great, and why, despite its "weird" syntax,
# it is actually a highly expressive, efficient, and powerful way to build
# programs.
# Once you're done here, go to
# to learn SOOOO much more.
cben / dodgetocat_v2.png
Last active April 1, 2023 13:16 — forked from alienlebarge/dodgetocat_v2.png
Is there an easy way to link image in a GIST ?
nolanlawson / protips.js
Last active February 4, 2024 18:06
Promise protips - stuff I wish I had known when I started with Promises
// Promise.all is good for executing many promises at once
// Promise.resolve is good for wrapping synchronous code
Promise.resolve().then(function () {
if (somethingIsNotRight()) {
throw new Error("I will be rejected asynchronously!");