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Created September 11, 2014 07:40
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* (c) 2013 - 2014 Rob Wu <>
/* exported openCRXasZip */
/* jshint browser:true, devel:true */
'use strict';
// Strips CRX headers from zip
// Input: Anything that is accepted by the Uint8Array constructor.
// Output: Blob (to callback)
var CRXtoZIP = (function() {
function CRXtoZIP(arraybuffer, callback, errCallback) {
// Definition of crx format:
var view = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer);
// 50 4b 03 04
if (view[0] === 80 && view[1] === 75 && view[2] === 3 && view[3] === 4) {
console.warn('Input is not a CRX file, but a ZIP file.');
callback(new Blob([arraybuffer], {type: 'application/zip'}), undefined);
// 43 72 32 34
if (view[0] !== 67 || view[1] !== 114 || view[2] !== 50 || view[3] !== 52)
return errCallback('Invalid header: Does not start with Cr24'), void 0;
// 02 00 00 00
if (view[4] !== 2 || view[5] || view[6] || view[7])
return errCallback('Unexpected crx format version number.'), void 0;
var publicKeyLength = calcLength(view[ 8], view[ 9], view[10], view[11]);
var signatureLength = calcLength(view[12], view[13], view[14], view[15]);
// 16 = Magic number (4), CRX format version (4), lengths (2x4)
var zipStartOffset = 16 + publicKeyLength + signatureLength;
// Public key
var publicKeyBase64 = getAsBase64(view, 16, 16 + publicKeyLength);
// Create a new view for the existing buffer, and wrap it in a Blob object.
var zipFragment = new Blob([
new Uint8Array(arraybuffer, zipStartOffset)
], {
type: 'application/zip'
callback(zipFragment, publicKeyBase64, arraybuffer);
function calcLength(a, b, c, d) {
var length = 0;
length += a;
length += b << 8;
length += c << 16;
length += d << 24;
return length;
function getAsBase64(bytesView, startOffset, endOffset) {
var binaryString = '';
for (var i = startOffset; i < endOffset; ++i) {
binaryString += String.fromCharCode(bytesView[i]);
return btoa(binaryString);
return CRXtoZIP;
* @param {string|Blob|File|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array} crx_obj - CRX file data or URL
* @param {function(Blob,string,arraybuffer)} callback -
* Zip file as blob,
* base64-encoded public key as string.
* original crx data as arraybuffer.
* @param {function(string)} errCallback - Error callback
* @param {function(event)} xhrProgressListener - Progress event listener.
function openCRXasZip(crx_obj, callback, errCallback, xhrProgressListener) {
if (!errCallback) errCallback = console.log.bind(console);
if (crx_obj instanceof Blob) { // Blob or File
openCRXasZip_blob(crx_obj, callback, errCallback, xhrProgressListener);
} else if (typeof crx_obj == 'string') {
openCRXasZip_url(crx_obj, callback, errCallback, xhrProgressListener);
} else {
// jshint newcap:false
CRXtoZIP(crx_obj, callback, errCallback);
function openCRXasZip_blob(blob, callback, errCallback, frProgressListener) {
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onprogress = frProgressListener;
fr.onload = function() {
/* jshint newcap:false */
CRXtoZIP(fr.result, callback, errCallback);
fr.onerror = function() {
errCallback('Unexpected error while reading ' + ( || 'the blob'));
function openCRXasZip_url(url, callback, errCallback, xhrProgressListener) {
var x = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
x.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
x.onprogress = xhrProgressListener;
x.onload = function() {
if (!x.response) {
errCallback('Unexpected error: no response for ' + url);
/* jshint newcap:false */
CRXtoZIP(x.response, callback, errCallback);
x.onerror = function() {
errCallback('Network error for ' + url);
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