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Created July 31, 2019 17:19
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# The header of the application manifest uses the same signature as a Kubernetes
# resource.
kind: Cluster
# The cluster name as shown to the end user, must be a single alphanumeric word
name: MyCluster
# Cluster version, must be in SemVer format (
resourceVersion: 1.2.3-alpha.1
# Free-form verbose description of the Cluster Image
description: |
Description of the Cluster Image
author: Alice <>
# The base image to use. To see the list of available base images, execute:
# $ tele ls --all
# If not specified, the latest version of Kubernetes will be used.
baseImage: "gravity:6.0.0"
# Release notes is a freestyle HTML field which will be shown as part of the
# install/upgrade of the cluster.
# In this case "tele build" will look for "notes.html" file in the same directory as
# manifest. To specify an absolute path: "file:///home/user/notes.html"
releaseNotes: file://notes.html
# You can add your logo in order to white-label the installer. You can either reference the URL
# of a hosted image or you can inline-encode it using url(..) format.
# Endpoints are used to define exposed Kubernetes services. This can be your application
# URL or an API endpoint.
# Endpoints are shown to the cluster user at the end of the installation.
- name: "Control Panel"
description: "The admin interface of the application"
# Kubernetes selector to locate the matching service.
app: nginx
protocol: https
# This endpoint will be used as a custom post-install step, see below
- name: "Setup"
# Name of Kubernetes service that serves the web page with this install step
serviceName: setup-helper
# This endpoint will be hidden from the list of endpoints generally shown to a user
hidden: true
# Providers allow you to override certain aspects of cloud and generic providers configuration
# Network section allows to specify networking type;
# vxlan - (Default) use flannel for overlay network
# wireguard - use wireguard for overlay network
type: vxlan
# Use the section below to customize the cluster installer behavior
# The end user license agreement (EULA). When set, a user will be presented with
# the EULA text before the start of the installation and forced to accept it.
# This capability is often used when cluster images are used to distribute downloadable
# enterprise software.
source: file://eula.txt
# If the installation flavors are defined, a cluster user will be presented with a
# prompt and the cluster flavor will be selecte based on their answer.
# A "cluster flavor" consists of a name and a set of server profiles, along with the
# number of servers for every profile.
# The example below declares two flavors: "small" and "large", based on how many page
# views per second the cluster user wants to serve.
prompt: "How many requests per second will you need?"
# This text will appear on the right-hand side during "capacity" step
description: file://flavors-help.txt
# The default flavor
default: small
# List of flavors:
- name: "small"
# UI label which installer will use to label this selection
description: "Up to 250 requests/sec"
# This section describes the minimum required quantity of each server type (profile)
# for this flavor:
- profile: worker
count: 3
- profile: db
count: 2
- name: "large"
description: "More than 250 requests/sec"
- profile: worker
count: 5
- profile: db
count: 3
# If additional installation UI screens are needed, they can be packaged as Kubernetes
# services and you can list their Kubernetes endpoint names below:
- "Setup"
# The node profiles section describes the system requirements of the application. The
# requirements are expressed as 'server profiles'.
# Gravity will ensure that the provisioned machines match the system requirements
# for each profile.
# This example uses two profiles: 'db' and 'node'. For example it might make sense to
# restrict 'db' profile to have at least 8 CPU and 32GB of RAM.
- name: db
description: "Cassandra Node"
# These labels will be applied to all nodes of this type in Kubernetes
role: "db"
# Requirements allow you to specify the requirements servers of this profile should
# satisfy, all of these are optional
min: 8
# Other supported units are "B" (bytes), "kB" (kilobytes) and "MB" (megabytes)
min: "32GB"
# Supported operating systems, name should match "ID" from /etc/os-release
- name: centos
versions: ["7"]
- name: rhel
versions: ["7.2", "7.3"]
# This section allows to run custom pre-flight checks on a node before
# allowing cluster installation to continue (scripts must return 0 for success)
# Stdout/stderr output from pre-flight check scripts will be mirrored in
# the installation log.
- description: Custom check
script: |
# inline script goes here
- description: Custom checks defined in external file
script: file://
# This setting tells the installer to ensure that /var/lib/logs directory
# exists and offers at least 512GB of space:
- path: /var/lib/logs
capacity: "512GB"
# A volume defined like this allows to address variations of different
# filesystem layouts in Linux distributions (note skipIfMissing attribute)
- path: /path/to/centos/file
name: centos-specific-library
targetPath: /path/to/container
skipIfMissing: true
# This example shows how to mount volumes into containers using a shell
# file pattern:
- name: wildcard-volume
path: /path/to/dir-???
targetPath: /path/inside/container/dir-???
# This setting tells the installer to request an external mount for /var/lib/data
# and mount it as /var/lib/data into containers as well
- name: app-data
path: /var/lib/data
targetPath: /var/lib/data
capacity: "512GB"
filesystems: ["ext4", "xfs"]
minTransferRate: "50MB/s"
# Create the directory on host if it doesn't exist (default is 'true')
createIfMissing: true
# UID and GID set linux UID and GID on the directory if specified
uid: 114
gid: 114
# Unix file permissions mode to set on the directory
mode: "0755"
# Recursive defines a recursive mount, i.e. all submounts under specified path
# are also mounted at the corresponding location in the targetPath subtree
recursive: false
# This setting makes sure specified devices from host are made available
# inside Gravity container
# Device(-s) path, treated as a glob
- path: /dev/nvidia*
# Device permissions as a composition of 'r' (read), 'w' (write) and
# 'm' (mknod), default is 'rw'
permissions: rw
# Device file mode in octal form, default is '0666'
fileMode: "0666"
# Device user ID, default is '0'
uid: 0
# Device group ID, default is '0'
gid: 0
minTransferRate: "50MB/s"
# Request these ports to be available
- protocol: tcp
- "8080"
- "10000-10005"
- name: worker
description: "General Purpose Worker Node"
role: "worker"
min: 4
min: "4GB"
# If license is enabled, a user will be asked to enter a correct license to be able
# to create a cluster from this image
enabled: true
# This section allows to configure the runtime behavior of a Kubernetes cluster
# Storage backend used, supported: "overlay", "overlay2" (default)
storageDriver: overlay
# List of additional command line args to provide to docker daemon
args: ["--log-level=DEBUG"]
# Etcd section allows to customize etcd
# List of additional command line args to provide to etcd daemon
args: ["-debug"]
# Kubelet section allows to customize kubelet
# List of additional command line args to provide to kubelet daemon
args: ["--system-reserved=memory=500Mi"]
hairpinMode: "promiscuous-bridge"
# This section allows to disable pre-packaged system extensions that
# Gravitational includes into the base images by default (see below for more information).
# This setting will not install system logging service and hide "logs tab"
# in the cluster UI
disabled: false
# This setting will not install system monitoring application and hide
# Monitoring tab in the cluster UI
disabled: false
# This setting will not install the Tiller application
disabled: false
# This section specifies the cluster lifecycle hooks, i.e. the ability to execute
# custom code in response to lifecycle events.
# Every hook is a name of a Kubernetes job.
# install hook is called right after the application is installed for the first time.
# Job directive defines a Kubernetes job which can be declared inline here in the manifest
# It will be created and executed:
job: |
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: db-seed
namespace: default
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: dbseed
image: installer-hooks:latest
# called after the application has been installed
# A Kubernetes job can also be specified via a separate YAML file
# `post-install-hook.yaml` file located in the same directory as
# this application bundle manifest
job: file://post-install-hook.yaml
# called when uninstalling the application
# called before uninstall is launched
# called before adding a new node to the cluster
# called after a new node has need added to the cluster
# called before a node is removed from the cluster
# called after a node has been removed from the cluster
# called when updating the application
# called after successful application update
# called when rolling back after an unsuccessful update
# called after successful rollback
# called every minute to check the application status (visible in Control Panel)
# called after the application license has been updated
# used to start the application
# used to stop the application
# used to retrieve application specific dump for debug reports
# triggers application data backup
# restores application state from backup
# install a custom CNI network plugin during cluster installation
# update a custom CNI network plugin during cluster upgrade
# rollback a custom CNI network plugin during cluster rollback
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