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Forked from ibigbug/thrift.rb
Created June 26, 2018 17:14
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Thrift@0.9.1 for Homebrew
require "formula"
class Thrift < Formula
homepage ""
stable do
url ""
#sha1 "dc54a54f8dc706ffddcd3e8c6cd5301c931af1cc"
# These patches are 0.9.1-specific and can go away once a newer version is released
# Apply THRIFT-2201 fix from master to 0.9.1 branch (required for clang to compile with C++11 support)
%w{836d95f9f00be73c6936d407977796181d1a506c 4bc8c19c51f3d9f30799251a810dd1ca63c4bf1e},
# Apply THRIFT-667
%w{12c09f44cb291b1ecc4074cb3a55775b375fa8b2 3c449146e13727a9dbeb66e9826968b85a6d8869},
# Apply THRIFT-1755
%w{8cd3efe50a42975375e8ff3bc03306d9e4174314 5b45d692b2e6a4480d088485d4f011b9cd7fff52},
# Apply THRIFT-2045
%w{282e440c6de219b7b8f32b01cc7eb599f534f33f a5ab25621be48a803de7f0893ada1cdadaa1bc11},
%w{9f9cd10e813ef574dd5578d78ca26a9088383d3a 65db24f59989eab8b3b0a0f1393a52faa3cba7ee},
%w{e957675647d3d7caafe842aa85cbd987e91b21f9 478a5ad6b08a268460793112361726976fee8157},
# Apply THRIFT-2229 fix from master to 0.9.1 branch
%w{5f2d34e5ab33651059a085525b3adbab6a877e6f ff01eeca821a1d97485c9075c4d65f0c5eef4931},
].each do |name, sha|
patch do
url ";a=patch;h=#{name}"
#sha1 sha
bottle do
cellar :any
#sha1 "07614d7e556b72d53e990de3966b67f8cbea88d6" => :yosemite
#sha1 "983a86c23cc80f40f67c3897dba412e2eb3c0d97" => :mavericks
#sha1 "57e63acf576ff07b549b9f84034d95161cb2c71c" => :mountain_lion
head do
url ""
depends_on :autoconf
depends_on :automake
depends_on :libtool
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "bison" => :build
option "with-haskell", "Install Haskell binding"
option "with-erlang", "Install Erlang binding"
option "with-java", "Install Java binding"
option "with-perl", "Install Perl binding"
option "with-php", "Install PHP binding"
depends_on "boost"
depends_on "openssl"
depends_on :python => :optional
def install
system "./" unless build.stable?
exclusions = ["--without-ruby", "--without-tests", "--without-php_extension"]
exclusions << "--without-python" if build.without? "python"
exclusions << "--without-haskell" if build.without? "haskell"
exclusions << "--without-java" if build.without? "java"
exclusions << "--without-perl" if build.without? "perl"
exclusions << "--without-php" if build.without? "php"
exclusions << "--without-erlang" if build.without? "erlang"
ENV.cxx11 if MacOS.version >= :mavericks && ENV.compiler == :clang
# Don't install extensions to /usr:
ENV["PY_PREFIX"] = prefix
ENV["PHP_PREFIX"] = prefix
system "./configure", "--disable-debug",
system "make"
system "make", "install"
def caveats
To install Ruby binding:
gem install thrift
To install PHP extension for e.g. PHP 5.5:
brew install homebrew/php/php55-thrift
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