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Created August 28, 2013 21:14
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A program that finds the largest area of equal neighbor elements in a rectangular matrix and prints its size
using System;
namespace Task_7_LargestAreaNeighbour
class Program
static void Main()
//Ask for a size of the matrix
Console.Write("Please enter the matrix size: ");
string input = Console.ReadLine();
int Size = 0;
while (int.TryParse(input, out Size) == false)
Console.Write("Please enter a valid integer!: ");
input = Console.ReadLine();
//Declare matrix
int[,] Matrix = new int[Size, Size];
//Declare all variables:
int CurrentRepeats = 0;
int MaxRepeats = 0;
int StartRow = 0;
int StartCol = 0;
int RepeatedDigit = 0;
int CurrentRow = 0;
int CurrentCol = 0;
Random RandomDigit = new Random();
//Fill the matrix with random digits (1-9)
FillMatrixRandom(Size, Matrix, RandomDigit);
//Print the matrix
PrintMatrix(Size, Matrix);
//Put the whole code in 2 integrated for loops for (rows) ... for (cols)
for (StartRow = 0; StartRow < Size; StartRow++)
for (StartCol = 0; StartCol < Size; StartCol++)
//Check for OutOfRangeExceptions
if ((StartCol+1) < Size)
//Start (0;0) and look for equal neighbour elements to the right side
//If you find equal elements, continue searching to the right side, until you find a different one
while (Matrix[StartRow,StartCol] == Matrix[StartRow, StartCol+1])
//Save the start position of the first element, so you can go back there
//Save the repeated element
//Count all found equal elements
//Check for OutOfRangeExceptions
if ((StartRow+1) < Size)
//Go back on start positon and look for equal neighbour elements down side
//If you find equal elements down side, continue searching until you find a different one
while (Matrix[StartRow,StartCol] == Matrix[StartRow+1, StartCol])
//Save the start position of the first element, so you can go back there.
//Save the repeated element
//Count all found equal elements
//If no equal elements found reloop and go to next element in the matrix
//Print the result -> MaxRepeats, RepeatedDigit
private static void FillMatrixRandom(int Size, int[,] Matrix, Random RandomDigit)
for (int row = 0; row < Size; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < Size; col++)
Matrix[row, col] = RandomDigit.Next(1, 9);
private static void PrintMatrix(int Size, int[,] Matrix)
for (int row = 0; row < Size; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < Size; col++)
Console.Write("{0,3}", Matrix[row, col]);
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