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Last active July 12, 2018 13:52
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Save bobjackman/8700277 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get a summary of total LOC added, removed, gross line changes, && net total LOC. Credit to (alex)[] modified by (kogi)[]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# usage:
# git-stats #gives stats for the whole branch
# git-stats --author="yourname here" #gives stats for specific author
# though not all tested, this should be compatible with all limiting options supported by git-log (
git log --pretty=tformat: --numstat $@ "`git merge-base HEAD develop`..HEAD" | gawk '{ adds += $1 ; subs += $2 ; net += $1 - $2 ; gross += $1 + $2 ; commits += 1 } END { print "total commits\tadded loc\tremoved loc\tgross loc\tnet loc\n"; printf "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", commits, adds, subs, gross, net }' | column -s $'\t' -t
git log --author="yournamehere" --pretty=tformat: --numstat "`git merge-base HEAD develop`..HEAD" | gawk '{ adds += $1 ; subs += $2 ; net += $1 - $2 ; gross += $1 + $2 ; commits += 1 } END { print "total commits\tadded loc\tremoved loc\tgross loc\tnet loc\n"; printf "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", commits, adds, subs, gross, net }' | column -s $'\t' -t
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