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Terminating Knight Tour on Infinite Boards
title: "Infinite(?) Knight Tour"
author: "Bob Jansen"
format: pdf
editor: visual
keep-tex: True
monofont: "Fira Code"
## Terminating Knight Tour on Infinite Boards
Under what conditions does a knight tour on an infinite board end as described in this [Numberphile video](
## The original example
Consider an infinite board where each tile is numbered from $1$ to $n$ using an
anti-clockwise spiral as follows:
suppressMessages(library(recollections)) # Used later to keep track of visited squares
board <- t(matrix(c(
18L, 5:3, 12L,
19L, 6L, 1L, 2L, 11L,
20L, 7:9, 10L,
), ncol = 5L))
The knight
1. Starts at 1
2. Never visits the same square twice
3. Moves to the square with the lowest number
4. Ends its tour when no moves are possible
Using standard knight moves the knight can jump from 1 to $14, 12, 10, 24, 22,
20, 18, 16$. The initial jump will be to 10 as that is the lowest numbered
square. Continuing to follow these rules, the tour starts as follows: $1, 10, 3,
6, 9, 4, 7, 2, 16, 8, 11, \ldots$ and ends after $2016$ steps on square $2084$.
The code below finds this result.
## Testing
Not sure what is a good way to run tests in site a Quarto Notebook but this
works, sort of:
testCount <- 0L
testFailures <- 0L
quartoTest <- function(test, expected) {
testCount <<- testCount + 1L
if (test != expected) {
testFailures <<- testFailures + 1L
cat("Exptected: ", expected, " but got ", test, "\n", sep = "")
quartoTestResults <- function() {
cat(testCount - testFailures, " / ", testCount, " tests passed\n")
testCount <<- 0L
testFailures <<- 0L
## Knight moves
The knight moves are given as offsets from the starting coordinate
moves <- list(
c(2L, 1L), c(1L, 2L), c(-1L, 2L), c(-2L, 1L),
c(-2L, -1L), c(-1L, -2L), c(1L, -2L), c(2L, -1L)
quartoTest(length(unique(moves)), 8L)
## The board
The board is supposed to be infinite so I can't keep the number of each square
in memory. One could try to extend the board as needed by continuing the spiral
once the knight moves outside of the known board area but this seems tedious.
Therefore I tried the alternative approach of translating each coordinate to its
position in the sequence using the function `coordToSpiralPosition()` and some
helpers as follows:
First I determine how many times the counter spiraled around the origin and the
length of the side of a spiral. Then I figure how many steps the coordinate is
away from the right bottom
- For the squares above the diagonal from the top left to the right bottom, I
simply count the steps made forward.
- For the squares below the diagonal: mirror the coordinates and count the
steps to the mirrored coordinates and add
$2 \times (\textrm{side length} - 1)$ to the step count. I need to subtract
1 from the side to avoid double counting the corners.
findSpiralCount <- function(x, y) max(abs(x), abs(y)) + 1L
findSideLength <- function(spiralCount) 2L * spiralCount - 1L
aboveDiagonal <- function(x, y) x > -y
countSteps <- function(x, y, side) (side / 2) * 2L + y - x - 1L
# The function countSteps() above simplifies to
countSteps <- function(x, y, side) side + y - x - 1L
coordToSpiralPosition <- function(x, y) {
spiralCount <- findSpiralCount(x, y)
side <- findSideLength(spiralCount)
start <- (side - 2L) * (side - 2L)
if (aboveDiagonal(x, y)) {
start + countSteps(x, y, side)
} else {
start + 2L * (side - 1L) + countSteps(y, x, side)
### Test our logic on the known inner squares
The results of `coordToSpiralPosition()` can be compared to the board matrix
defined above and some values copied from the video:
for (i in -2:2) for (j in -2:2)
coordToSpiralPosition(i, j),
# Some care is needed to translate coordinates to entries in the board
# matrix.
board[-j + 3L, i + 3L])
quartoTest(coordToSpiralPosition(3L, -3L), 49L)
quartoTest(coordToSpiralPosition(2L, -3L), 48L)
quartoTest(coordToSpiralPosition(3L, -2L), 26L)
quartoTest(coordToSpiralPosition(3L, -2L), 26L)
quartoTest(coordToSpiralPosition(7L, -3L), 173L)
quartoTest(coordToSpiralPosition(-5L, 4L), 102L)
## Generating moves
The candidate squares are found by adding the possible moves to the coordinate
of the current square.
candidateMoves <- function(coord, moves) lapply(moves, \(move) coord + move)
The next square is found by choosing the square with the lowest spiral number
that has not been visited.
findNextSquare <- function(coord, moves, seen) {
best <- Inf
bestCandidate <- NULL
candidates <- candidateMoves(coord, moves)
for (candidate in candidates) {
counter <- coordToSpiralPosition(candidate[[1L]], candidate[[2L]])
if (counter < best &&
is.null(recollections::getValue(seen, toString(candidate)))
) {
best <- counter
bestCandidate <- candidate
With these functions, loop until a next square can not be found adding visited
squares to the `path` list and `seen` dictionary.
simulateTour <- function(moves) {
seen <- recollections::dictionary()
path <- list()
nextSquare <- c(0L, 0L)
while (!is.null(nextSquare)) {
path[[length(path) + 1L]] <- nextSquare
recollections::setValue(seen, toString(nextSquare), TRUE)
nextSquare <- findNextSquare(nextSquare, moves, seen)
steps <- length(path)
final_coord <- path[[steps]]
"The path has ", steps, " steps\n",
"Final square has counter: ",
coordToSpiralPosition(final_coord[[1L]], final_coord[[2L]]), "\n",
"Final square is: (", final_coord[[1L]], ", ", final_coord[[2L]], ")\n",
sep = ""
path <- simulateTour(moves)
The tour can be plotted as well:
plotTour <- function(path, knightType = "(1, 2)") {
df <-, path))
colnames(df) <- c("x", "y")
df$index <- 1:nrow(df)
ggplot(df) +
geom_path(aes(x = x, y = y, colour = index)) +
data = df[1L, ], shape = 1L, colour = "green",
aes(x = x, y = y)) +
data = df[nrow(df), ], shape = 4L, colour = "red",
aes(x = x, y = y)) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title = element_blank()) +
"Knight %s tour on a spiral numbered infinite board", knightType))
I'm also interested in moves of super knights: knight likes that jump further.
A super knight makes moves of a given length that are symmetric around the
x-axis and y-axis.
generateMoves <- function(xDelta, yDelta) {
moves <- list()
for (x in c(-xDelta, xDelta)) {
for (y in c(-yDelta, yDelta)) {
moves[[length(moves) + 1L]] <- c(x, y)
moves[[length(moves) + 1L]] <- c(y, x)
quartoTest(length(unique(generateMoves(1L, 2L))), 8L)
Combining move generation, simulation and plotting it is easy to quickly
gather the results and visualize the tours of arbitrary super knights.
deltas <- c(1L, 4L)
simulateTour(generateMoves(deltas[[1L]], deltas[[2L]])),
knightType = sprintf("(%s, %s)", deltas[[1L]], deltas[[2L]]))
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