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Created December 2, 2015 17:20
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my writeup of setting up an RDS-backed VPC


Setting up VPC


  • "Create VPC" (blue button)

    • name tag: whatever
    • CIDR block:
    • Tenancy: Default
  • "Subnets" (sidebar) > "Create Subnet" (blue button)

    • name tag: whatever
    • VPC:
    • Availability Zone: No Preference
    • CIDR block:
  • "Create Subnet"

    • name tag: whatever
    • VPC:
    • Availability Zone: Something other than the last subnet's AZ
    • CIDR block:
  • Repeat last part for however many subnets you want

Create VPC security group (not DB security group!)

  • "Security Groups" (sidebar) > "Create Security Group" (blue button)

    • name: whatever
    • group name: whatever
    • description: description, blah
    • VPC: point to VPC created above
  • click on created SG, "Inbound Rules" tab

Type Protocol Port Range Source (notes)
SSH (22) TCP (6) 22 ssh
HTTP (80) TCP (6) 80 web
HTTPS (443) TCP (6) 443 https
HTTP\* (8080) TCP (6) 8080 dev
Custom TCP Rule TCP (6) 5432 psql

Create DB Subnet Group

  • "Subnet Groups" (sidebar) > "Create DB Subnet Group" (blue button)
    • Name: whatever (influence-explorerdb-subnet)
    • Description: whatever
    • VPC ID: select the one created above (influence-explorer)
    • Add subnets from at least two AZs
    • "Create"

Launch DB Instance


  • "Launch DB Instance" (blue button)

    • Pick PostgreSQL > "Select"

    • Select yes/no for pricey/regular (I picked no) > "Next Step"

    • Specifications:

      • DB Engine: postgres

        • License Model: postgresql-license
        • DB Engine Version: 9.3.5
        • DB Instance Class: (db.m3.large)
        • Multi-AZ Deployment: (no)
        • Storage Type: (General Purpose SSD)
        • Allocated Storage: (100GB)
        • DB Instance Identifier: influence-explorer-db
        • Master Username: influence
        • Password: (see keepass)
      • "Next Step"

    • Network & Security

      • VPC: name of VPC from earlier (influence-explorer)
      • Subnet Group: DB Subnet from earlier (influence-explorerdb-subnet)
      • Publicly Accessible: (no)
      • Availability Zone: (no preference)
      • VPC Security Groups: VPC SG from earlier (influence-explorer)
    • Database Options

      • Database Name: influenceexplorer
      • Database Port: 5432
      • DB Parameter Group: (default.postgres9.3)
      • Option Group: (not selectable?)
      • Enable Encryption: (no)
    • Backup

      • Backup Retention Period: (3 days)
      • Backup Window (No Preference)
    • Maintenance

      • Auto Minor Version Upgrade: (yes)
      • Maintenance Window: No Preference
  • "Launch DB Instance"

Launch EC2 Instances

  • Choose AMI (Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (PV), SSD Volume Type)
  • Choose Instance Type (m3.large)
  • Configure Instance Details
    • Number of Instances: (1)
    • Purchasing Option: (unchecked)
    • Network: the VPC from above (influence-explorer)
    • Auto-assign Public IP: Enable if you want to access directly (enabled)

Create Internet Gateway


  • "Create Internet Gateway" (blue button)

    • Name: whatever (influence-explorerinternet-gateway)
  • "Create"

  • Right click on newly created internet gateway > Attach to VPC

  • select a VPC and attach

Create/Configure Route Table

  • "Route Tables" (sidebar)
  • one should have been made automatically. select the one attached to your VPC
  • in the display window > "Routes" tab
  • add a new route targeted at the internet gateway (igw-7b20a81e)
Destination Target Status Propagated local Active No igw-7b20a81e Active No
  • in the display window > "Subnet Associations" tab
  • Edit
  • Add your subnets
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