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Last active March 23, 2021 17:22
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  • Save bobmagicii/0adf9979b6822920ba46c3fd6a4462bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bobmagicii/0adf9979b6822920ba46c3fd6a4462bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// php -S localhost:80 -t www www/index.php
$Root = dirname(__FILE__);
$Mime = NULL;
$File = match($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) {
'/' => "{$Root}/index.html",
default => "{$Root}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"
$Info = pathinfo($File);
if(array_key_exists('extension',$Info)) {
$Mime = match($Info['extension']) {
'js' => 'text/javascript',
'babylon' => 'application/json',
'fx' => 'plain/text',
default => mime_content_type($File)
if($Mime) {
header(sprintf('Content-Type: %s',$Mime));
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
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