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Created November 30, 2021 16:31
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use core::future::Future;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::pin::Pin;
use core::task::{Context, Poll};
use drogue_device::actors::button::{ButtonEvent, ButtonEventDispatcher, FromButtonEvent};
use drogue_device::actors::led::LedMessage;
use drogue_device::kernel::actor::InboxMessage;
use drogue_device::ActorContext;
use drogue_device::{actors, Actor, Address, Inbox};
use drogue_device::{traits, DeviceContext};
use embassy::executor::Spawner;
use embassy::util::Forever;
unsafe fn forever<T>(t: &mut T) -> &'static T {
let p = t as *mut T;
&mut *p
// framework trait
pub trait Board {}
pub async fn boot<A: App<B, D> + 'static, B: Board, D: 'static>(ctx: &'static DeviceContext<D>, mut board: B, spawner: Spawner) {
let device = A::main(&mut board);
ctx.mount(|device| async move {
A::mount(device, spawner).await
// framework trait
pub trait App<B: Board, D: 'static> : Actor {
fn main(board: &mut B) -> D;
type MountFuture<'m>: Future<Output = () >
Self: 'm;
fn mount<'m>(device: &'static D, spawner: Spawner) -> Self::MountFuture<'m>;
// BSP impl
pub struct BlinkyComponents<B: BlinkyBoard> {
pub red_led: B::RedLed,
pub control_button: B::ControlButton,
pub trait BlinkyBoard: Board + Sized {
type RedLed: traits::led::Led;
type ControlButton: traits::button::Button;
fn components(&mut self) -> BlinkyComponents<Self>;
pub struct BlinkyApp<B: BlinkyBoard + 'static> {
red_led: Option<Address<'static, actors::led::Led<B::RedLed>>>,
_marker: PhantomData<B>,
impl<B: BlinkyBoard + 'static> BlinkyApp<B> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
red_led: None,
_marker: Default::default()
impl<B: BlinkyBoard + 'static> App<B, BlinkyDevice<B>> for BlinkyApp<B> {
fn main(board: &mut B) -> BlinkyDevice<B> {
let mut components = board.components();
BlinkyDevice {
app: ActorContext::new( Self::new()),
led: ActorContext::new(actors::led::Led::new(components.red_led)),
button: ActorContext::new(actors::button::Button::new(components.control_button)),
_marker: Default::default(),
type MountFuture<'m>
Self: 'm = impl Future<Output=()>;
fn mount<'m>(device: &'static BlinkyDevice<B>, spawner: Spawner) -> Self::MountFuture<'m> {
async move {
let led = device.led.mount((), spawner);
let app = (led), spawner);
device.button.mount(app.into(), spawner);
// Device
pub enum Command {
impl<B: BlinkyBoard + 'static> Actor for BlinkyApp<B> {
type Configuration = (Address<'static, actors::led::Led<B::RedLed>>);
type Message<'m> = Command;
type OnMountFuture<'m, M>
M: 'm,
= impl Future<Output = ()> + 'm;
fn on_mount<'m, M>(
&'m mut self,
config: Self::Configuration,
_: Address<'static, Self>,
inbox: &'m mut M,
) -> Self::OnMountFuture<'m, M>
M: Inbox<'m, Self> + 'm,
async move {
defmt::info!("about to app loop");
loop {
match {
Some(mut msg) => match msg.message() {
Command::TurnOn => {
defmt::info!("got inbox ON");
Command::TurnOff => {
defmt::info!("got inbox OFF");
None => {
defmt::info!("got inbox NONE");
impl<B: BlinkyBoard> FromButtonEvent<Command> for BlinkyApp<B> {
fn from(event: ButtonEvent) -> Option<Command>
Self: Sized,
match event {
ButtonEvent::Pressed => Some(Command::TurnOn),
ButtonEvent::Released => Some(Command::TurnOff),
//static DEVICE: DeviceContext<BlinkyDevice> = DeviceContext::new();
pub struct BlinkyDevice<B: BlinkyBoard + 'static> {
app: ActorContext<'static, BlinkyApp<B>>,
led: ActorContext<'static, actors::led::Led<B::RedLed>>,
button: ActorContext<
actors::button::Button<B::ControlButton, ButtonEventDispatcher<BlinkyApp<B>>>,
_marker: PhantomData<B>,
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