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Created November 6, 2013 13:00
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  • Save boboldehampsink/7335716 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save boboldehampsink/7335716 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Upload user photos in the front-end. Use <input type="file" name="qqfile" /> to trigger Craft's native upload mechanism.
namespace Craft;
class UserPhotoPlugin extends BasePlugin
function getName()
return Craft::t('Upload user photos on the front-end');
function getVersion()
return '1.0';
function getDeveloper()
return 'Bob Olde Hampsink';
function getDeveloperUrl()
return '';
function init() {
// Only works on the front-end
if(craft()->request->isSiteRequest()) {
// Only trigger when an user is saved
craft()->on('users.onSaveProfile', function(Event $event) {
// Get user
$user = $event->params['user'];
// Upload the file and drop it in the temporary folder
$uploader = new \qqFileUploader();
// Make sure a file was uploaded
if($uploader->file && $uploader->file->getSize()) {
// Get temp upload path for user
$folderPath = craft()->path->getTempUploadsPath().'userphotos/'.$user->username.'/';
// Clear temp upload path
// Make sure path exists
// Clean uploaded filename
$fileName = IOHelper::cleanFilename($uploader->file->getName());
// Save uploaded file
// Test if we will be able to perform image actions on this image
if(!craft()->images->setMemoryForImage($folderPath.$fileName)) {
exit(Craft::t('The uploaded image is too large'));
$constraint = 500;
list ($width, $height) = getimagesize($folderPath.$fileName);
// If the file is in the format badscript.php.gif perhaps.
if($width && $height) {
// Crop from center
$centreX = round($width / 2);
$centreY = round($height / 2);
$cropWidth = $width > $height ? $height : $width;
$cropHeight = $cropWidth;
$cropWidthHalf = round($cropWidth / 2);
$cropHeightHalf = round($cropWidth / 2);
$x1 = max(0, $centreX - $cropWidthHalf);
$y1 = max(0, $centreY - $cropHeightHalf);
$x2 = min($width, $centreX + $cropWidthHalf);
$y2 = min($height, $centreY + $cropHeightHalf);
$source = $fileName;
// Strip off any querystring info, if any.
if(($qIndex = mb_strpos($source, '?')) !== false) {
$source = mb_substr($source, 0, mb_strpos($source, '?'));
$imagePath = craft()->path->getTempUploadsPath().'userphotos/'.$user->username.'/'.$source;
// Delete old user photo
// Crop and save
craft()->users->cropAndSaveUserPhoto($imagePath, $x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $user);
// Clear temp folder
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lumihq commented Apr 18, 2014

Tried installing this in Craft 2.0 but the plugin doesn't show up in the CP. Any ideas?

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