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# Author: Fengyuan Hu
# Search ORFs from a given transcript sequences, covert local coordinates to genomic coordinates in BED format
# Input:
# Transcriptome (protein coding + lincRNAs) in Fasta format
# Transcriptome (protein coding + lincRNAs) annotation in GTF format
# Make sure annotation is consistent with sequences, or extract sequences from genome?
# Find novel ORFs
# The findCDS function defines (from a fasta file of the transcriptome) all possible coding sequences with a start and stop codon in frame.
refTranscriptomeFile <- "~/ref/GENCODE/mouse/M8/fasta/transcriptome/CHR/proteincoding_and_lncRNA-transcript/pc_and_lncRNA_transcripts.fa"
allORFs.transcriptome <- findCDS(fastaFile = refTranscriptomeFile, startCodon = c("ATG", "CTG", "TTG", "GTG"), stopCodon = c("TAG", "TAA", "TGA"))
gtfFile <- "~/ref/GENCODE/mouse/M8/annotation/CHR/comprehensive/annotation.gtf"
mouse.txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(gtfFile, format = "gtf", organism = "Mus musculus")
###### TESTING ######
## not run ##
#refTranscriptomeFile <- "~/ref/GENCODE/mouse/M8/fasta/transcriptome/CHR/proteincoding_and_lncRNA-transcript/test/Cxcr4.fa"
#allORFs.transcriptome <- findCDS(fastaFile = refTranscriptomeFile, startCodon = c("ATG"), stopCodon = c("TAG", "TAA", "TGA"))
#gtfFile <- "~/ref/GENCODE/mouse/M8/annotation/CHR/protein_coding/protein_coding.filtered.noSelenocysteine.chr1.gtf"
#mouse.txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(gtfFile, format = "gtf", organism = "Mus musculus")
###### TESTING! ######
# seqlevels contains uniq seqnames
tx.names <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(seqlevels(allORFs.transcriptome), '[|]'), `[[`, 1))
tx.exon <- exonsBy(mouse.txdb, by = "tx", use.names=T)[tx.names]
allORFs.transcriptome.orig <- allORFs.transcriptome
seqlevels(allORFs.transcriptome) <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(seqlevels(allORFs.transcriptome), '[|]'), `[[`, 1))
orfToGenimic <- lapply(1:length(allORFs.transcriptome), function(i) {
orf <- allORFs.transcriptome[i] <- runValue(seqnames(orf)) <- pmapFromTranscripts(orf, tx.exon[names(tx.exon) ==])
names( <- paste(, "ORF", start(orf), end(orf), mcols(orf)$frame, sep="_")
grl <-, unlist(orfToGenimic, recursive=FALSE))
unlisted <- unlist(grl)
unlisted.hit <- unlisted[which(mcols(unlisted)$hit == T)] <- asBED(split(unlisted.hit, names(unlisted.hit)))
orfToBED <- export(, format = "bed")
write(orfToBED, "orfs.bed")
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