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Created April 5, 2014 08:30
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Save bobot/9989037 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Automatic generation of zsh completion from an extended Arg description
(* thx example for *)
open Printf
let trim s =
let len = String.length s in
let rec aux = function
| n when n = len -> ""
| n ->
if s.[n] <> ' '
then String.sub s n (len-n)
else aux (n+1)
in aux 0
let generic_quote whatquote quotequote s =
let l = String.length s in
let b = Buffer.create (l + 20) in
for i = 0 to l - 1 do
if s.[i] = whatquote
then Buffer.add_string b quotequote
else Buffer.add_char b s.[i]
Buffer.contents b
let quote_help s = List.fold_left (fun s (c,s2) -> generic_quote c s2 s)
s ['\'',"\\'";']',"\\]";'"',"\\\""]
let quote_colon s = generic_quote ':' "\\:" s
module Completion =
type compl_spec =
| CFile of string option
| CDir of string option
| CInt
| CFloat
| CString
| CSymbol of string list
| CTuple of (compl_spec * string) list
type compl =
{ compl : (compl_spec * string) option;
options : string list;
excluded : string list;
help : string;
type prog_descr =
{ name : string;
infos : (string * string) list;
rest : compl_spec * string;
descs : compl list;
module Zsh =
let print_compl ch (c,mesg) =
fprintf ch ":%s:" (quote_colon (quote_help mesg));
let file dir pattern =
let dir = if dir then "-/ " else "" in
let pattern = match pattern with
| None -> ""
| Some s -> sprintf "-g '%s'" (quote_help s) in
fprintf ch "_files %s %s" dir pattern in
let anything () = fprintf ch ""(*"( )"*) in
let choice l =
fprintf ch "(%s)" (String.concat " " l) in
(match c with
| CFile s -> file false s
| CDir s -> file true s
| CInt -> anything ()
| CFloat -> anything ()
| CString -> anything ()
| CSymbol l -> choice l
| CTuple _ -> assert false)
let print_not_empty_list form delim ch = function
| [] -> ()
| l -> fprintf ch form (String.concat delim l)
let print_not_sing_list form delim ch = function
| [] -> assert false
| [a] -> fprintf ch "%s" a
| l -> fprintf ch form (String.concat delim l)
let print_rule ch c =
fprintf ch " %a'%a'\"[%s]"
(print_not_empty_list "\"(%s)\"" " ") c.excluded
(print_not_sing_list "{%s}" ",") c.options
(quote_help (trim;
(match c.compl with
| None -> ()
| Some cmessg -> print_compl ch cmessg);
fprintf ch "\"\\\n"
let write prog ch =
fprintf ch
"#compdef %s
## zsh completion for %s
## generated by ocompl
local curcontext state line cmds ret=1
_arguments -s -S \\\n";
fprintf ch
" '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[Brief help message]' \\\n";
List.iter (print_rule ch) prog.descs;
fprintf ch
" \"*%a\" \\\n" print_compl;
fprintf ch
" && ret=0
return ret
_%s \"$@\"
let env_compl_mode = "COMPL_MODE"
let is_mode_compl =
let r =Sys.getenv env_compl_mode in
with Not_found -> false
module Arg_compl =
open Arg
type spec =
| Unit of (unit -> unit) (* Call the function with unit argument *)
| Bool of string * (bool -> unit) (* Call the function with a bool argument *)
| Set of bool ref (* Set the reference to true *)
| Clear of bool ref (* Set the reference to false *)
| String of string * (string -> unit) (* Call the function with a string argument *)
| Set_string of string * string ref (* Set the reference to the string argument *)
| File of string * string option * (string -> unit) (* Call the function with a string argument *)
| Set_file of string * string option * string ref (* Set the reference to the string argument *)
| Dir of string * string option * (string -> unit) (* Call the function with a string argument *)
| Set_dir of string * string option * string ref (* Set the reference to the string argument *)
| Int of string * (int -> unit) (* Call the function with an int argument *)
| Set_int of string * int ref (* Set the reference to the int argument *)
| Float of string * (float -> unit) (* Call the function with a float argument *)
| Set_float of string * float ref (* Set the reference to the float argument *)
| Tuple of string * spec list (* Take several arguments according to the
spec list *)
| Symbol of string * string list * (string -> unit)
(* Take one of the symbols as argument and
call the function with the symbol. *)
| Rest of (string -> unit) (* Stop interpreting keywords and call the
function with each remaining argument *)
type options = key * key list * spec * doc
(** Common part*)
let rec legacy_of_spec = function
| Unit f -> Arg.Unit f | Bool (_,f) -> Arg.Bool f
| Set f -> Arg.Set f | Clear f -> Arg.Clear f
| Int (_,f) -> Arg.Int f | Set_int (_,f) -> Arg.Set_int f
| Float (_,f) -> Arg.Float f | Set_float (_,f) -> Arg.Set_float f
| Tuple (_,l) -> Arg.Tuple ( legacy_of_spec l)
| Symbol (_,l,f) -> Arg.Symbol (l,f)
| Rest f -> Arg.Rest f
| String (_,f) | File (_,_,f) | Dir (_,_,f) -> Arg.String f
| Set_string (_,f) | Set_file (_,_,f) | Set_dir (_,_,f) -> Arg.Set_string f
let rec spec_of_legacy_aux mesg = function
| Arg.Unit f -> Unit f | Arg.Bool f -> Bool (mesg,f)
| Arg.Set f -> Set f | Arg.Clear f -> Clear f
| Arg.Int f -> Int (mesg,f) | Arg.Set_int f -> Set_int (mesg,f)
| Arg.Float f -> Float (mesg,f) | Arg.Set_float f -> Set_float (mesg,f)
| Arg.Tuple f -> Tuple (mesg, (spec_of_legacy_aux "") f)
| Arg.Symbol (l,f) -> Symbol (mesg,l,f)
| Arg.Rest f -> Rest f
| Arg.String f -> File (mesg,None,f)
| Arg.Set_string f -> Set_string (mesg,f)
let spec_of_legacy mesg d =
let mesg = match mesg with
| None -> ""
| Some s -> s in
spec_of_legacy_aux mesg d
open Completion
let compl_speclist all = fun (c,e,d,h) ->
let mk ?(excl=[]) x =
{ compl = x;
options = [c];
excluded = excl@e;
help = h
} in
let rec aux = function
| Unit _ | Set _ | Clear _ -> mk None
| Bool (s,_) -> mk (Some (CSymbol ["true";"false"],s))
| Int (s,_) | Set_int (s,_) -> mk (Some (CInt,s))
| Float (s,_) | Set_float (s,_) -> mk (Some (CFloat,s))
| Tuple (s,l) -> let f x =
match (aux x).compl with
| None -> invalid_arg "Rest, Set, Unit and Clear shouldn't be in tuple"
| Some (c,s) -> (c,s) in
mk (Some (CTuple ( f l),s))
| Symbol (m,l,_) -> mk (Some (CSymbol l,m))
| Rest _ -> mk ~excl:( (fun (c,_,_,_) -> c) all) None
| String (s,_) | Set_string (s,_) -> mk (Some (CString,s))
| File (m,s,_) | Set_file (m,s,_) -> mk (Some (CFile s,m))
| Dir (m,s,_) | Set_dir (m,s,_) -> mk (Some (CDir s,m))
in aux d
let trad_speclist =
(fun (c,_,d,h) -> (c,legacy_of_spec d,h))
let parse_argv_aux ?current argv speclist anonfun errmsg =
parse_argv ?current argv (trad_speclist speclist) anonfun errmsg
let parse_aux speclist anonfun errmsg =
parse (trad_speclist speclist) anonfun errmsg
let usage_aux speclist errmsg =
usage (trad_speclist speclist) errmsg
(** Completion Part *)
let gen_zsh = ref false
let speclist_compl = lazy
["--gen_zsh", ["--gen_zsh"], Set gen_zsh, "Trigger the generation of the zsh completion function"]
let errmsg_compl = "Generation of the completion function for this program : one output must be selected"
let anonfun_compl _ = usage_aux (Lazy.force speclist_compl) errmsg_compl
let main_gen speclist rest =
if not !gen_zsh then
anonfun_compl ();
let prog = { name = (Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0));
infos = [];
rest = rest;
descs = (compl_speclist speclist) speclist} in
let o = open_out (sprintf "_%s" in
Zsh.write prog o;
close_out o
(** Last Part *)
let parse_argv ?current argv speclist (rest,anonfun) errmsg =
if is_mode_compl then
(parse_argv_aux ?current argv (Lazy.force speclist_compl) anonfun_compl errmsg_compl;
main_gen speclist rest)
parse_argv_aux ?current argv speclist anonfun errmsg
let parse speclist (rest,anonfun) errmsg =
if is_mode_compl then
(parse_aux (Lazy.force speclist_compl) anonfun_compl errmsg_compl;
main_gen speclist rest)
parse_aux speclist anonfun errmsg
let usage speclist errmsg =
if is_mode_compl then
usage_aux (Lazy.force speclist_compl) errmsg_compl
usage_aux speclist errmsg
module Arg_legacy = Arg
module Arg =
include Arg_legacy
let realign = ref []
let realign_ h = try let pre,suf = List.assoc h !realign in
(Some pre),suf
with Not_found -> (None,h)
let trad_spec_list_leg (c,d,h) =
let mesg,help = realign_ h in
(c,[],Arg_compl.spec_of_legacy mesg d,help)
let parse_argv ?current argv speclist anonfun errmsg =
if is_mode_compl then
(Arg_compl.parse_argv_aux ?current argv (Lazy.force Arg_compl.speclist_compl)
Arg_compl.anonfun_compl Arg_compl.errmsg_compl;
Arg_compl.main_gen ( trad_spec_list_leg speclist) (Completion.CFile(None), "?"))
parse_argv ?current argv speclist anonfun errmsg
let parse speclist anonfun errmsg =
if is_mode_compl then
(Arg_compl.parse_aux (Lazy.force Arg_compl.speclist_compl)
Arg_compl.anonfun_compl Arg_compl.errmsg_compl;
Arg_compl.main_gen ( trad_spec_list_leg speclist) (Completion.CFile(None), "?"))
parse speclist anonfun errmsg
let rec second_word s =
let len = String.length s in
let rec loop n =
if n >= len then len
else if s.[n] = ' ' then loop (n+1)
else n
try loop (String.index s ' ')
with Not_found -> len
let split ksd =
match ksd with
| (kwd, Symbol _, msg) ->
| (kwd, spec, msg) ->
let cutcol = second_word msg in
let prefix = String.sub msg 0 cutcol in
let suffix = String.sub msg cutcol (String.length msg - cutcol) in
(* from Arg *)
let rec assoc3 x l =
match l with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (y1, y2, y3) :: t when y1 = x -> y2
| _ :: t -> assoc3 x t
let help_action () = ();;
let add_help_dumb speclist =
let add1 =
try ignore (assoc3 "-help" speclist); []
with Not_found ->
["-help", Unit help_action, " Display this list of options"]
and add2 =
try ignore (assoc3 "--help" speclist); []
with Not_found ->
["--help", Unit help_action, " Display this list of options"]
speclist @ (add1 @ add2)
let align speclist_bef =
if is_mode_compl then
(* in order to have the same number of element*)
let speclist_bef = add_help_dumb speclist_bef in
let speclist_after = align speclist_bef in
realign := List.fold_left2 (fun l bef (_,_,after) -> (after,split bef)::l) !realign speclist_bef speclist_after;
align speclist_bef
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