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Created June 14, 2022 10:44
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Script to monitor files left in FTP queue
import os
import requests
import json
from itertools import islice
from pathlib import Path
import time
import prefect
from prefect import task, Flow
from prefect.schedules import Schedule
from prefect.schedules.clocks import CronClock
from import Local
import pendulum
PY_SCRIPT = 'F:/Analytics/Workflows_prefect/IT/FTP'
FLOW_NAME = 'FTP Monitor'
prime_cargo_dir: str = 'D:\\PrimeCargo\\Live\\Ud\\'
now: float = time.time()
age: int = 0
msg: str = ''
def post_teams(msg: str):
base_url = 'INBOUND_WEBHOOK'
payload = {
"@type": "MessageCard",
"@context": "",
"summary": "FTP Notification",
"themeColor": "001A4D",
"title": "⚠ FTP Server Notification",
"sections": [
"text": msg
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json"
res = requests.request('POST', base_url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload))
return res.text.encode('UTF-8')
@task(max_retries=3, retry_delay=pendulum.duration(seconds=30))
def check_files(folder: str):
paths = [f.path for f in islice(os.scandir(prime_cargo_dir),2000)]
for f in paths:
age = int((now - os.stat(f).st_ctime) / 60)
if age > 30:
post_teams(f"FTP Server has stopped, file {f} is {age} minutes old")
schedule = Schedule(clocks=[CronClock("0 */1 * * *",])
with Flow(FLOW_NAME,schedule, storage=Local(path=PY_SCRIPT, stored_as_script=True)) as flow:
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