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Last active July 18, 2023 22:27
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Calls into skb:kfree_skb

Calls into skb:kfree_skb

As requested in netdev, this gist contains the stacks leading into skb:kfree_skb:

The easiest way to look at the results is the flamegraphs, where reason is the top frame.

The results are from v6.1.38.

Normal (flamegraph.normal.svg + stacks.normal.txt)

We see ~10k calls per second during normal operation on this machine:

$ sudo perf record -a -g --kernel-callchains -e skb:kfree_skb -- sleep 1
[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 8.470 MB (9373 samples) ]
$ sudo perf script | sed -e 's/skb:kfree_skb:.*reason:\(.*\)/\n\tfffff \1 (unknown)/' -e 's/^\(\w\+\)\s\+/kernel /' | /usr/bin/inferno-collapse-perf --all | perl -pe 's/.*?;//' | sed -e 's/.*irq_exit_rcu_\[k\];/irq_exit_rcu_[k];/' | /usr/bin/inferno-flamegraph --truncate-text-right --colors=java --hash --title=normal --width=1440 --minwidth=0.005 > flamegraph.normal.svg
$ sudo /usr/share/bcc/tools/stackcount -s -K -D 1 t:skb:kfree_skb > stacks.normal.txt

Spike (flamegraph.spike.svg + stacks.spike.txt)

Spikes up to 500k calls per second can happen from time to time:

$ sudo perf record -a -g --kernel-callchains -e skb:kfree_skb -- sleep 1
[ perf record: Woken up 172 times to write data ]
4 out of order events recorded.
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 124.722 MB (398819 samples) ]
$ sudo perf script | sed -e 's/skb:kfree_skb:.*reason:\(.*\)/\n\tfffff \1 (unknown)/' -e 's/^\(\w\+\)\s\+/kernel /' | /usr/bin/inferno-collapse-perf --all | perl -pe 's/.*?;//' | sed -e 's/.*irq_exit_rcu_\[k\];/irq_exit_rcu_[k];/' | /usr/bin/inferno-flamegraph --truncate-text-right --colors=java --hash --title=spike --width=1440 --minwidth=0.005 > flamegraph.spike.svg
$ sudo /usr/share/bcc/tools/stackcount -s -K -D 1 t:skb:kfree_skb > stacks.spike.txt
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Display the rendered blob
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// show
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// functions
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// name before it's searched, do it here before returning.
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} else {
var upstack = parseFloat(a.y.value) < ymin;
if (upstack) {
// Direct ancestor
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// not in current path
// Children maybe
else {
// no common path
if (ex < xmin || ex >= xmax) {
else {
zoom_child(e, xmin, width);
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var el = frames.children;
for(var i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
// search
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var el = document.querySelectorAll("#frames rect");
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orig_load(el[i], "fill")
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if (!searching) {
var term = prompt("Enter a search term (regexp " +
"allowed, eg: ^ext4_)", "");
if (term != null) {
} else {
searching = 0;
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var re = new RegExp(term);
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// Save max width. Only works as we have a root frame
var w = parseInt(rect.attributes["fg:w"].value);
if (w > maxwidth)
maxwidth = w;
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// highlight
var x = parseInt(rect.attributes["fg:x"].value);
orig_save(rect, "fill");
rect.attributes.fill.value = searchcolor;
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if (matches[x] == undefined) {
matches[x] = w;
} else {
if (w > matches[x]) {
// overwrite with parent
matches[x] = w;
searching = 1;
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var params = get_params();
params.s = term;
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searchbtn.firstChild.nodeValue = "Reset Search";
// calculate percent matched, excluding vertical overlap
var count = 0;
var lastx = -1;
var lastw = 0;
var keys = Array();
for (k in matches) {
if (matches.hasOwnProperty(k))
// sort the matched frames by their x location
// ascending, then width descending
keys.sort(function(a, b){
return a - b;
// Step through frames saving only the biggest bottom-up frames
// thanks to the sort order. This relies on the tree property
// where children are always smaller than their parents.
for (var k in keys) {
var x = parseInt(keys[k]);
var w = matches[keys[k]];
if (x >= lastx + lastw) {
count += w;
lastx = x;
lastw = w;
// display matched percent
var pct = 100 * count / maxwidth;
if (pct != 100) pct = pct.toFixed(1);
matchedtxt.firstChild.nodeValue = "Matched: " + pct + "%";
function format_percent(n) {
return n.toFixed(4) + "%";
]]></script><rect x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="982" fill="url(#background)"/><text id="title" x="50.0000%" y="24.00">spike</text><text id="details" x="10" y="965.00"> </text><text id="unzoom" class="hide" x="10" y="24.00">Reset Zoom</text><text id="search" x="1330" y="24.00">Search</text><text id="matched" x="1330" y="965.00"> </text><svg id="frames" x="10" width="1420" total_samples="398819"><g><title>release_sock (24 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="0.0005%" y="805" width="0.0060%" height="15" fill="rgb(243,143,0)" fg:x="2" fg:w="24"/><text x="0.2088%" y="815.50"></text></g><g><title>__release_sock (24 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="0.0005%" y="789" width="0.0060%" height="15" fill="rgb(228,128,0)" fg:x="2" fg:w="24"/><text x="0.2088%" y="799.50"></text></g><g><title>tcp_v4_do_rcv (24 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="0.0005%" y="773" width="0.0060%" height="15" fill="rgb(237,137,0)" fg:x="2" fg:w="24"/><text x="0.2088%" y="783.50"></text></g><g><title>dev_queue_xmit_nit (81 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="0.0065%" y="709" width="0.0203%" height="15" fill="rgb(243,143,0)" fg:x="26" fg:w="81"/><text x="0.2149%" y="719.50"></text></g><g><title>packet_rcv (81 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="0.0065%" y="693" width="0.0203%" height="15" fill="rgb(234,134,0)" fg:x="26" fg:w="81"/><text x="0.2149%" y="703.50"></text></g><g><title>kfree_skb_reason (81 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="0.0065%" y="677" width="0.0203%" height="15" fill="rgb(229,129,0)" fg:x="26" fg:w="81"/><text x="0.2149%" y="687.50"></text></g><g><title>kfree_skb_reason (81 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="0.0065%" y="661" width="0.0203%" height="15" fill="rgb(229,129,0)" fg:x="26" fg:w="81"/><text x="0.2149%" y="671.50"></text></g><g><title>NOT_SPECIFIED (81 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="0.0065%" y="645" width="0.0203%" height="15" fill="rgb(90,237,90)" fg:x="26" fg:w="81"/><text x="0.2149%" y="655.50"></text></g><g><title>tcp_recvmsg (182 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="0.0003%" y="821" width="0.0456%" height="15" fill="rgb(237,137,0)" fg:x="1" fg:w="182"/><text x="0.2086%" y="831.50"></text></g><g><title>tcp_recvmsg_locked (157 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="0.0065%" y="805" width="0.0394%" height="15" fill="rgb(237,137,0)" fg:x="26" fg:w="157"/><text x="0.2149%" y="815.50"></text></g><g><title>__tcp_transmit_skb (157 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="0.0065%" y="789" width="0.0394%" height="15" fill="rgb(226,126,0)" fg:x="26" fg:w="157"/><text x="0.2149%" y="799.50"></text></g><g><title>__ip_queue_xmit (157 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="0.0065%" y="773" width="0.0394%" height="15" fill="rgb(225,125,0)" fg:x="26" fg:w="157"/><text x="0.2149%" y="783.50"></text></g><g><title>ip_finish_output2 (157 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="0.0065%" y="757" width="0.0394%" height="15" fill="rgb(230,130,0)" fg:x="26" fg:w="157"/><text x="0.2149%" y="767.50"></text></g><g><title>__dev_queue_xmit (157 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="0.0065%" y="741" width="0.0394%" height="15" fill="rgb(230,130,0)" fg:x="26" fg:w="157"/><text x="0.2149%" y="751.50"></text></g><g><title>dev_hard_start_xmit (157 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="0.0065%" y="725" width="0.0394%" height="15" fill="rgb(243,143,0)" fg:x="26" fg:w="157"/><text x="0.2149%" y="735.50"></text></g><g><title>vlan_dev_hard_start_xmit (76 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="0.0268%" y="709" width="0.0191%" height="15" fill="rgb(223,123,0)" fg:x="107" fg:w="76"/><text x="0.2352%" y="719.50"></text></g><g><title>__dev_queue_xmit (76 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="0.0268%" y="693" width="0.0191%" height="15" fill="rgb(230,130,0)" fg:x="107" fg:w="76"/><text x="0.2352%" y="703.50"></text></g><g><title>__qdisc_run (76 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="0.0268%" y="677" width="0.0191%" height="15" fill="rgb(229,129,0)" fg:x="107" fg:w="76"/><text x="0.2352%" y="687.50"></text></g><g><title>sch_direct_xmit (76 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="0.0268%" y="661" width="0.0191%" height="15" fill="rgb(236,136,0)" fg:x="107" fg:w="76"/><text x="0.2352%" y="671.50"></text></g><g><title>dev_hard_start_xmit (76 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="0.0268%" y="645" width="0.0191%" height="15" fill="rgb(243,143,0)" fg:x="107" fg:w="76"/><text x="0.2352%" y="655.50"></text></g><g><title>dev_queue_xmit_nit (76 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="0.0268%" y="629" width="0.0191%" height="15" fill="rgb(243,143,0)" fg:x="107" fg:w="76"/><text x="0.2352%" y="639.50"></text></g><g><title>packet_rcv (76 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="0.0268%" y="613" width="0.0191%" height="15" fill="rgb(234,134,0)" fg:x="107" fg:w="76"/><text x="0.2352%" y="623.50"></text></g><g><title>kfree_skb_reason (76 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="0.0268%" y="597" width="0.0191%" height="15" fill="rgb(229,129,0)" fg:x="107" fg:w="76"/><text x="0.2352%" y="607.50"></text></g><g><title>kfree_skb_reason (76 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="0.0268%" y="581" width="0.0191%" height="15" fill="rgb(229,129,0)" fg:x="107" fg:w="76"/><text x="0.2352%" y="591.50"></text></g><g><title>NOT_SPECIFIED (76 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="0.0268%" y="565" width="0.0191%" height="15" fill="rgb(90,237,90)" fg:x="107" fg:w="76"/><text x="0.2352%" y="575.50"></text></g><g><title>__napi_poll (20 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="0.0499%" y="725" width="0.0050%" height="15" fill="rgb(231,131,0)" fg:x="199" fg:w="20"/><text x="0.2582%" y="735.50"></text></g><g><title>mlx5e_napi_poll (20 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="0.0499%" y="709" width="0.0050%" height="15" fill="rgb(221,121,0)" fg:x="199" fg:w="20"/><text x="0.2582%" y="719.50"></text></g><g><title>net_rx_action (24 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="0.0499%" y="741" width="0.0060%" height="15" fill="rgb(244,144,0)" fg:x="199" fg:w="24"/><text x="0.2582%" y="751.50"></text></g><g><title>__sys_recvmsg (240 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="0.0000%" y="885" width="0.0602%" height="15" fill="rgb(227,127,0)" fg:x="0" fg:w="240"/><text x="0.2083%" y="895.50"></text></g><g><title>___sys_recvmsg (240 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="0.0000%" y="869" width="0.0602%" height="15" fill="rgb(223,123,0)" fg:x="0" fg:w="240"/><text x="0.2083%" y="879.50"></text></g><g><title>____sys_recvmsg (240 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="0.0000%" y="853" width="0.0602%" height="15" fill="rgb(223,123,0)" fg:x="0" fg:w="240"/><text x="0.2083%" y="863.50"></text></g><g><title>inet_recvmsg (239 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="0.0003%" y="837" width="0.0599%" height="15" fill="rgb(239,139,0)" fg:x="1" fg:w="239"/><text x="0.2086%" y="847.50"></text></g><g><title>udp_recvmsg (57 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="0.0459%" y="821" width="0.0143%" height="15" fill="rgb(234,134,0)" fg:x="183" fg:w="57"/><text x="0.2542%" y="831.50"></text></g><g><title>__skb_recv_udp (57 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="0.0459%" y="805" width="0.0143%" height="15" fill="rgb(227,127,0)" fg:x="183" fg:w="57"/><text x="0.2542%" y="815.50"></text></g><g><title>__local_bh_enable_ip (57 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="0.0459%" y="789" width="0.0143%" height="15" fill="rgb(233,133,0)" fg:x="183" fg:w="57"/><text x="0.2542%" y="799.50"></text></g><g><title>do_softirq (57 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="0.0459%" y="773" width="0.0143%" height="15" fill="rgb(243,143,0)" fg:x="183" fg:w="57"/><text x="0.2542%" y="783.50"></text></g><g><title>__do_softirq (57 samples, 0.01%)
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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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