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Created November 24, 2011 22:11
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The CollectionSize ServerRuleValidator
Copyright 2010, Bob Silverberg, Adam Drew
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or
implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
@adam drew, 2010
use Size to check the min and/or max of the length for a multi list selection or some other javascript collection on the client, and the length of arrays, lists, and struct counts on the server.
for String length input size use the Range validator.
example usage:
<property name="Accounts">
<rule type="size" context="Personal" failuremessage="This company must have at least 1 or more acccounts.">
<param name="min" value="1"/>
<rule type="size" context="Business" failuremessage="This company can have anywhere from 2 to 100 acccounts.">
<param name="min" value="2"/>
<param name="max" value="100"/>
<property name="Employees">
<rule type="size" context="Small" failuremessage="This small business must have between 1 to 45 employees to qualify.">
<param name="min" value="1"/>
<param name="max" value="45"/>
<rule type="size" context="Medium" failuremessage="This medium business must have between 46 and 150 employees to qualify.">
<param name="min" value="46"/>
<param name="max" value="150"/>
<rule type="size" context="Large" failuremessage="This large business must have more then 150 employees to qualify.">
<param name="min" value="150"/>
<cfcomponent output="false" name="ServerRuleValidator_Size" extends="AbstractServerRuleValidator" hint="I am responsible for performing the Size validation.">
<cffunction name="validate" returntype="any" access="public" output="false" hint="I perform the validation returning info in the validation object.">
<cfargument name="validation" type="any" required="yes" hint="The validation object created by the business object being validated." />
<cfargument name="locale" type="string" required="yes" hint="The locale to use to generate the default failure message." />
<cfset var theVal = arguments.validation.getObjectValue()/>
<cfset var minLength = 1/>
<cfset var maxLength = 1/>
<cfset var isRangeCheck = false/>
<cfset var parameterMessages = ""/>
<cfset var theSize = 0/>
<cfset var low = false/>
<cfset var high = false/>
<cfset var valid = true/>
<cfset var args = [arguments.validation.getPropertyDesc()] />
<cfset var msgKey = "" />
<cfif not shouldTest(arguments.validation)><cfreturn/></cfif>
minLength = arguments.validation.getParameterValue("min",minLength);
if (arguments.validation.hasParameter("max")){
maxLength = arguments.validation.getParameterValue("max");
} else {
maxLength = minLength;
if (minLength neq maxLength){
isRangeCheck = true;
if (isSimpleValue(theVal)) {
if (listLen(theVal) gt 1) {
theSize = listLen(theVal);
} else if (listLen(theVal) lte 1) {
if (isRangeCheck) {
theSize = len(theVal);
} else {
theSize = 1;
} else if (isStruct(theVal)) {
theSize = structCount(theVal);
} else if (isArray(theVal)) {
theSize = arrayLen(theVal);
if (not isRangeCheck){
low = theSize lt minLength;
if (minLength neq maxLength){
high = theSize gt maxLength;
valid = not low and not high;
} else {
low = theSize lt minLength;
high = theSize gt maxLength;
valid = not low and not high;
if(not valid){
if (isRangeCheck){
msgKey = "defaultMessage_CollectionSize_Between";
} else {
msgKey = "defaultMessage_CollectionSize_GTE";
<cfif not valid>
<cfset fail(arguments.validation,variables.messageHelper.getGeneratedFailureMessage(msgKey,args,arguments.locale)) />
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