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Created August 30, 2012 19:57
Show Gist options
  • Save bobsilverberg/3539341 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bobsilverberg/3539341 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
"use strict";
// WebQA Automation repositories
var WebQARepos = ['flightdeck-selenium', 'Addon-Tests', 'Affiliates-Tests',
'marketing-project-template', 'marketplace-tests', 'mdn-tests', 'mcom-tests',
'moztrap-tests', 'Socorro-Tests', 'snippets-tests', 'sumo-tests', 'mozwebqa-test-template',
'qmo-tests', 'wiki-tests'];
var repoData = [];
// Setup our defaults
var pluginName = 'github',
defaults = {
user: "joepettersson",
show_extended_info: true,
show_follows: true,
width: "400px",
show_repos: 10,
oldest_first: false
// The plugin constructor
function Github(element, options) {
// Set the element specified by the user
this.element = element;
// Combie in the defaults and options into a single options object
this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
// Instantiate our init function, it inherits the options object, so we don't need to explicitly pass it
this.errorType = '';
// Our Prototype!
Github.prototype = {
// Our controller
init: function () {
// Explicitly set our options and element so they can be inherited by functions
// Then init our functions to build the widget
var el = this.element,
options = this.options,
user = this.model("user", options.user, function (data) {
// Build layout view with user data and append it to the specified element
$(el).append(Github.prototype.view_layout(, options));
repos = this.repos(options.user, function (data) {
// Build our repos partial and append it to the layout, which is already in the DOM
$(el).find("#ghw-repos ul").append(Github.prototype.view_partial_repos(data, options, el));
// Fade out the Github loader gif, and then fade in the repos we just appended
$(el).find("#ghw-repos #ghw-github-loader").slideUp(250, function () {
$(el).find("#ghw-repos ul").slideDown(250);
// Init our bind function once everything is present within the DOM
// Our user model, get and set user data
model: function (type, user, callback) {
// Construct our endpoint URL depending on what is being requested
var url = "" + user.toLowerCase(); if (type === "repos") { url += "/repos"; } url += "?callback=?";
// Get data from Github user endpoint, JSONP bitches
$.getJSON(url, function (data) {
// Make sure our callback is defined and is of the right type, if it is fire it
if (typeof callback !== "undefined" && typeof callback === "function") {
// Get data for WebQA repos
repos: function (user, callback) {
for (var i = 0; i < WebQARepos.length; i++) {
// Construct our endpoint URL
var url = "" + user.toLowerCase() + "/" + WebQARepos[i].toLowerCase() + "?callback=?";
// Get data from Github user endpoint, JSONP bitches
$.getJSON(url, function (data) {
// Make sure our callback is defined and is of the right type, if it is fire it
if (typeof callback !== "undefined" && typeof callback === "function") {
// The main layout for the widget
view_layout: function (user, options) {
var markup = '';
// As it's setting a simple string, the width value can be anything acceptable to CSS (px/%/em/pt etc)
markup += '<div id="ghw-github" style="width: ' + options.width + '">';
markup += '<div id="ghw-header" class="ghw-clear">';
markup += '<div id="ghw-logo"><a href="">Github</a></div>';
markup += '<div id="ghw-user"><a href="' + user.html_url + '" id="ghw-github-user">';
// If the user has a custom avatar then show it, if not display the default github avatar (served from their CDN)
if (typeof user.avatar_url !== "undefined" && user.avatar_url.length > 0) {
markup += '<img src="' + user.avatar_url + '" alt="Avatar" width="34px" height="34px" />';
} else {
markup += '<img src="" alt="Avatar" width="34px" height="34px" />';
markup += '</a></div>';
// Check if we should show the extended info, a custom option
// Within extended info we need to check for the existence of elements, as not everyone has the same info set in their Github profile
if (options.show_extended_info === true) {
markup += '<div id="ghw-extended-user-info">';
if (typeof !== "undefined" && > 0) {
markup += '<p class="ghw-name">' + + '</p>';
markup += '<p class="ghw-place">';
if (typeof !== "undefined" && !== null && > 0) {
markup += + ' ';
if (typeof user.location !== "undefined" && user.location !== null && user.location.length > 0) {
markup += user.location;
markup += '</p>';
if (typeof === "string" && > 0) {
markup += '<p class="ghw-bio">' + + '</p>';
if (user.hireable === true) {
markup += '<p class="ghw-hireable">I\'m availabe for hire!</p>';
markup += '<span class="ghw-repos">' + user.public_repos + ' repos</span>';
markup += '<span class="ghw-gists">' + user.public_gists + ' gists</span>';
markup += '</div>';
markup += '<div id="ghw-github-user-data">';
markup += '<h2><a href="' + user.html_url + '">';
if (typeof user.login !== "undefined") {
markup += user.login;
} else {
markup += 'User not found';
markup += '</a></h2>';
markup += '<a href="' + user.html_url + '" id="ghw-header-total-repos">' + user.public_repos + ' repos</a>';
// Check if the option to show followers is set to true, if not, don't show it
if (options.show_follows === true && typeof user.login !== "undefined") {
markup += ' | <a href="' + user.login.toLowerCase() + '/followers" id="ghw-current-followers">' + user.followers + ' followers</a>';
markup += '</div>';
markup += '</div>';
// The element which the repos partial will eventually be appended to
markup += '<div id="ghw-repos"><div id="ghw-github-loader"></div><ul></ul></div>';
markup += '</div>';
return markup;
// Our repos partial, which will construct the repo list itself
view_partial_repos: function (data, options, el) {
var markup = '';
// Are we displaying our repos oldest first?
if (options.oldest_first === true) {
// Yes? use the reverse method to reverse the order of the data objects
data =;
} else {
data =;
// Iterate through the repos
$.each(data, function (i) {
// Github returns pages of 30 repos per request, however we only want to show the number set in the options
if (i <= options.show_repos - 1) {
markup += '<li id="ghw-repo-' + i + '" class="ghw-clear ghw-repo';
// This is a little bit of a hack to make the CSS easier, if the repo has a language attribute, it will mean
// the box carries over two lines, which means the buttons on the right become missaligned. So therefore, if
// there are two lines, add a special class so we can style it more easily.
if (this.language !== null) {
markup += ' double';
markup += '">';
markup += '<div class="ghw-left">';
markup += '<p class="ghw-title"><a href="' + this.html_url + '" data-description="<p>' + + '</p>' + this.description + '" class="ghw-github-tooltip">' + + '</a></p>';
markup += '<p class="ghw-meta-data">';
if (this.language !== null) {
markup += '<span class="ghw-language">' + this.language + '</span></p>';
markup += '</div>';
markup += '<div class="ghw-right">';
markup += '<span class="ghw-forks ghw-github-tooltip" data-description="This repo has ' + this.forks + ' fork(s)">' + this.forks + '</span>';
markup += '<span class="ghw-watchers ghw-github-tooltip" data-description="This repo has ' + this.watchers + ' watcher(s)">' + this.watchers + '</span>';
markup += '<span class="ghw-issues ghw-github-tooltip" data-description="This project has ' + this.open_issues + ' open issues">' + this.open_issues + '</span>';
markup += '</div>';
markup += '</li>';
return markup;
// Our bin utility funciton that will be init'd once we have populated the DOM
bind: function (options) {
// If the option to show the extended user info is set to true then bind it to do so
if (options.show_extended_info === true) {
$("#ghw-github-user").hover(function () {
$("#ghw-github #ghw-header #ghw-extended-user-info").fadeIn(250, function () {
$("#ghw-github #ghw-header img").addClass("ghw-ghw-no-bottom-border");
}, function () {
$("#ghw-github #ghw-header #ghw-extended-user-info").fadeOut(250, function () {
$("#ghw-github #ghw-header img").removeClass("ghw-ghw-no-bottom-border");
// Make the buttons become opaque when hovering over a repo row
$("#ghw-github li").hover(function () {
$(this).find(".ghw-right").animate({opacity: 1}, 200);
}, function () {
$(this).find(".ghw-right").animate({opacity: 0.3}, 200);
// Our main tooltip function
$(".ghw-github-tooltip").hover(function () {
var markup = '<div class="ghw-github-tooltip-content">' + $(this).attr("data-description") + '</div>';
}, function () {
// Setup our plugin
$.fn[pluginName] = function (options) {
return this.each(function () {
if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) {
$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName,
new Github(this, options));
}(jQuery, window, document));
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