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Created June 17, 2014 06:44
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- (void) viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.fetchUserMenuDataCommand = [[RACCommand alloc] initWithSignalBlock:^RACSignal *(id input) {
return [TCAPI fetchUserMenuData];
RAC(self, menuData) = [self.fetchUserMenuDataCommand.executionSignals switchToLatest];
RACSignal *userIsLoggedInSignal = [[[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] rac_addObserverForName:kUserLoggedOutNotification object:nil]
startWith: @YES];
RACCommand *menuButtonPressed = [[RACCommand alloc] initWithEnabled:userIsLoggedInSignal signalBlock:^RACSignal *(id input) {
if (self.menuView.hidden) {
if (self.menuData != nil) {
return [RACSignal return: @YES];
return [[self.fetchUserMenuDataCommand execute:nil]
} else {
return [RACSignal return:@NO];
RACSignal *menuButtonSignal = [menuButtonPressed.executionSignals switchToLatest];
RACSignal *showHideMenuSignal = [RACSignal merge:@[[menuButtonSignal], [userIsLoggedInSignal ignore:@YES]]];
[self rac_liftSelector:@selector(showMenu:) withSignals: showHideMenuSignal];
[self rac_liftSelector:@selector(showLoading:) withSignals: self.fetchUserMenuDataCommand.executing];
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