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Last active May 18, 2018 12:02
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Changelog in Markdown/JSON using Gradle

This Gradle script will generate a changelog.json file from a recent_changes.txt. The recent_changes.txt is a Markdown file where a developer can define the changelog and the Gradle task will convert it to JSON, so that it can be used inside a app or in later Gradle tasks. The resulting JSON structure can be found in example.changelog.json.

In addition, the changelog.json is reused for a whatsnew file that can be uploaded to Google Play using Google Play Publisher.

// Generate changelog
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def outputDir = file("${buildDir}/changelog")
def inputFile = file("${rootProject.projectDir}/docs/recent_changes.txt")
def outputFile = file("${outputDir}/changelog.json")
android.sourceSets.main.assets.srcDir outputDir
def generateChangelogTask = task("generate${}Changelog").doLast {
def versions = []
inputFile.eachLine { line ->
def match
if ((match = (line =~ /^v(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:-\w+)?) (\d+)$/)).matches()) {
def versionName =
def versionCode =
name: versionName,
code: versionCode,
changes: []
} else if ((match = (line =~ /^\* (.*)$/)).matches()) {
} else if (line == "") {
// Should be last line of version.
} else {
throw new InvalidUserDataException("Incorrect format")
outputFile.text = groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(versions)
generateChangelogTask.inputs.files inputFile
generateChangelogTask.outputs.files outputFile
generateChangelogTask.metaClass.outputFile = outputFile
generateChangelogTask.metaClass.inputFile = inputFile
variant.mergeAssets.dependsOn generateChangelogTask
if (variant.buildType.isDebuggable()) {
def validateChangelogTask = task("validate${}Changelog").doLast {
def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(file(outputFile).getText())
def changelogVersionName = json[0].name
def changelogVersionCode = json[0].code
if (changelogVersionName != variant.versionName) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException("Version name (${variant.versionName}) of ${} does not match last changelog entry (${changelogVersionName})")
if (changelogVersionCode % 100 != 0) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException("Version code of changelog entry (${changelogVersionCode}) is invalid. It should be a multiple of 100.")
if ((changelogVersionCode / 100 as long) != (variant.versionCode / 100 as long)) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException("Version code (${variant.versionCode}) of ${} does not match last changelog entry (${changelogVersionCode})")
validateChangelogTask.inputs.files outputFile
validateChangelogTask.dependsOn generateChangelogTask
variant.mergeAssets.dependsOn validateChangelogTask
// Generate whatsnew to use with
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
if (variant.buildType.isDebuggable()) {
def changelogJsonFile = project.tasks["generate${}Changelog"].outputFile
def listingDir = file("${buildDir}/listing")
def cultureDir = file("${listingDir}/en-US")
def whatsnewFile = file("${cultureDir}/whatsnew")
def generateWhatsnewTask = task("generate${}Whatsnew").doLast {
def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(file(changelogJsonFile).getText())
assert json[0].changes instanceof List
def changes = json[0].changes.collect { "* ${it}" }.join("\n")
// Remove lines that exceed the maximum number of characters in a whatsnew message
if (changes.length() > 500) {
changes = changes.substring(0, changes.lastIndexOf('*', 500) - 1)
whatsnewFile.text = changes
generateWhatsnewTask.inputs.files changelogJsonFile
generateWhatsnewTask.outputs.files whatsnewFile
generateWhatsnewTask.dependsOn project.tasks["generate${}Changelog"]
[{"name":"1.0.0","code":1000000,"changes":["This is something that has changed","Another change"]},{"name":"0.9.0","code":90000,"changes":["This was a change for a previous version"]}]
v1.0.0 1000000
* This is something that has changed
* Another change
v0.9.0 90000
* This was a change for a previous version
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