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Created November 7, 2016 19:57
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Lua windowing bindings!
// Part of the Windowing lib
WINDOWING_API void Initialise(sol::state &lua)
msgRouter = std::make_unique<WindowMessageRouter>(WinMap);
// Register stuff with Lua or something... bleh
sol::table bonsai = lua["Bonsai"]; // get Bonsai table
auto windowing = bonsai.create_named("Windowing");
windowing.set_function("DispatchMessages", &DispatchMessages);
windowing.set_function("CreateWindow", &CreateWin);
windowing.set_function("DestroyWindow", &DestroyWin);
typedef Bonsai::Windowing::Window BonsaiWindow;
"Visible", &BonsaiWindow::Visible,
"IsVisible", &BonsaiWindow::IsVisible,
// "SwitchModes", &BonsaiWindow::SwitchModes, // Needs WindowProperties defined
"SetSize", &BonsaiWindow::ChangeSize,
//"GetSize", &BonsaiWindow::GetSize, // need logic to return multiple values
"UpdatePosition", &BonsaiWindow::UpdatePosition,
//"GetPosition", &BonsaiWindow::GetPosition, // need logic to return multiple values
"SetTitle", &BonsaiWindow::SetTitle
windowing["Properties"] = windowing.create_with(
"FullScreen", winprops::fullscreen,
"Windowed", winprops::windowed
// And a framework test app
int APIENTRY wWinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance,
_In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
_In_ LPWSTR lpCmdLine,
_In_ int nCmdShow)
sol::state luaState;
luaState.open_libraries(sol::lib::base, sol::lib::package);
luaState.create_named_table("Bonsai"); // table for all the Bonsai stuff
win = Bonsai.Windowing.CreateWindow(\"Test Window\", 800, 600, Bonsai.Windowing.Properties.Windowed) \
win:Visible(true) \
function Update()\
v = Bonsai.Windowing.DispatchMessages() \
return v \
end \
std::function<bool ()> updateFunc = luaState["Update"];
while (updateFunc())
return 0;
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