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Last active January 5, 2023 18:17
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Type safe Alt-JS language comparison
A list of languages which compile to JS (Elm, Purescript, OCaml)
(Inspired by this thread:!topic/elm-discuss/Um7WIBTq9xU)
They all support curry calling convention by default.
Some interesting results:
1. `min` is curried function, only OCaml(BuckleScript) managed to optimize this overhead.
2. All optimize the self tail call
3. Only BuckleScript and PureScript type-specialized comparison functoin (>=) and inlined
4. PureScript generate a raise function which does not make sense
5. Only BuckleScript and PureScript generates module by module
Try websites:
Only BuckleScript work offline (the compiler is compiled into JS too)
range : Int
range = 1000000000
testProg : Int -> Int
testProg n = -- do some work
let lmt = min (n + 100000000) range in
let loop i =
if i >= lmt then i else
loop (i + 1) in loop n
var _user$project$Temp1482759649866537$range = 1000000000;
var _user$project$Temp1482759649866537$testProg = function (n) {
var lmt = A2(_elm_lang$core$Basics$min, n + 10000000000, _user$project$Temp1482759649866537$range);
var loop = function (i) {
while (true) {
if (_elm_lang$core$Native_Utils.cmp(i, lmt) > -1) {
return i;
} else {
var _v0 = i + 1;
i = _v0;
continue loop;
return loop(n);
let range = 1000000000
let testProg n =
let lmt = Pervasives.min (n + 100000000) range
let rec loop i =
if i >= lmt
then i
else loop (i + 1)
loop n
'use strict';
var Pervasives = require("stdlib/pervasives");
function testProg(n) {
var lmt = Pervasives.min(n + 100000000 | 0, 1000000000);
var _i = n;
while(true) {
var i = _i;
if (i >= lmt) {
return i;
else {
_i = i + 1 | 0;
continue ;
var range = 1000000000;
exports.range = range;
exports.testProg = testProg;
module Main where
import Prelude
range = 1000000000
testProg n = -- do some work
let lmt = min (n + 100000000) range
let loop i =
if i >= lmt
then i
else loop (i + 1)
loop n
"use strict";
var Prelude = require("../Prelude");
var Data_Ord = require("../Data.Ord");
var Data_Semiring = require("../Data.Semiring");
var range = 1000000000;
var testProg = function (n) {
var lmt = Data_Ord.min(Data_Ord.ordInt)(n + 100000000 | 0)(range);
var loop = function (__copy_i) {
var i = __copy_i;
tco: while (true) {
var $0 = i >= lmt;
if ($0) {
return i;
if (!$0) {
var __tco_i = i + 1 | 0;
i = __tco_i;
continue tco;
throw new Error("Failed pattern match at Main line 9, column 8 - line 11, column 26: " + [ $ ]);
return loop(n);
module.exports = {
range: range,
testProg: testProg
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@bobzhang yes the output has not went through google closure for optimizations (:optimization was set to :none).

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sjrd commented Jan 18, 2017


package helloworld

import scala.scalajs.js
import js.annotation._

object HelloWorld extends js.JSApp {
  val range = 1000000000

  def testProg(n: Int): Int = {
    val lmt = (n + 100000000) min range
    def loop(i: Int): Int =
      if (i >= lmt) i
      else loop(i + 1)

  def main() {

Relevant part of the produced code:

$c_Lhelloworld_HelloWorld$.prototype.testProg__I__I = (function(n) {
  var x = ((100000000 + n) | 0);
  var that = this.range$1;
  var lmt = ((x < that) ? x : that); // <-- optimized `min` here
  return this.loop$1__p1__I__I__I(n, lmt)
$c_Lhelloworld_HelloWorld$.prototype.loop$1__p1__I__I__I = (function(i, lmt$1) {
  _loop: while (true) {
    if ((i >= lmt$1)) {
      return i
    } else {
      i = ((1 + i) | 0);
      continue _loop

But in the above code, min is not really curried (it does have a few indirections, as an extension method of primitive Ints). Currying is not typical of Scala code. Here is a variant with an explicitly defined, truly curried min function:

  def min(a: Int): Int => Int = b => Math.min(a, b)

  def testProg(n: Int): Int = {
    val lmt = min(n + 100000000)(range)
    def loop(i: Int): Int =
      if (i >= lmt) i
      else loop(i + 1)
$c_Lhelloworld_HelloWorld$.prototype.min__I__F1 = (function(a) {
  return new $c_sjsr_AnonFunction1().init___sjs_js_Function1((function(a$1) {
    return (function(b$2) {
      var b = (b$2 | 0);
      return ((a$1 < b) ? a$1 : b)
$c_Lhelloworld_HelloWorld$.prototype.testProg__I__I = (function(n) {
  var lmt = this.min__I__F1(((100000000 + n) | 0)).apply$mcII$sp__I__I(this.range$1);
  return this.loop$1__p1__I__I__I(n, lmt)
$c_Lhelloworld_HelloWorld$.prototype.loop$1__p1__I__I__I = (function(i, lmt$1) {
  ... // same

Because currying is not common in Scala, Scala.js won't specifically try to optimize for it. However, it you ask it nicely (by putting @inline on min), you get the same code as before. So it is able to optimize currying away; it just doesn't have the heuristics to do it by default, because it's not typical.

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@sjrd thanks for your nice example, currying optimization is a quite advanced optimization (and important to curry based languages), it needs more sophisticated analysis, inlining can only solve some very simple cases.

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HERE IS IDRIS (with as backend):

module Main

range : Int
range = 1000000000

testProg : Int -> Int
testProg n = loop n
	lmt : Int
	lmt = min (n + 100000000) range

	loop : Int -> Int
	loop i = if i >= lmt then i else loop (i + 1)

main : IO()
main = printLn $ testProg 0

INTO (Prelude functions have been removed due to Idris uses WPO)

var idris_Main_46_testProg_58_lmt_58_0 = 
      return function(idris__123_e_95_0_125_){
         return idris_Prelude_46_Interfaces_46_Prelude_46_Interfaces_46__64_Prelude_46_Interfaces_46_Ord_36_Int_58__33_min_58_0((idris__123_e_95_0_125_ + 100000000))(1000000000)

var idris_Main_46_testProg_58_loop_58_0 = 
      return function(idris__123_e_95_0_125_){
         return function(idris__123_e_95_1_125_){
               var cgIdris_2 = idris_Prelude_46_Interfaces_46_Prelude_46_Interfaces_46__64_Prelude_46_Interfaces_46_Ord_36_Int_58__33__62__61__58_0(idris__123_e_95_1_125_)(idris_Main_46_testProg_58_lmt_58_0(idris__123_e_95_0_125_));
                  case 0:
                     var cgIdris_3 = idris__123_e_95_0_125_;
                     var cgIdris_4 = (idris__123_e_95_1_125_ + 1);
                     idris__123_e_95_0_125_ = cgIdris_3;
                     idris__123_e_95_1_125_ = cgIdris_4;
                  case 1:
                     return idris__123_e_95_1_125_;

var idris_Main_46_main = 
      return idris_Prelude_46_Interactive_46_putStr_39_(null)((idris_Prelude_46_Show_46_primNumShow(null)(idris_prim_95__95_toStrInt)([0])(idris_Main_46_testProg_58_loop_58_0(0)(0)) + "\n"))

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After some optimization:

function q_Main$$main(){
   return q_Prelude$Interactive$$putStr_39_(null, (q_Prelude$Show$$primNumShow(null, u_prim____toStrInt, [0], x_Main_46_testProg_58_loop_58_0(0, 0)) + "\n"))

function _runMain$0(){
   return js_idris_force(q_Main$$main()(null))

function x_Main_46_testProg_58_loop_58_0(_e$0, _e$1){
      var cgIdris_2 = q_Prelude$Interfaces$$Prelude_46_Interfaces_46__64_Prelude_46_Interfaces_46_Ord_36_Int_58__33__62__61__58_0(_e$1, x_Main_46_testProg_58_lmt_58_0(_e$0));
         case 0:
            var cgIdris_3 = _e$0;
            var cgIdris_4 = (_e$1 + 1);
            _e$0 = cgIdris_3;
            _e$1 = cgIdris_4;
         case 1:
            return _e$1;

function x_Main_46_testProg_58_lmt_58_0(_e$0){
   return q_Prelude$Interfaces$$Prelude_46_Interfaces_46__64_Prelude_46_Interfaces_46_Ord_36_Int_58__33_min_58_0((_e$0 + 100000000), 1000000000)

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function x_Main_46_testProg_58_lmt_58_0(_e$0){
   return q_Prelude$Interfaces$$Prelude_46_Interfaces_46__64_Prelude_46_Interfaces_46_Ord_36_Int_58__33_min_58_0((_e$0 + 100000000), 1000000000)

function x_Main_46_testProg_58_loop_58_0(_e$0, _e$1){
      var cgIdris_2 = q_Prelude$Interfaces$$Prelude_46_Interfaces_46__64_Prelude_46_Interfaces_46_Ord_36_Int_58__33__62__61__58_0(_e$1, x_Main_46_testProg_58_lmt_58_0(_e$0));
      if((cgIdris_2 === 0)) {
         var cgIdris_3 = _e$0;
         var cgIdris_4 = (_e$1 + 1);
         _e$0 = cgIdris_3;
         _e$1 = cgIdris_4;
      } else {
         return _e$1

var q_Main$$main = (function(){
   return q_Prelude$Interactive$$putStr_39_(null, (q_Prelude$Show$$primNumShow(null, u_prim____toStrInt, 0, x_Main_46_testProg_58_loop_58_0(0, 0)) + "\n"))

var _runMain$0 = (function(){
   return js_idris_force(q_Main$$main(null))

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be5invis commented Apr 25, 2017

Continue: Specialize constructor, test and projector of Bool and Maybe.

function x_Main_46_testProg_58_lmt_58_0(_e$0){
   return q_Prelude$Interfaces$$Prelude_46_Interfaces_46__64_Prelude_46_Interfaces_46_Ord_36_Int_58__33_min_58_0((_e$0 + 100000000), 1000000000)

function x_Main_46_testProg_58_loop_58_0(_e$0, _e$1){
      var cgIdris_2 = q_Prelude$Interfaces$$Prelude_46_Interfaces_46__64_Prelude_46_Interfaces_46_Ord_36_Int_58__33__62__61__58_0(_e$1, x_Main_46_testProg_58_lmt_58_0(_e$0));
      if(( !cgIdris_2)) {
         var cgIdris_3 = _e$0;
         var cgIdris_4 = (_e$1 + 1);
         _e$0 = cgIdris_3;
         _e$1 = cgIdris_4;
      } else {
         return _e$1

var q_Main$$main = (function(){
   return q_Prelude$Interactive$$putStr_39_(null, 
     (q_Prelude$Show$$primNumShow(null, u_prim____toStrInt, 0, 
         x_Main_46_testProg_58_loop_58_0(0, 0)) + "\n"))

var _runMain$0 = (function(){
   return js_idris_force(q_Main$$main(null))

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