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Last active June 28, 2020 06:09
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protocol ScrollableContentKeyboardObserving {
func observeKeyboardWillShowNotification(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, onShowHandler onShow: ((CGSize?) -> Void)?)
func observeKeyboardWillHideNotification(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, onHideHandler onHide: ((CGSize?) -> Void)?)
extension ScrollableContentKeyboardObserving {
func observeKeyboardWillShowNotification(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, onShowHandler onShow: ((CGSize?) -> Void)? = nil) {
let block: (Notification) -> Void = { notification -> Void in
guard let keyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey = notification.userInfo?[UIResponder.keyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] else { return }
let keyboardSize = (keyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey as AnyObject).cgRectValue.size
let contentInsets = UIEdgeInsets(
left: scrollView.contentInset.left,
bottom: keyboardSize.height,
right: scrollView.contentInset.right
_ = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(
forName: UIResponder.keyboardWillShowNotification,
object: nil,
queue: nil,
using: block
func observeKeyboardWillHideNotification(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, onHideHandler onHide: ((CGSize?) -> Void)? = nil) {
let block: (Notification) -> Void = { notification in
guard let keyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey = notification.userInfo?[UIResponder.keyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] else { return }
let keyboardSize = (keyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey as AnyObject).cgRectValue.size
let contentInsets = UIEdgeInsets(
left: scrollView.contentInset.left,
bottom: .zero,
right: scrollView.contentInset.right
_ = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(
forName: UIResponder.keyboardWillHideNotification,
object: nil,
queue: nil,
using: block
extension UIScrollView {
func setContentInsetAndScrollIndicatorInsets(_ edgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets) {
contentInset = edgeInsets
scrollIndicatorInsets = edgeInsets
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