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Last active October 19, 2016 10:43
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Save bochoven/c1c656e0c2e1b1078dfd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rebrand Munki 2 with a custom name and custom icon
# encoding: utf-8
# Arjen van Bochoven Oct 2014
# Script to rebrand/customize Managed Software Center
# Prerequisites: You need Xcode (5/6) installed
# For Xcode 6 you need to add the 10.8 SDK
# See:
# Put this script in an *empty* directory
# and make it executable
# Set textToReplace to your preferred name
# Add an optional AppIcon.icons file
# Add an optional postflight_script
# Then run ./
# ! Caveat: this is a very rudimentary script that is likely
# to break in future MSC releases. Use at your own risk
import fileinput
import subprocess
from os import listdir, stat, chmod
from os.path import isfile, join
from shutil import copyfile
# This is the name Manage Software Center will get
# Does *not* work with unicode characters
textToReplace = "Greg's Amazing Cookiejar"
# Text to search (don't change this)
textToSearch = 'Managed Software Center'
# Optional icon file to replace the MSC icon
srcIcon = 'AppIcon.icns'
# Optional postinstall script to be executed upon install
postinstall_script = 'postinstall_script'
# Git release tag (leave empty for latest build)
tag = 'v2.0.1'
# Git repo
git_repo = ""
# First cleanup previous runs
print 'Cleaning up previous runs'
proc = subprocess.Popen(['sudo','/bin/rm','-rf', 'munki'])
# Checkout git repo
print 'Cloning git repo'
proc = subprocess.Popen(['git','clone', git_repo])
if tag:
print 'Checkout tag %s' % tag
proc = subprocess.Popen(['git','-C', 'munki', 'checkout', 'tags/%s' % tag])
print "Replacing %s with %s" % (textToSearch, textToReplace.encode('utf-8'))
# List of filenames that we need to process
replaceList = ['InfoPlist.strings', 'Localizable.strings', 'MainMenu.strings']
# List of files with text replacements
files = []
# App directories
appDirs = ['munki/code/apps/Managed Software Center/Managed Software Center',\
for appDir in appDirs:
if isfile(join(appDir, 'en.lproj/MainMenu.xib')):
if isfile(join(appDir, '')):
# Find all directories ending in .lproj
for f in listdir(appDir):
if f.endswith('.lproj'):
for i in replaceList:
if isfile(join(appDir, f, i)):
files.append(join(appDir, f, i))
# Process all files
for fileToSearch in files:
for line in fileinput.input(fileToSearch, inplace=True):
print(line.replace(textToSearch, textToReplace)),
except Exception, e:
print "Error replacing %s" % fileToSearch
# Copy icons
if isfile(srcIcon):
print("Replace icons with %s" % srcIcon)
destIcon = "munki/code/apps/Managed Software Center/Managed Software Center/Managed Software Center.icns"
copyfile(srcIcon, destIcon)
destIcon = "munki/code/apps/MunkiStatus/MunkiStatus/MunkiStatus.icns"
copyfile(srcIcon, destIcon)
# Copy postflight script
if isfile(postinstall_script):
print("Add postinstall script: %s" % postinstall_script)
postinstall_dest = "munki/code/pkgtemplate/Scripts_app/postinstall"
copyfile(postinstall_script, postinstall_dest)
# Set execute bit
st = stat(postinstall_dest)
chmod(postinstall_dest, (st.st_mode | 0111))
print("Building Munki")
proc = subprocess.Popen(['./munki/code/tools/','-r','munki'])
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