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Last active February 17, 2021 08:48
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Infoblox notes // WAPI (Web API) Sample Code for NIOS 8.4.4 using python
Sample -- sample python application for WAPI
import sys
import json
import ssl #
from httplib import HTTPSConnection
USER_NAME = 'admin'
PASSWORD = 'infoblox'
VERSION = '2.10.3'
PATH = '/wapi/v' + VERSION + '/'
JSON = 'application/json'
URLENCODED = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
def perform_request(operation, ref='', params='', fields='', \
object_type=DEFAULT_OBJECT_TYPE, \
Send an HTTPS request to the Web API server.
# Create connection and request header.
# This class does not perform any verification of the server`s certificate.
conn = HTTPSConnection(ADDRESS, timeout=5, context=ssl._create_unverified_context())
auth_header = 'Basic %s' % (':'.join([USER_NAME, PASSWORD])
request_header = {'Authorization':auth_header,
'Content-Type': content_type}
if ref:
url = PATH + ref
url = PATH + object_type
if params:
url += params
conn.request(operation, url, fields, request_header)
response = conn.getresponse();
if response.status >= 200 and response.status < 300:
return handle_success(response)
return handle_exception(response)
def handle_exception(response):
If there was encountered an error while performing requested action,
print response code and error message.
print 'Request finished with error, response code: %i %s'\
% (response.status, response.reason)
json_object = json.loads(
print 'Error message: %s' % json_object['Error']
return json_object
def handle_success(response):
If the action requested by the client was received, understood, accepted
and processed successfully, print response code and return response body.
print 'Request finished successfully with response code: %i %s'\
% (response.status, response.reason)
def network_example():
Perform sample operations with networks.
# Create network
response = perform_request('POST', fields='network=')
first_network = json.loads(response)
print 'Created with ref: %s' % first_network
# Try to create the same network
#perform_request('POST', fields='network=')
# Add a new comment
perform_request('PUT', ref=first_network, fields='comment=new')
# Add a new extensible attribute
perform_request('PUT', first_network, fields=\
'{"extattrs":{"Site": {"value": "OIZY"}}}', \
# Read this network with extensible attributes and comment return fields
response = perform_request('GET', first_network, params=\
print 'Object read: %s' % response
# Parse JSON object and check its comment field
json_object = json.loads(response)
print 'New comment: "%s"' % json_object['comment']
print 'Extensible attribute "Site": "%s"'\
% json_object['extattrs']['Site']['value']
# Create another network
response = perform_request('POST', fields='network=')
second_network = json.loads(response)
print 'Created with ref: %s' % second_network
# Get all networks from the response
print 'Read all objects: %s' % perform_request('GET')
# Delete network
perform_request('DELETE', ref=first_network)
# Get all networks, check that one of the networks was deleted
print 'Read all objects: %s' % perform_request('GET')
# Delete network
perform_request('DELETE', ref=second_network)
# Check that there are no networks
print 'Read all objects: %s' % perform_request('GET')
def host_example():
Perform sample create operation with Host.
# Create network
response = perform_request('POST', fields='network=')
network = json.loads(response)
print 'Created with ref: %s' % network
# Create Host with Host Address under this network
response = perform_request('POST', object_type='record:host', \
content_type=JSON, fields=\
'{"ipv4addrs": [{"ipv4addr": ""}],\
"name": "host_record",\
"configure_for_dns": false}')
host = json.loads(response)
print 'Created with ref: %s' % host
# Delete network
perform_request('DELETE', ref=network)
# Note that host was also deleted:
perform_request('GET', ref=host)
def main():
Main function: run network and host examples.
if __name__ == '__main__':
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