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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Happy Numbers

Implementations of Happy Numbers


Simple recursive version that stores the previous steps in the sequence in an array, and checks for duplicates to detect cycles.

Can get up to 250,000,000 numbers in ~5s, with no memoisation:

$ time ./happy_numbers 350000000
"Cycle at 89"

real	0m5.752s
user	0m5.506s
sys	0m0.171s

I tricked Haskell into evaluating the map by asking for the last element. Seems pretty linear:

$ time ./happy_numbers 1
user	0m0.001s

$ time ./happy_numbers 10
user	0m0.002s

$ time ./happy_numbers 100
user	0m0.002s

$ time ./happy_numbers 1000
user	0m0.001s

$ time ./happy_numbers 10000
user	0m0.002s

$ time ./happy_numbers 100000
user	0m0.003s

$ time ./happy_numbers 1000000
user	0m0.020s

$ time ./happy_numbers 10000000
user	0m0.171s

$ time ./happy_numbers 100000000
user	0m1.550s

$ time ./happy_numbers 1000000000
user	0m14.969s


Er, right. Less code, less performance ;) Detect cycles with a Hash of value to _ (ie. whatever). Performance was basically the same using Set.

Can get up to ~100,000 in ~5s with no memoisation, with simple memoisation in a hash can get around 250,000.

With memoisation, Falls over badly I assume for GC reasons at 1,000,000 elements, or perhaps it's just demonstrating that the runtime complexity is exponential!

$ time ruby happy_numbers.rb 1
user	0m0.012s

$ time ruby happy_numbers.rb 10
user	0m0.011s

$ time ruby happy_numbers.rb 100
user	0m0.014s

$ time ruby happy_numbers.rb 1000
user	0m0.017s

$ time ruby happy_numbers.rb 10000
user	0m0.091s

$ time ruby happy_numbers.rb 100000
user	0m1.243s

$ time ruby happy_numbers.rb 1000000
user	0m47.519s


Golfed the Ruby version a bit, prompted by a comment on the original blog post

I’d be really interested if anyone can avoid conditionals.

def step x
x.to_s.split("").map { |y| y.to_i ** 2 }.inject(:+)
def happy x, map = { 1 => :happy }
map[x] ||= :cycle
y = step x
map[y] || happy(y, map)
count = ARGV.first.to_i
count.times { |x| happy(x + 1) }
import System.Environment
import Data.Char
digits :: Int -> [Int]
digits = (map digitToInt) . show
sq :: Int -> Int
sq = flip (^) $ 2
sqDigits x = map sq $ digits x
step x = foldl (+) 0 $ sqDigits x
happy :: [Int] -> Int -> (String, Int)
happy _ 1 = "happy"
happy xs x
| x `elem` xs = "Cycle at " ++ show x
| otherwise = happy (x:xs) (step x)
main :: IO ()
main = do arg <- getArgs
let count = read $ arg !! 0
in print $ last (map (happy []) [1..count])
def step x
x.to_s.split("").map { |y| y.to_i ** 2 }.inject(:+)
def happy x, map = {}
if x == 1
elsif map.key?(x)
"cycle at #{x}"
map[x] = true
happy step(x), map
count = ARGV.first.to_i
memoize = !!ARGV[1]
map = {}
# For no memoisation, don't pass map to #happy here.
count.times { |x| happy x + 1, map }
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